Will it break through $12 again?
of course it fucking will
Ughhh yeAh
The amount of panic I've seen on biz in the past few hours is unreal. I feel like I'm only two months into my 'nam tour but I'm already a seasoned vet compared to you pussies.
You impatient retards. This is going to be a $500+ coin in less than a year from now. Go jerkoff and play vidya in the mean time.
What's a good buy in price? Will it go sub $9 this weekend?
>implying we are serious
Do you know where you are?
around 200k is my buy in
It WILL break 12 again garunteed. It MIGHT go sub 9 before sunday is over. if u bought high hodl, if u bought low u shoulda sold at the top and bought back in now
Bought at 265 and just sold all i had. At least i don't lose everything.
Just went all in on EuropeCoin, its looks great right now.
>I've had a few
Never. I already sold all mine.
Buy high, sell low. Good play!
you'd be fine buying in at any price but i can see it going to the $9 range possibly
sure. itll be down in satoshi though
fucking kek I'm sure europecoin will beat all this.
>already an existing payment gateway company
>Met with central bank of thailand to discuss integration
>Already being used/test runned in the ministry of fiance in thailand.
>Facepay will be used in ~240 mcd's locations across thailand.
>More news and expansion coming.
>Jun has already stated that Omise facepay and omisego will merge into 1 entity.
>Plasma will allow billions of transactions a second.
>Building their own blockchain with the help of money skeleton after they are done piggy backing eth/plasma to get started.
>Every transaction that goes through omise, facepay, omisego will benefit the price of omisego due to proof of stake.
>Palm beach research who correctly predicted eths value of around $360 18 months in advance predicts $700 for omise in the "near future"
just holy shit stay stupid I'm sure europecoin will btfo omg kek
Bestest decision i´ve heard so far on this board. You is gonna make it!
It is not going below 220k.
I told you fags 2 days ago when everyone was hyping this saying it can basically never go down. I said that it will go to around $8 before continuing to go up and nobody fucking believed me, but here we are, on the way to $8.
This is a third time this week I was right Veeky Forums - first predicted the blockCAT $1.50 floor, predicted the NAV pump and said that OMG will go to $8. Why do you never listed, anons?
yeah and you were wrong
it isn't going below 220
kill yourself
Sorry Sb8DgmDQ, I'll make sure to listen to your advice next time you post!!
But you haven't actually been right yet.
Just Sb for you, user.