Boomers getting salty

boomers getting salty


>You should be held liable for others' decisions
I hate people like this.

just read that on coindesk 10 minutes ago

Reminds me of salty bagholders bitching to devs about market price in slack

fucking gay boomer. I believe articles specifically mention that it's not financial advice. It's the old person equivalent of a 15 y/o following what biz says.

Dude fuck the boomers seriously if it wasn't for them we wouldn't even need crypto. They fucking looted this country, and sold out all of the workers for cheap chink and Mexican labor. They basically let our entire statue quo and way of life collapse all for a few extra bucks.

Yep, next decade is going to be interesting for sure. Boomers don't deserve any sympathy but I'm hoping to be a little compassionate.

>it does not hurt me
>proceeds to rant and whine


My perfectly designed shitcoin portfolio insulated me from your dip. It also insulates me from gains.

Praise kek.

>Lived through the greatest prosperity in American history.
>More than 1/3 of them have no savings.


They got so used to short term gains that came from voting to deregulate our financial system that they literally scream for a bailout like theyve earned it. Everyone was rolling in the cash when all those new bills were printed once our money no longer had to be backed by gold. If they struck it rich on this same information this guy's bitching about they'd be posting how brilliant they are. They ruined the country in one generation

Same exact reason they shut us down from forex to protect us.

>boomers spent their glory days on overpriced real estate and family vacations expecting their kids to take care of them
>resent and disown their children for learning about economics over video games
>children will still inherit all of their assets anyway

Boomers gettin boomed on.

buy high sell low
thanks , faggot boomer

>boomers trying to ruin the world even more
lmao i hope these stupid fucks lose everything and die

>fake news should have legal consequences
what the fuck?

boomers lived in theri marxist paradiese on the expense of the rest ( older + younger ) of society 4ever.
they never learned real life.

they cant even hodl 4 one day, because they are that spoiled.
that guy deserves to llose everything


>when you dump on a boomer

something about grandpas calling crypto a ponzi and whining about people making money off of it really sets me the fuck off. its like the ultimate culmination of their ignorance of everything

Can't say I blame them. They fell for the Jew communist brainwashing pretty badly. Thankfully we have the internet now and more people are able to un-cuck themselves through the power of information.

The hallmark of boomers is "got mine, now fuck you"

Boomer reporting in. Lube your arses you little Golden Pony Boy Faggots, cuz Im about to shove a Copypasta of Legendary Proportion up your Anal Canal. (YOU) are the psuedo socialist who caused jobs to flee the USA with over taxation and over regulation. (YOU) are the ones who caused the Collapse of 2008 with your Every Poorfag In a McMansion No Doc Loans. What did you thunk would happen you Dumb Motherfuckers?! (You) were the ones that voted in a Socialist Marxist for TWO TERMS RUNNING YOU DENSE MONGOLOIDS. (YOU) Signed Global Accords desugned to make THE USA A THIRD WORLDS SHITHOLE FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU GET DRAFTED AND GO TO THE MEATGRINDER IN KOREA. IF you survive, maybe it will strip away all of your golden pony boy socualist faggotry that is THE ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR COUNTRY. BOOMERS HAD NOTHING TO DO WOTH IT. FUCK. YOU. That is all.

yeah but one of us will be alive in 10 years and it wont be you

>mfw I'm not a degenerate boomer

I will be alive in 30 years, sonny. I dont sit in Moms basement swilling mt dew and Cheetos.

"us people with our 4 investment properties, free education, vast stock portfolios and 401k 's think it's mean that you are helping us make even more money" . what a fucking baby

boomers are toxic . they want it all.and don't want to pay a cent for anything

We fought and died for our shit. Your Turn.

fighting alcoholism and losing doesn't count faggot.

your parents and grandparents did, not you

I hope I can still use Veeky Forums after death

would make a good copypasta

no you didn't fuccboi. you had it handed to you by the greatest generation on a golden platter and fucked it all up for your children and your friends' children while also fucking your children up with participation trophy "everyone's a winner" culture.

Im in crypto to see boomers get BTFO'd desu.

Alcoholism is a trend picked up by my eldest son, who is of YOUR ilk. Fuck off.

You knoe jack shit about who I am where I have been and what Ive done.

That was your single Mom, sonny, not me.

lol my parents are still together and your son is an alcoholic.

Aww they din du nuffin.

Fucking this
My grandmother is 67 and was born in a decently well off family and raised in a home with 10 rooms. She lived through a golden age the likes of which was never seen and may never be seen again.

What does she have to show for it? Almost $300 in savings, a barely running minivan from 2007 she still hasn't paid off, and a home she doesn't own. How can these retards have fucked up on easymode so badly?

t. Delusional Boomer

Thanks for the 62% white country. Really gonna enjoy the civil war.


Fuck boomers I would pay to make them poor.

good parenting guv!

He is right about the manipulation occurring though. I mean it even happens pretty rampantly on Veeky Forums as well.

He's suicidal. congrats you failed. This is somehow our fault. honestly can't wait for you to die off.

Jewish/CIA programming. TV really fucked the boomers up good. They STILL can't wake up. Sad!

Bought that motherfucker everything. He took that and more. Took over my family cuz he was too lazy to go out and make his own. He wanted everything a boomer had without having to work for it just like you lazy faggots . Fuck you. I am done here.

there won't be a civil war, we're just going to slowly (but more quickly every year) become a minority in our own country while our generation smokes weed, wallows in uncontrolled debt, plays video games, and jerks off to porn.

Nah dude. Not this time. You've surrendered, but some still have hope.

It's part of the game. This is the true price of freedom. The intelligent will inherit the wealth of the earth through discernment and risk taking.

