Do you think a fascist USA would at least be aesthetic?

Do you think a fascist USA would at least be aesthetic?

I'm tired of living in a soulless, fat McDonald's controlled corporate state, maybe we ought to give this whole national rebirth thing a whirl huh?

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You'd have to first live in America for any of your shit to be taken seriously Dmitry.

American Fascism would be McDonalds, the idealized 1950s sockhop bullshit with all those 'wholesome nuclear families' eating cheap burgers beneath a sky filled with fireworks while a brass band plays DeSouza. It would be a cacophonous hell smelling like sulfur and devoid of anything intellectual or emotional, it'd be living an episode of Leave It To Beaver or Andy Griffith, with everyone who went 'off script' being executed, eliminating all the things that make America exceptional. We'd enshrine the Constitution while at the same time ignoring all of its contents to better stomp all dissidents into the ground. We'd venerate the imagios of the Founders while burning their writings and constructing new ones that better evoke a national narrative. In essence, the capitalist slave state we've made skirts close to fascism but thankfully loves money more than it does control. If it'd gone the other way it'd be poor, unproductive, boring and doomed.

> (OP)
>American Fascism would be McDonalds, the idealized 1950s sockhop bullshit with all those 'wholesome nuclear families' eating cheap burgers beneath a sky filled with fireworks while a brass band plays DeSouza. It would be a cacophonous hell smelling like sulfur and devoid of anything intellectual or emotional, it'd be living an episode of Leave It To Beaver or Andy Griffith, with everyone who went 'off script' being executed, eliminating all the things that make America exceptional. We'd enshrine the Constitution while at the same time ignoring all of its contents to better stomp all dissidents into the ground. We'd venerate the imagios of the Founders while burning their writings and constructing new ones that better evoke a national narrative.

this unironically sounds appealing


Fascism is NOT mere vulgar pining for days past.

The corporate state of fascism already exists, and Golden Arches are it's swastika.
The nazis only seem exotic and aesthetic due to being archaic losing side.
Same reason people like Confederate Flag.
It's not objectively more aesthetically pleasing, it's just taboo-ish and percieved as "alternative".

oy vey people would start getting married again and going to burgers joints for fries and a milkshake as a family again, it is gonna be horrible!

What kind of faggot doesn't like burgers and DeSouza?
It's like you hate fun.

The idea of a hollow existence where your highest goal is cultivating an outward image of being patriotic, Christian and enthusiastic sounds appealing to you? It's pathetic, it's anti-intellectual, anti-art, it exalts in being stupid and boring. It's only outlet for creativity is in cruelty, either in mockery of whatever enemy is scapegoated by the state, of people who fail to meet expectations by the state, or in one another simply to enforce their own delusions of superiority through the raw exertion of sadism on others without consequence. It is the politics of the idiot bully, nothing more

Then what is it? It offers nothing new, it simply opines the lost of the idyllic past utopia and promises the harshest possible measures to return it, or even take it to its extremes.

>cultivating an outward image of being patriotic
Not that user, but yes, that sounds appealing to me. Because I am a christian patriot.

Obviously you're some type of libtard, so, it is not for you.

It's more specific: pining for a hyper-whitewashed idealization of Roman Empire but with outdated science to give it a glossy shellac of modernyness




It's boring, it's conventional, it's outdated. It is the dregs of ideology, it says 'I love being stupid, please dazzle my meat senses and I will be content, leading an unexamined life."

What future did it offer that was different from the idealized past it romanticized? It promised Italy a return to Rome's greatness, it promised Germany a new Kaiserreich, nothing that was new and innovative, it was pathetic and a cheap ploy through a through. It was a conjob.

Man you must be a blast at parties. Go be an edgy Bohemian who thinks he's so above it all somewhere else.

You are a slave. You will die in chains of your own creation. You can already feel it, can't you? You see how empty and pathetic you are inside and it hurts you, you hide from it and you thump your chest to the beat of whatever dictator you can find to rally behind but none of it will save you.

You look around and see that you are lost and alone. You always will be.

Why do you crave validation so much? Are you so intellectually timid, so anxious about being outed as a phony, that you need others to acknowledge you to feel like you've secured a safe space in the herd? No one loves you, no one knows how to love you, you are an extra in the movie of life. People strain to focus their eyes on you, you blend into the background noise so perfectly.

Which is exactly why fascism is so perfect for so many people. Through many come one.

You're no more special than any one else but refuse to have the courage to confront it. I am not the phony one. You are.

The problem with "american fascism" is that america, unlike european nation-states, was FOUNDED on liberal principles. America needs balkanization/ethnogenesis before proper fascism can function.

As a non-American i'd support it. I hate Americans so goddamn much and would support anything that could help them run their malignant country into the ground.

