Same, got 150m worth of Ethereum now. These weakhanded kids are good goyims.
Same, got 150m worth of Ethereum now. These weakhanded kids are good goyims.
is this a begging thread?
i'd be grateful if you could throw some pennies my way then
i'd just sell if i had that much money in crypto
you'd have enough money to be financially indepedent untill the sun collapses unto itself
> OP is shorting ETH with his stake
I think we may have found the richest man on Veeky Forums, assuming he's not larping and actually does own the address
Any altruists around? Please send me any amount, so I can make it work and multiply. Thanks.
I am very poor
please send me some eth
i might be a retard but it looks like the transactions are all old as fuck?
Anyone actually received any ETH
pls send me eth to
I certainly would not wish to miss an opportunity for some free eth.
It would look so good next to that '0'.
Don't be a faggot OP if you're that rich.
Spare 0.5 BTC please.
Holy fuck thanks bro I owe you buying here
I need Money please
ETH me babay
Help a poorfag out with some eth
Please help me out rich Veeky Forums man, I'm a poor as shit student and owe Santander hundreds
Meant spare 5 ETH?
wake up biz
What's more likely? This pajeet owns 500m worth of ETH? Or some faggot LARPer did a search on etherscan for the top 10 wallets?
I just lost my ass on NAV
Wouldn't people that own this much just destroy the currency?
Almost every crypto has that problem.
Well shit
I thought it was clear OP is just pointing it out holy fuck you people are stupid
Poorfag needs spare, give you sexy pic 0x4C3467dB5082717070b6a2AD23cDFb58aE9241C9
If you're handing out eth. can you help a poor fag out?
broke ass fuck over that lost money over faggot ass DGB
send me bitcoin thank much
Sold at the peak. Bought the dip. Was not expecting it to crash twice let alone thrice. Could have made much more than I did.
me mom has multiple sclerosis and I have been sleeping on friends couches for the last 4 months cause I cant afford an own appartment.
also I snap posts of my poop to girls
Help achieve my human cycle o.o0x6672b75c4d0d30dc1ced08cdb9d22102d33a844a
You fucking beggars need to understand no one will give yo anything because you are pathetic.