Was East Germany really as bad as westerners claim it was? In light of recent events...

Was East Germany really as bad as westerners claim it was? In light of recent events, it might have been a more stable society than West Germany prior to unification.

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One party states that shoot dissidents tend to be quite 'stable' compared to multiparty democracies.

They were against the globalists and they didn't had a Rothschild bank run by Soros, so they were a good and free independent county.

that's funny, i didn't realize i was on r/theDonald

I would be interested in statistical comparisons of the percentage of the population shot and killed or imprisoned by the state by East Germany and the contemporary USA, I suspect the contemporary USA will be the higher by a significant margin.

Imprisoned? maybe
Shot? No, stop watching television news.

>Shot? No, stop watching television news.

This is one of the most delusional posts I have ever read.

>having to build a wall to keep people from leaving your country

The USA doesn't shoot people for leaving.


Fair point, in a way, but it is changing the subject rather than actually disputing what I said. By the way the US military and South Korean military shoot people for trying to migrate to North Korea, I use that solely as a point of reference and not in anyway as support for the bonkers failed state that is North Korea.

The Berlin Wall was an anti-fascist measure that was intended to keep fascist elements and revisionist tendencies out of the workers and peasants state. Most of the civil service and legal system in West Germany were in their jobs during the Nazi era.

No, they just shoot people for staying.

Patton's 3rd army killed more people than Bin Laden.
I can play that game too.

Yes, that's why everyone in West Germany flooded into East Germany when the wall came down.

I'm not playing "games", I'm trying to have a grown up conversation and I don't see the point you are making here so please elaborate for me.

mods please delete this obious /leftypol/ bait post.

Actually people in East Berlin often left on trams to visit West Berlin all the time. Funny that the opposite was never allowed...


They mention it at around 10 minutes in here.

This. Pretty much all commie delusions about the great paradises of the Eastern bloc are nothing when you point out people there were shot at if they wanted to leave and after the borders fell millions went to the super """"decadent"""" and """"unstable"""" democracies.

That video literally says "Before the Berlin wall was build..."

People are shot for trying to leave South Korea for North Korea, I don't think that is evidence that North Korea is the more successful county.

Not to mention the minor fact that more people are shot and killed by the police in the USA each year than were shot and killed by East German authorities at the border in the entire existence of East Germany.

If you have to build a wall to keep people in, your country sucks.

>Anti-fascist protective wall
Every time.

>communist state
>against the globalists

>more stable society
>until it collapsed

>barbed wire and watch towers face INTO East Germany

>US military and South Korean military shoot people for trying to migrate to North Korea

Do they?

Not him but it is illegal for an SK citizen to try to defect and they have shot them for that before.

>was it really that bad?
They literally had to build a fucking wall to stop people from leaving.


That's because they're returning spies.

what point were you trying to make?

This is an ironic post right?

>literally build your economy on moscows oil because you have barely any natural recources
>idiot leaders who fuck up the economy again and again because of ""socialism""

about 20% of the people were living like north koreans
There was a common saying in the DDR which was "aus scheiße gold machen"=" make gold out of crap"
Many people had to really use their brains to not starve. Of course this wasnt like that everywhere, but you can imagine the frustration when you finally built a good business and then whoopsadoo the leader crashes the economy again.

>anti-fascist wall
>fucking fascist keep out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I'm not /pol/ I'm a communist and a Marxist-Leninist and a Maoist as well and I hate the alt-reich and the reactionary scum that prop them up, but the truth of the matter is, the DDR like the USSR and virtually all socialist states or socialist oriented states didn't have a central bank run by the Rothschilds or by that rabid anti-communist George Soros.
Communism rejects globalism and neoliberalism and the Rothschild system of banking.

What recent events?

Fuck off, the_donald is pro-jewish as fuck

>see opinion that disagrees with me

You fuckheads I never even post on /pol/, I'm allowed to state my opinion here just like everyone else

probably darkies

Best anthem 2bh


>Fuck off, the_donald is pro-jewish as fuck





>he doesn't know globalism is imperialism's "politically correct" synonym


No. It was "fine, but boring", according to my east-German ex, who was a citizen of the DDR until finishing Gymnasium (and apparently getting a $200 "welcome to capitalism" check from the west-German government). Her dad was a logistics guy in east-German trucking, and her mom was a paralegal for the government. Neither her nor her surviving mom had anything bad to say.

