Is Chomsky right? Was the Soviet Union not real socialism...

Is Chomsky right? Was the Soviet Union not real socialism? I mean the workers clearly did not have control over the means of production.

there has been no seal communist country or a true socialist country, that begs the question if the system is actually achievable at all or if Stalinism and its ilk is the only possible outcome of that path


Yes, we have been convinced the Soviet Union was socialist because of American and Soviet propaganda. The truth is real socialism hasn't been tried yet.


Socialism isn't actually possible, so when attempts to implement it fail its defenders can truthfully denounce them as "not real socialism."

>PolPot did nothing wrong

It's the natural result of trying to implement it

doesnt matter, what is true socialism? youll never have that like a textbook case

what ppl should learn is that it cannot be forced, you can work towards it and if enough ppl agree with it, theyll establish it, but never as a minority spread the revolution kinda thing

We couldn't fly until we could.

Marxism leninism is a form of socialism. The Soviet Union was therefore socialism.

Socialism doesn't work.

>Was the Soviet Union not real socialism?

Yes, by definition. Why is this even a question? Why was this ever a question?
For 100 years socialists bitch and moan how its not real socialism, and everyone else still doesn't get it.

Is North Korea democratic? Just because Soviet propaganda pretended to be socialism doesn't change that it wasn't. THE WORKERS DID NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION. By definition, it's not socialism

It is only real socialism if it results in a communist utopia.

>I mean the workers clearly did not have control over the means of production.
They did, the government was staffed with workers who set five year plans, the factories were run by workers, and all the profits were distributed among the workers by the central government. How is that not worker ownership of the means of production?

>The truth is real socialism hasn't been tried yet.

Cambodia achieved it.

nah, Cambodia was the first anprim regime in history.


No thanks. maybe right.

Nigga you are preaching to the choir. Read that post.

>Question: Was the Soviet Union not real socialism?
>Answer: Yes, it was not real socialism, by the definition of socialism. Socialist have claimed its not real socialism since its creation a century ago.

we didn't fly by making a birdsuit and flapping

It was socialistic, but it wasn't socialism.