Run to computer

>select all images containing cars
>whole image is just one car

Thats no glitch friend. You got dumped on

30% = 4k
70% = 9,5k

OP thought he lost 9,5k of his total 14k
OP, get a grip.

Dude one of them says to click the cellos and there's no fucking cello.

I had to click a violin and a mandolin

>Select all images containing cars
>There are no car images and 4 street sign images

why the fuck do i have to do captchas and feed google data when i pay these mother fuckers 0.5% on all my fucking trades

most other exchanges dont do this kind of shit, so what makes bittrex so fucking special?

I am 30 and my life savings that I can actually access = only 2k - Also its all in crypto investments
I can understand this drama.

Sure I have another 25k but I can't access that.

That's a lot of money for a working man.

Hope you make it all back OP

mah man

I'm pretty sure it's 0.25%, user.