
but If a guy doesn't want to have Jewish kids?
that's cheating

Im up about 15k just from buying bitcoin and holding

I'd have done the same but I got my tip of 3k bitb couple of months ago. Didn't trade much but at 21k beans. Hope I'll make it

How many ways have you used Python in trading?

hodl bitcoin or shitcoins?

You are retarded to have sold your BAY. This project has a great future. You should have be patient and hodl.

Started with $200 in Jan
Profits at $1,050 now.

Literally just bought OMG a few minutes ago (pic related) so I'm not counting that in

Haven't sold anything I've ever bought (ETH at $89, ETC at something tiny, STRAT at something tiny)

Only ragret is not going in hard and dropping 10K on the cryptos I chose.

Strategy/tips? Do you trade actively?

>bought 300k DGB at 680 with around 2.5 btc, then sold 200k at 800 post crash
>bought 1.8mil RDD with 1 btc at 115 -insert pink wojak here-
>bought 5k Ark with the DGB gains at 20-30k then sold at 45k
>bought 700k DGB with the Ark gains at 380
>bought 1.6mil UFO with 0.15 btc at 7 and sold at 20
>bought 2.3mil UFO at 7 again
>bought 3.75mil MOON with the UFO gains leftovers.

-Spent 3.5
-Got 2 btc gains

So far so good, i give myself B+ as a total noob.
But hopefully the next couple of months i'll have 10+ btc gains

oh and i bought the btc when it hovered around early 3k $, so i tripled my cash.


Started with 5000€ 3 weeks ago.
Currently at around 4700€ due to the general market fear of yesterday, and a lot of rookie mistakes compensating my wins.

I hold BTC, ETH, Civic, TenX, Golem, Blackmoon tokens (soon), OPUS and TNT.

I sold my OMG and NEO recently.

Hodling for the next months unless something big happens in one of those.

I turned $1k into $3k sitting on btc and eth desu. An idiot could do it.

oh dude I've made like $58,000 in profit right now, cashed out $30,000 of that, but if I had held some of the coins I would've bought....

I bought XRP at $.008 and sold at $.05
I bought DGB at 80 sats and sold at 900
I bought ETH at $15 and sold at $50

I mean I'm not gonna do the math but I know for xrp I could've had like $60k profit if I had held, DGB would've been $48k if I sold close to the top, and ETH wouldve been like $30k if I held.

But if I held the ETH, I never could've bought the XRP and if I held the XRP I never could've bought "the byte", so it's not as simple as that.

I'm so proud of you faggots. The future is now, and we're all a part of it.