As if liberalism/hedonism is anything more than "gibs pleasure for my meat senses".

Wrong. There is no unity in Fascism, it's simply a collection of thugs and criminals, the idiots on parade led by the loudest, meanest idiot and his cabal of confederates who exploit their own adherents for all their worth all while telling them they're part of a new national rebirth. It's a sad parade of lemmings off the cliff.

I assume you mean the music of John Philip Sousa. Unless you actually mean everyone will be watching the films of Steven deSouza.

Art and reason, these two things alone.

That would be a pretty solid assumption.

Neither of those exist any more. Liberalism has exterminated both.

If liberalism exterminated them, conservatism never knew they existed to begin with yet still celebrates their death.

when did mussolini touch your wee wee user?

If by "aesthetic" you mean getting pulled out of your apartment at three in the morning by a bunch of brainwashed betas in uniforms, then getting tortured in a windowless room by some creep who couldn't find anything better to do with his life than join the secret police, all while a small clique of populist demagogues enjoy being on top of the country and giving orders to everyone else while masses of retards chant slogans in the streets like a scaled-up high school sports rally... then I guess maybe it would be aesthetic?
I don't know man, doesn't sound very aesthetic to me, sounds like shit.

He was just hanging around at the time.

People who get dragged out of their homes at three in the morning by agents of the state usually deserve it on some level, even in the most nonsensical of totalitarian systems.

Actually I still believe the kind of fascism can suit to america is Integralism.

Are you retarded?

>fascism sounds appealing to a Christian patriot
Oh wow I am sooooo surprised

Fascism by it's definition is a corporate state. If it's eliminating corporations then Communism might be more your speed. Plus it has better aesthetics than fascists (who are mostly closeted homos whose whole ideaology is that they are special WE WUZ ARYANS N SHIEEET)

Example of Communist Aesthetic

Are you?

Being dragged out in the middle of the night was not done Willy nilly, even under the most brutal of Soviet and nazi totalitarianism.

Don't want to be dragged out in the middle of the night? Do not work to sabotage the state. Pretty simple.

>lukewarm interpretation of Durkheim's social theories by his intellectual inferior

Yeah, no.

>hurr America sucks because there are large corporations here
Yeah, no. If you think the government would be better at deciding what kind of art is worthwhile than the free market, and that everyone should be forced to enjoy that art, you're retarded.

Nice pic user, what based you are, don't you?

>Lives an outwardly normal life and enjoys being around his family and friends.
>magically becomes incapable of self reflection and unique identity.

Communists have no aesthetic. They work their best to destroy old bourgeois culture and replace it with horrid commie blocks.

>Being dragged out in the middle of the night was not done Willy nilly, even under the most brutal of Soviet and nazi totalitarianism.
Read about the Night of the Long Knives or the Soviet show trials.
>Don't want to be dragged out in the middle of the night? Do not work to sabotage the state. Pretty simple.
Soviet and Nazi totalitarians were themselves the ones who had sabotaged the states in their respective nations in order to take power. It was actually the duty of any honest rational citizen to sabotage those governments, since those governments themselves were the main saboteurs of the state.

If you define yourself by your relationships with others then you are definitely lacking in self-reflection and unique identity. You basically let others define you.

Communism has never had aesthetic of scale, 99% of the country becomes concrete blocks every time.

>go check what's happening on Veeky Forums in naive hope of stumbling upon a thread with an interesting historical or philosophical topic
>Do you think a fascist USA would at least be aesthetic?
Can't you keep this fashboo autism on your containment board?

What if you wrote a book years before the 'state' existed and that's why you're being persecuted? Or what if you were born into a minority that is being persecuted that you have no connection with other than mere genetics?

You are an idiot.

Both the night of long knives and the Soviet show trials were legit.

The night of long knives happened because Rohm was planning a putsch. Quite openly may I add.

The Soviet show trials were conducted by Stalin to take out rogue and reactionary elements who were trying to destroy the Soviet Union.

Again like I said, don't want to be dragged out of your apartment at three in the morning? Don't be criminal scum trying to destroy the state.

Why not? that "lukewarm" trait is what make it more suitable to american diversity.

Did you have a stroke while writing this or are you a typical low-IQ fascist?

Well you probably should have left the country way before the fascists gained power then huh? Especially if you wrote books you'd know they would not like.

You're hysteric.

All authoritarian systems provide superior aesthetics because under those systems the creativity is focused and focused towards "something higher".

Under (((freedom))), creativity inevitably turns into pissing random patterns on snow to protest against racism and homophobia.

Aesthetics in one of the reasons why i turned radically Nationalist-Racialist/Fascist.

