Bitcoin will never go past $100,000 each. Even if you have 21 btc that's only 2.1 million dollars ever. How's that the richest 1% of the world? Prove me wrong.
Pro tip you can't.
Bitcoin will never go past $100,000 each. Even if you have 21 btc that's only 2.1 million dollars ever. How's that the richest 1% of the world? Prove me wrong.
Pro tip you can't.
>Bitcoin will never go past $100,000 each.
And why do you say that?
$100,000 is just the beginning bro
>only 2.1 million dollars
top 1% of the world is like 30 grand a year. Bad bait
Because everyone on the news says it's in a massive bubble, highly volatile and a scam. I've talked to do many Normies about it and they all say im an idiot.
Do you realize that in order for bitcoin to go to 1,000,000 each you need 15.8 trillion dollars? The total over all gold market cap is 7.2 trillion.
With everyone saying its in a bubble and highly volatile how the fuck will it get x2 the market cap of gold.
There's no way.
>my dad gave me a small loan of 1 million dollars
You know that a million dollars puts you well within the 1%, right?
You're seriously underestimating how poor the world is and how wealth it's ridiculously concentrated by the 0.00001%
But we all know this is trashy bait
He said 100k not million you moron
>trump will never win the nomination
This. People underestimate how poor third-worlders are. And even 30k a year isn't enough in a high-cost city. Hell even 300k is pushing it.
I already have my 21 btc but I sure as fuck am not excited. Average houses where I live in Canada go for 5-6 million dollars. So cool maybe in the future I can own 1/3rd of a house.....
Cool story bro
We need to make everything cheaper
>Average houses where I live in Canada go for 5-6 million dollars.
Where in the fuck do you live?
Toronto Canada
put on your thinking cap bro. by the time btc is 100k, housing market could very well have changed
Or you could live somewhere else that isn't a hipster intfested frozen shit hole
In Toronto as well.
Getting ready for that crash :) :)
>having seven figures and still voluntarily living in Toronto
You deserve every cent of crippling socialist taxes pried out of your hands
third worlders don't count
>only 2.1 million dollars
jesus, i'd probably kill myself if i had THAT little money.
The crypto industry will replace the gold industry after all of the boomer faggots die out.
The entire gold industry is a farce.
>inb4 muh hedge
There's a reason the Jews took us off the gold standard. It's because they know gold is
bullshit. And they know better than anyone because they've been shilling it for
thousands of years.
If gold can reach 7.2 trillion, then crypto should easily surpass that. Gold is the true
You're all fucked after I win the 2020 elections on a platform of free pizza and week for everyone.
weed, rather
>Bitcoin will never go past $100k
Why not?
>2.1 Million dollars is not much
Yes it is an you are easily in the top 0.1% in the world but this isn't even the point of the 21BTC club, the point is that you own more than 1 millonth of all BTC to ever be created.
screenshot :-)
You can't inflate gold, spastic. That's why the kikes decided they'll determine what your currency is worth.
Any major city in Canada a nice house costs over 1.3 million.
Construction workers, roofers, welders, electricians, plumbers, etc all expect $30-50 an hour to build this house. No cheap Mexican labour in Canada. You also must take classes for most of these jobs.
Use your crypto profits to short banks / mortgage lenders when your market goes full gfc.
Bitcoin is going to 45k before the end of 2018. Screencap this. 100k isn't that far away.
Why the fuck would you buy a house at 6 fuking millions you wanker ?
Just buy an ikea cuckshed, what the fuck do you need more than a place for a bed and a computer anyway.
Each monopoly paper you spend on a house is a monopoly paper you could spend on coins, be smart.
In theory it can go to 100.000 if it was a replacement for the current financial banking system.
But history already proven that there are higher powers that will stop that happening. (Exchange regulation, laws, taxes, politics)
The banks know that.
Maybe instead of appreciating against he dollar, the dollars value collapses due to the hyperinflation necessary to A pay down govt debts or B recover from the next crisis?
Ie your 100k bitcoin gets you fifty 2k loaves of bread
Trailers are cheap living even close to Vancouver. The lot fees aren't that much more than property taxes and you end up paying a quarter of the going rental rates.
I don't understand buying land in Canada right now. Our dollar and interest rates are inching up to where the foreign investors are going to cash out anyway.