Family and scams: suicide edition

hi Veeky Forumsbros, let me tell you how my life plans got fucked in 30 minutes:

>be me, 23 yo poorfag, wagecucking all day
>found Veeky Forums this year and convinced myself to buy 35 ETH at 20$ with all my spare money and just hodl
>have a retarded brother, explain him a bit about crypto, wallets, advantages of fast transactions, etc. he seems to get it
>a few days ago I browse Veeky Forums and see one smart contract scam thread
>didn't know what was it all about, wanted to read the thread but
>I had to urgently leave for 30 mins and take care of my mother (she has liver cancer)
>leave my retarded brother read the thread, also left my phone and with that all the access to my ETH stash
>come back after 30 minutes, my brother was super happy
>"you won't believe what happened user, there was a noob guy in that thread, i think i got you some cheap coins"
>went to the PC, refresh and read the thread, my blood froze
>checked my ETH balance, all gone
>I just wanted to keep them a little bit more and cash out all ETH, give 10000$ for my mother's liver transplant (cheap corrupt country) and reinvest the rest in some shitcoins
>my brother literally destroyed my only hope for a better future and my hope to get a liver transplant for my mother
>seriously contemplating suicide since this happened, haven't slept in days, i got no spare money to reinvest

tl;dr: brother got scammed in a smart contract thread, all my ETH and hopes for my mother are gone, contemplating about killing myself

I got no other solution but to beg like a retard for some help, so if anyone can spare anything, this is my ETH address: 0xf62ba7fd1daf98e5bd642866dff90456f78f9eb4

Thank you Veeky Forums for all your help and entertainment during these months, I hope at least you guys are gonna make it

Fuck off with ur made up shitty begging

Proof first,and sharpie.I'll send 0.01 ETH after that

wow OP, that sucks, sorry but i got no ETH, i hope you get back on your feet somehow

Sounds like a story some nigger would tell while begging outside of a gas station

>leave my retarded brother read the thread, also left my phone and with that all the access to my ETH stash
not smart

Why would you ever give access to your ETH to someone that fucking retarded?

There is only 1 real retard in this story and it is you

Kill your brother.

>things that never happened: the post

Pretty simple solution OP, take out a bunch of life insurance for your dipshit brother under his name then kill him 8 months later. You're welcome.


pretty much this.

I will donate 50 eth, if you kill your brother and post proof in this thread.

I work on construction sites, usually there is no safety measurement, I just told him how to get access to them in case anything happens to me, I never thought this would happen

never happened.

> explain stuff to a "stupid" person
> he immediately READS(!!!) stuff
> then executes transactions on it


>>leave my retarded brother read the thread, also left my phone and with that all the access to my ETH stash
you deserve it

well actually OP i have excellent opportunity for you sir ! i have to tell you how very lucky you are I have for you a special offer buy espers.... on YOBIT and you and your brother daddy can see be big brother daddy together ! there is no need for delay gentleman it is time for best opportunity and we become best moon men sir

0 transactions
you never had any money

8/10 for the story, but
>retarded brother, explain him a bit about crypto, wallets, advantages of fast transactions, etc. he seems to get it
>leave my retarded brother read the thread

takes it down to 2/10 due to it being unbelieveable, if he is actually retarded.

>just want to hold ETH
>wallet and all readily set up
>on the PHONE of all things

Doesn’t sound too plausible. If you want to hodl with competence, you put that stuff on USB storage or whatever at least.

I know what this post is referencing (the ZRX scam someone did where they scammed a scammer and got $50k worth for nothing). I also know this is LARPing and that you didn't even remember the thread correctly.

However, if your mother does have liver cancer, I'm genuinely sorry.

How about you start by giving us the TXID of you sending money to the scam contract.

How did they do it

There are always scams here. Could have been the fake Chainlink one too. Or the ZRX one you mentioned. OP was probably the guy running the scam... in fact this is STILL the same scam, just part 2.

only 2/10 believable though. No photoshopped pics of txid's or anything.

At the time, ZRX's interface add up all the coins together, so you knew the amount you were purchasing/trading 'in bulk'. If you were selling 100 coins for 1, it'd show 100. It had just released, though, and people were still iffy on exactly how it worked. A few people were scammed on the plebbit like this because they didn't do their research, after it happened here.

The thread had someone pretending to be a retard. I forget if he was buying or selling ZRX, but in the end he said he was doing it for slightly higher than the market price, but 'accidentally' put it in for 0.03 instead of 0.003 each (or whatever it was - it was in that fashion, I just forget the exact value). He then pretended to panic and say in the thread that he doesn't know how to delete the transaction (you can't, you set a timer and the transaction lasts until that timer expires, as that's how ZRX works). Some other guy comes along and goes 'oh boy a retard, time to make absolutely insane bank for an instant 10x profit.

Turns out the scammer had not only pretended to buy/sell for 10x the price it was going for, but he sold/bought a bunch so that they added up to that displayed price, and the person who thought he was scamming a retard bought it.

tl;dr it looked like he was buying too much by mistake, couldn't delete it, pretend to panic. Other guy comes along and wants to take advantage of the retard and buys it. In the end, the 'retard' had carefully calculated it so that it looks like he's buying 1 for 0.03 each, but is actually buy 50000 (forgot the number) for 0.03. 'Retard' scams the person who tried to scam him and runs off with $50k worth of ZRX. I remembered half way through that he was buying ZRX, but I couldn't be fucked going back to fix the earlier shit

Damn OP, if this is true I'm sincerely sorry for you. Did you explain to your brother what he did? That he effectively killed your mom and destroyed your hopes?
I have an unironically autistic brother and if he dad that I don't think I could not kill him.

>(she has liver cancer)
i don't believe you

i think you'll have an easier time scamming people on reddit my friend, nobody here knows you or has any reason to give a fuck about your fake problems.

oops i didn't realize this was on page 7 otherwise i'd have saged

enjoy the pity bump i guess