These do sound pretty great, but you guys are forgetting the "everyone who went 'off script' being executed, eliminating all the things that make America exceptional. We'd enshrine the Constitution while at the same time ignoring all of its contents to better stomp all dissidents into the ground. We'd venerate the imagios of the Founders while burning their writings and constructing new ones that better evoke a national narrative" bit. America is a strange nation because unlike most other countries, it's built upon ideals, not peoples. France is a country made for the French people, their history, culture, language, etc. If hypothetically the Spanish would just up and genocide all French people and occupied France, would it still be France? In that same way, would America, a land built upon the ideals of freedom, liberty, and happiness, still be America if none of that existed? No, of course not, because the base of that entire nation disappears!

America should aspire to something greater than a mental flatline ideology.

How the fuck did you get that out of what I said.
My point was that you can have fucking both a good social life and a unique identity, and if you think you can't , then you define yourself by your LACK of relationships.
I'm not even a social person, I have 3 friends and thats it, your argument is just total bullshit.

Why should I leave my country because they're assholes? You're basically doing whatever mental gymnastics necessary to blame the victim in every instance. If you seriously believe any of this then you are a prime candidate for forced sterilization.

You sound like a pampered teenager with a dire need of a kick in the ass, because he's a had too much handed out to him to appreciate it properly and is bored.

Also Join the military to get a proper idea of how retarded it is and how bad an authoritarian regime with militaristic tendancies would be.

>everyone who went 'off script' being executed, eliminating all the things that make America exceptional.
Very few people would go off script if the ideal expressed in leave it to beaver became reality, and those who did go off script are degenerates who deserve it.

Like what? What you propose?

Futurism, as in creating an idealized new society to eclipse the greatness of the past and the grave it had dug. It embraced modernity and the new inventions offering a better way of life.

For example Futurism in the U.S and Fascism would be offering state-run healthcare but coercing people into taking care of themselves by restricting cigarettes to reduce lung scaring and testing alcoholics liver for cirrhosis. There can be no right. There is very much merit in modern society for the things which Italian fascists yearned for

>The concept of freedom is not absolute because nothing is ever absolute in life. Freedom is not a right, it is a duty. It is not a gift, it is a conquest; it is not equality, it is a privilege. The concept of freedom changes with the passing of time. There is a freedom in times of peace which is not the freedom of times of war. There is a freedom in times of prosperity which is not a freedom to be allowed in times of poverty.
>Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.

You sound like a fascist and asshole yourself.

You have never engage in any serious self-reflection. You have no concept of philosophy, you are another sad /pol/tard wishing you could be a brownshirt so that you'd have the fellowship of other morons to feel safe with and never have to grasp the reality of the 21st century.

You're trolling, right? You seriously believe that the old Bolsheviks that Stalin had murdered were all working against the state?
Even if arresting all such people was justified, torture and execution wasn't.

Embracing the moral necessity of the extermination of the human race.

You're wrong. You're the one incapable of self reflection regurgitating empty cliches and strawmen.

Fascism is the most fundmanetally appealing ideology in the history of the world and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Not really, Mussolini already gave a proper rebuttal to the critics of liberty in the Fascist Italian state.

Old Bolsheviks WERE working against Stalin along with reactionary elements of the old Russian state even bourgeois historians acknowledge this.

>typical low-IQ fascist?

Maybe because English is not my mother language based user, but please continue the ad hominem I like to see "non political" kiddies get mad.

I don't need to stop it. Even when its succeeded in becoming the politics of a nationstate it has always collapsed, without fail.

Long Knives was the "Discrete butch homosexual faction" lead by Hitler taking the "Be open and proud butch homosexual faction" lead by Rohm out of the way. Rohm was pissed off because the Hitler faction was making a pact with the Christian Conservatives that dominated the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Stalin pwning the Bolsheviks was Stalin starting to turn against the Jews because he became redpilled. Stalin transformed the USSR into this "Multi-nationalist Nationalist "thingie" ruled by Slavs".

Nevertheless the WW2 JEWlluminati Thesis-Antithesis process was already inevitable.

1) Sources? Maybe you can find a few historians, but the consensus is that the show trials were just that - show trials. Bullshit.
2) Even if they were working against the state, there's no way in hell they would have replaced Stalin with a worse system. So who cares? If they weren't working against the state, they should have been. It was the duty of every person to work against such a state.

It's not an ad hominem. Fascism is fundamentally an anti-intellectual movement.

Well you seem horribly worked up about in this thread. It's okay. The catharsis of our civilization is right around the corner and you are powerless to stop it.