You lived in one apartment for twenty years, and worked one job. No one worried about homelessness, lay-offs and so forth. If you weren't good at academics, they'd find something (however unpleasant) for you to do, and a place for you to live. There were no NEETS. There was also a strong sense of community in both state and underground society "einen hand wescht der anderen" or however you say it. She said if you were lazy or slacked off, your fellow students would be sent to make sure you showed up, and so forth. you also pretty much had to join the Young Pioneers, and be inducted into the cult of Leninist, socialist thought. Note, "Socialist", they were very clear and vocal about not being a communist state, nor were they part of the Soviet Union.

It basically sounds like the Reich, minus the Aryan line.

>Was East Germany really as bad as westerners claim it was?
They literally forced someone else to adopt your kids if you weren't ideologically pure enough. theguardian.com/world/2010/aug/22/germany-cold-war-forced-adoptions

Also, weird note. Everyone became goths after reunification, for a while. She lived in a tiny village in Thuringia and the entire youth population were suddenly dressing like Robert Smith and "looking for mushrooms" (goth dancing) in "youth clubs".

I guess it's years of coercive normalcy and wholesomeness, making that seem more "real".

Did you just literally link reddit?

Well there was no homelessness, there wasn't any unemployment, usury and plutocracy was banned and the DDR didn't have a Rothschild Bank.

>the guardian
Now, the capitalist state will take your native British children and place them in Muslim hands, if you aren't multicultural enough. Ironic.

These, as far as I was told, were unusual. Maybe if you were stupid enough to speak out against the state, but everyone knew you couldn't protest freely. So long as your complaints were no-political, you could say whatever you want, so I've been told. Yes, you could listen to west-German radio and watch west-German tv, too. Apparently the Smurfs and Biene Maja were quite popular.

>plutocracy was banned
You've got to be kidding me there was a clear class elite in all Soviet style states:nytimes.com/1989/11/25/world/clamor-east-reports-corruption-east-berlin-shock-even-party-rank-file.html?mcubz=0
>Well there was no homelessness
If the GDR is anything like the Soviet Union that probably meant living in shitty communal apartments. Better than nothing but that doesn't make up for the repression.
Not like in the west but state banks certainly lent money to other enterprises.

>Now, the capitalist state will take your native British children and place them in Muslim hands, if you aren't multicultural enough. Ironic.
implying the GDR wasn't capitalist despite having wage labor, capital and commodity production
>Maybe if you were stupid enough to speak out against the state

>Young Pioneers
They had this shit in every country of the Bloc.
>It basically sounds like the Reich, minus the Aryan line
Do you actually believe this? Curious.

It was socialist, not commun/capitalist. What mental tripwire set you off on a line-by-line greentext slog against anyone not spouting Cold War memes?

Again, safe but boring. Straight from the Ossie's mouth.

why dont you fucking shut up you stupid sharter, why, why are you so fucking uneducated

>It was socialist
If you say it enough times it must be true.
>What mental tripwire set you off on a line-by-line greentext slog against anyone not spouting Cold War memes?
Because both tankies and the average Veeky Forums poster don't understand anything about Marx or Lenin and repeat Stalinist memes and I'm sick of it.

I'm not American. Why are you so fucking butthurt?

She told me the same thing when I grilled her on life in the east "People are uneducated and don't understand anything about socialism or how society was in GDR, so I just say I'm German."

The only truly retarded thing I ever got from her was "I guess we should be thankful they (Red Army) saved us from the Nazis."

I'm NS. Take that An-Cap lolberg shit elsewhere.

West germans offered east germans huge grants and money if they left the country *after* they had finished studying with the free and superior communist school system. The wall was a way to protect their investion.

Socialist. Communist schooling was no joke, though. I talked to a Czech who defected from Yugoslavia to Austria. He was told early in school "You will now until graduation all compete for one spot in university." He became an electrical engineer and realized he was getting a raw deal on his skills, compared to the west.

The so-called "Elite" in socialist countries that did not constitute a plutocracy. It simply wasn't a plutocracy because there was no Rothschild run Bank in control of these socialist countries

>I'm NS.

In a Strasser or Hitler sense of the term?

>modern Germany is degenerate therefore a shitty totalitarian socialist state was better

The absolute state of /pol/

Because it was better. You should watch this clip and look up NEO online and read up articles from Caleb Maupin and from Vltchek on socialism and communism.
Also watch this clip this will wake you up.

>Was East Germany really as bad as westerners claim it was?

No, for most people everyday life was not bad. But like every socialist country you had no freedom and economy was bad. Everything was run down and outdated.

>In light of recent events, it might have been a more stable society than West Germany prior to unification.

No, it was not stable at all. It was a Russian puppet regime and broke down as soon as Russian power was fading.