
Which theories about the Basques are there and which are most probable?

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Not knowing a whole lot about the subject, I mostly subscribe to the theory that they're a remnant of a pre-PIE peoples who live in such a remote region that the early PIE settlers and celtiberians never really overran them, the Romans never imposed on them, and then the Arabs never conquered them, after which they were a distinct part of Spain like they are today.

Remnant of Neanderthals.

>Which theories about the Basques are there?
and which are most probable?
Not aliens

I'd have to go along with this.

Even the Romans never properly subjugated them. There were still detachments of troops stationed there centuries after their "conquest" and we have grave markers for officers that died in combat against them. With the breakdown of civic order in Spain in the 5th century AD the Basques immediately reasserted themselves and migrated.

Ancient Basques were part of the Roman Empire, and a local Muslim aligned elite was born in the Ebro basin to rule the local Basques and they had plenty of contact with the Arabs. The one from the Atlantic may have skipped the Arabic rule though.

They are the last remaining atlanteans

Sabino Arana made them up.

They are hairy cavemen with two pairs of wisdoom tooth. I know because I´m one.

i love archaic european groups.

when some Scandinavian cunt is saying there is no such thing as a native swede. I remind them that me and my people still exist. Despite the Swedish government's attempt to genocide us until the late 1970s.

it was the basques and not the moors that ambushed Charlemagne army at Roncesvalles

I wish we had succeeded with the genocide, it would make Norrland many times better.

I am half Basque and it seems to me that most Basques don't even really know or care about the history that far back.

Kinda strange considering how much they sperg out about independence. Several of my family members were arrested for participating in ETA back when it was still active. I visited one of them a year before he got arrested. Pretty comfy, he just lived in the mountains with his family and made his own cheese and absinthe.

Descendants of matriarchal and matrilinear mother god worshipping Neolithic Farmers from Anatolia with modest European admixture who were subject to domination by the Celt masterrace.

Early PIE and celts didn't overrun most other Iberians in the South and Eastern parts of the Peninsula as well, they only settled in center or the North western part of Iberia, they never managed to overrun Aquitanians (South Western France) either who spoke a non PIE language similar to basque well into the middle ages

They were dominated but their matriarchal ways somehow allowed them to incorporate the new Indo-European males into their society without language shift. Gascons despite not speaking Basque anymore have more Vasonic Y-DNA I2 and G.

Gascos spoke Aquitanian well into the middle ages, they just shifted to French over time, they didn't shift language because of a violent invasion of Bronze age indoeuropean speakers

Anyway calling the people who invaded Iberia or South France "PIE" like we did earlier is wrong, since by the time they arrived to those places they already spoke some Indoeuropean language and the original PIE in all likelihood

There might not be an appropriate word to specifically describe the language of the first IE who reached the Atlantic.

That nobody knows where they came from, or who they are a part of, or where their language came from, or how they got there, or how they stayed intact for thousands of years.

Yeah let's just ignore everything we know from archaeology, linguistics and especially genetics.

We know they were urnfields from the balkans, their cousins the Etruscans will influence greatly and rule over what will become Rome, they instead decided to chill in the mountains

Are you a Lap? Quite cool. I 'm learning Hungarian and am quite amazed how similar Finno-Ugric languages are

>when some Scandinavian cunt is saying there is no such thing as a native swede
Wow the swedes really drank the koolaid huh

Are you retarded or just pretending?

Sami people are NOT the native population of Scandinavia. For someone who pretends to be hating the government for muh oppression seems very eager to swallow the latest government propaganda fad.

Well they are the native population of Norrland /Swedish Lapland.

Not in the way you're thinking. This sami cunt is pretending there is some Scandinavian top-level movement saying Samis are not the native Swedes which is untrue, rather the idea is that white Nordic Swedes are not the indigenous population but Sami people are and therefore there is no such thing as "Swedish" and everyone should be welcomed :^)))))

Not as retarded as you think, the urnfield were people who were escaping from the infuriating Indoeuropeans, they were Balkanians who in my opinion allied with Balto Slavics r1a who rebelled against the r1b corded ware descendants and they migrated south to italy and West to Southwern France and Catalonia

The indigenous population were _originally_ Paleo-European hunter gatherers. They are gone.

Indo-Europeans and Uralics are both intrusive but Indo-Europeans never really lived in Northern Scandinavia.

Perhaps, but that has always been just a frontier and completely irrelevant in the history of Sweden and the people living in Southern Sweden came to Scandinavia long before the Sami and/or their ancestors.

Balkanites or in other words neo-MENA Europeans is what the Basques are not.
Their ancestors left Anatolia and Balkans when it was still devoid of Caucasus and Levantine type DNA. Think of a better theory.

They got absorbed.

Probably not. I'd say terminated.
The WHG is just something Corded Ware picked up in Poland which had prior to IE a population of farmers rich in WHG admixture.

Full scale population replacements are extremely rare in anthropological history. It's more valuable to kill the men and breed the women desu.

sami ancestors were domesticating reindeer in laapland before the nordic bronze age.

There wasn't a very large population there to begin with. Hunter gatherers can't sustain large population sizes and Neolithic farmers ran into some troubles and had to retreat from Stockholm all the way to Malmö.

Pre-Indo-European people with much Neanderthal blood. The Iberians, the Sicani, the Sardi, the Ligurians and the Aquitanians were probably related languages scattered and separated by the incoming indo-Europeans.