I seriously don't know if this is projection or what the fuck it is, but I at no point expressed any political views of mine, just said you were stupid and wrong (which by the way you are).
Let me spell this out for you. I like a city to have a 'look' to it, cause it looks good to me, doesnt fucking matter what it is. As for the "kill the degenerates" talk going on, these people are fucking stupid, however I think degenerates should be shamed if they express their degeneracy in public, I keep my degenerate bullshit in my own home.
As for my political views, I believe in diplomatic isolationism (no conquoring, im not a fucking nazi). I also think every culture is beautiful, and so every culture should have land to call it's own, however immigration (on a non destructive scale, AKA highly limited immigration with strong borders) really is good.
I have probably pissed off more than half of the people reading this by something I said, yet I bet you'll claim I still don't have identity.

>Hitler got rid of the Rohm faction because they were fags and not because they were angering the Prussian industrialist elite

All states are predisposed to failure user. You just use an arbitrary constraint of time. Fascism existed in Italy peacefully for over a decade without much international incident aside from a series of small ports being demanded.
Germany flourished under it with Hitler, with the nation being capable of such tremendous success after having been neutered a decade prior losing out overseas colonies for supply for their industry as well as a merchant fleet to achieve long-term success in international trade.

Awesome, you first please

You say "anti intellectual" like it's a bad thing. Intellectuals are basically morons who think and talk too much and have no contact whatsoever with what is practical and what is "White working class".

In this aspect both Stalin and Mao were right. Intellectuals are firing squad worthy.

>conflating the imagery of the Roman Republic exalted by Enlightenment thinkers in America with political Fascism in Europe

Typical low-IQ fascist.

>that picture
Wow what a load of shit

>empty ad hominems
Typical fem brained anti fascist brainlet.

Nah, we'll start with the least worthy among us; namely fascists.

Anti fascists are the real fascists.

>If I keep spouting memes and posting /pol/ infographics, I win!

Truly pathetic

Current America is heavily fascist in regards to many principles. It just lacks the le epick anti degeneracy and Veeky Forums uniforms maymays you heard people pining for on some boards.

Because they were OPENLY fags and because they hated the Christian Conservatives that dominated the Army, Navy and Air Force. When Hitler (leader of the discrete fag faction) started to push them aside and allied himself with the Christian Conservative, Rohm and the openly butch-fag faction were mad.

I am 100% Nationalist-Racialist btw, but i don't run away from the truth about National Socialism, it's butch-fag core and how the JEWlluminati created Nazi Germany to get WW2 rolling.

Fascism was quite intellectually-minded, but it was a form of intellectualism that valued the hard truth and facts over the dark gooey soft underbelly of modernity. One of the initial thrusts of fascism on the national stage was the implementation of a national curriculum to unite southern and northern Italy. Which they achieved by leaps and bounds, increasing literacy in a decade what would take the U.S over a hundred years to achieve. Of course, this was aided by modern technology but the head education for Fascism was a brilliant man.

Can you all stop being twelve year olds?

>Fascism is fundamentally an anti-intellectual movement.

Maybe for left oriented intellectuals, of course.

It's no surprise that fascists and Stalin and Mao all hate(d) intellectuals. I'd hate them too if they were constantly proving how wrong I was. Luckily for me I'm not an idiot who still believes in ideologies that have only ever destroyed every nation and/or state they've ever touched.

>tfw the usa can never become fascist because fascists will never be able to have an answer to the race problem without scaring off all the moderates
Feels good man.

SA werent majority fags they were working class men who demanded a stronger pro socialist stance from Hitler stop drinking the memes. Rohm's faggotry was a non issue in regards to his ultimate fate.

I never asked you to spell out your views on immigration or 'degeneracy'. You offered them because they're your capstones to the identity you've cultivated from being on /pol/ in those dim hours where you're confronted by the emptiness of your life and work hard to avoid processing it. No one gives a fuck about your taste in art and the last thing we need is someone as empty and facile as you dictating what is aesthetic in terms of the character of a city. It should grow organically, created by artists and intellectuals, not troglodytes.

>If you're a good person you won't go off script
>If you go off script you deserve death
You realize that going off script doesn't only extend to raising a good, Christian family, but also free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of privacy, etc? Authoritarianism destroys individuality

Intellectualism of this regard is as laughable as apologism producing universities.

>too intelligent to have a political opinion

Pick a side and have the balls to defend it fag

Fuck off you hysteric fuck, you faggots ruin every single thread with your blithering and making pretend your brave internet anti fascist warriors.

For fuck's sake you consider nuclear family going out for burgers to be the height of evil and an aesthetic that must be deconstructed and fought against. Just kill yourself. You're already dead.

>increasing literacy rates
This is the kind of 'progress' that the Soviets literally thumped their chests over. Who cares if half-witted peasants can read? Their being able to read is immaterial, especially if you execute or exile the philosophers, artists and scientists who aren't servile slime.

Why don't you just become a fucking mormon?

Being able to read is a requirement for further scholasticism I hate to tell you user.

I'm going to continue to point out the stupidity of fascism, because apparently people need to be reminded every few decades lest they destroy themselves and others with them.