Can someone redpill me on universal income from a tax perspective?

>hate speech laws
What, are you worried you can't fly a nazi flag without someone getting mad at you? Fuck off.
>over the ability to have cheap healthcare if I WANT it
>if I
That's great you've got yours, but what about others who can't afford it, including those that lost the ability to work for a while because of a debilitating and expensive condition?

theres no business without banks
theres no banks without money
theres no money without social contract
theres no social contract without law
theres no law without enforcement of law
theres no enforcement of law without the state
theres no state without tax

the concept of not chipping in for the stability of the state is beyond moral hazard, its an actual hazard.

>no business without banks
This is where we should all agree to stop reading.

Bernie can still win, right faggot?

ok so you got your small loan of a million dollars from your dad instead but the entire top half of the dependencies was not the point.
the point is the entire system of society is built upon taxation. it all comes crashing down without it.

The US didn't have an income tax for the first, what, 90 years? The notion is un-American, this country was founded to escape taxation. If you'd told those men that some communist kikes were going to redistribute the wealth of white, working males to unemployed negroes they would point to the 2nd amendment and laugh at you. The United States has been kiked to unrecognizeability.

>The US didn't have an income tax for the first, what, 90 years?
there were still taxes.