So what your saying is when shit goes down I need to pop anyone under 35 thaat gets within a mile of my place. Duly noted.

No, sir, please. We can't have you getting all exited over something you read on the internet. Look at your blood pressure, it's through the roof! I'm gonna get some more medication and a bologna sandwich for you sweety just hang in there.

he's talking about brown people gramps.

No, just shoot niggers and other invaders or else they will rape and kill everyone you love.

said it once, I'll say it again... BAD parenting . it is up to you to discipline your children. children are a reflection of their parenting ..don't like your kids or think they act poorly? chances are you don't like your own reflection! like stupid dogs having stupid owners...

Already did in the Army oldfag. I'm not mad cause I'm doing pretty well but I do blame your generation or fucking shit up

Dad knows the game.

(((Boomers))) have the attention span of 5 year olds. Truly the worst generation. We've still got idiots in ours though, if you follow Bloomberg on Facebook just browse any comments under a Bitcoin subject.

^ This guy gets it, you don't. BoomerCuck. I hope you get raped and killed by a pack of feral niggers. You deserve it.

I sense some Gen Z on here. You our our only hope. The Millenial Degeneracy must be purged. It is upon your shoulders to reclaim Western Civilization.

i'm 27 and my generation is just as shit as yours but at least i'm doing well.

Fuck you gramps, you've already given up. You're a coward. Why let the next generation fix things? You're an eternal loser. I am more of an adult than you. You can fix things now, but you kick the can down three generations. Kill yourself.

I really hope youre larping cause otherwise you epitomize the very faggotry this thread is dedicated to. indignant, arrogant boomer scum.

I can only hope somebody so utterly triggered and 21st pair chromosome club is larping as well.

Fucking boomers see how they feel if the coin crashes 80% let alone 20% in a day. I lost nearly all my portfolio several times and came back stronger.

Except for those under 16 gen z should be spared.

why would you subject yourself to such torture ?!

so you can marry them, Cletus?

Yeah, but he should levy his arguments against the Jewry of Goldman Sachs and the like, not some fuckin blogs.

Boomers and their parents spread their asscheeks for the Federal Reserve. Everything else was a side effect of that and completely out of their hands. The boomers were fed narratives for why those changes were good, and some of them believed it, but not a single one of them ever had an actual say in the matter

So I'm not as much of a shut-in and understand what's going on with the normies.

Never thought about this before from this perspective tbqh

This honestly. And most of our race is cheering on our own death. At this point I've taken the blackpill as I'm tired of trying to help people dumber than me who hate me for it so I'm going to focus on taking care of myself and my family and not worry about trying to save everyone else.

Millennial: " I didn't cause outsourcing and the recession. I was in elementary school."
Boomer: " Always a fucking excuse with you Millenniums." LMAO

>boomers: let's not take responsibility and whine to the FED
>anons: let's just whine about boomers and ignore the rape from the FED
We both have a common enemy. Why are you playing into their hands? Divide and stupify is literally their calling card.

Just got confirmation. You Millenials are going to get drug kicking and screaming into adulthood. Many of you will not make it. Draft Incoming. Screencap.

lol you wish nigger

Cut the bullshit and stop absolving them of agency. They had a say in everything from destroying marriage with the Sexual Revolution, to Feminism, to allowing and even helping Marxism take root in academia, media, and politics. The Marxism and Bolshevism we see coming to fruition now.

If they had devoted that energy to ending the Federal Reserve (the privately owned bank that we're somehow in debt to because they tell us to print currency and then pay it back to them with interest one day even though the government can do that itself) we would not be in this mire. But they were busy getting high and fucking strangers in the mud at Woodstock. They were the original #YOLO generation.

This "debt" is mostly their debt, and many of them will live long enough to reap what they've sown. The recovery since '08 has been entirely superficial, smoke and mirrors of the Federal Reserve. The next crash will be all of that and far more.

Every new generation is a steward, whose foremost task is to preserve the integrity and sustainability of the Nation. If one generation shirks their duty, the next will be disadvantaged in their ability to fulfill theirs, until finally there is nothing left to conserve, nothing to uphold, no sense of ancestral and cultural heritage and pride, no fundamental purpose and meaning. Only a glib, sneering submission to the temporal and carnal.

This is such a precarious continuity and vital struggle, that if only one generation forgets both the past and the future, all is lost.

The United States is already dead, and has been for decades. Everything we see now is only the bloating, the rot, and the parasites. Now we have our own struggle, our own burden on the horizon, which is to create something wholly new, yet still built on the foundation upon which the old structure was, before it was set ablaze in worship of hedonism and base mammalian indulgence. It falls upon our shoulders to create a New Byzantium.

Nork miniaturized hydrogen warhead capability confirmed. Were going in.

>Draft Incoming

Never again.

This poster has it. We Boomers are guilty in that we permissively indulged our millenial offspring, and now they have destroyed the country.

>is >50
>still trolls japanese anime website

Fuck off and go empty your piss sack all over reddit

This is a Himalayan Basket Weaving Forum. Lurk moar, Scrub.

the boomers die soon. good bye go to hell. boomers laws are jews laws. kill em all

When their home prices collapse and their retirement benefits get cancelled by the bankrupt governments, they will be begging their kids for a few measly sats.

You are going to be on a Plane for Korea before you blink twice, Pony Boy.

And you will be rotting on a Beachhead in Korea.

>those pesky millenials

Bring it, scrub.

Boomer so indoctrinated by media he thinks second Korean war will actually happen...

Your severe butthurt is showing. You're too old to be here. If your hands are shaking with anger as you type, stop typing. You would have learned this if you hadn't jumped on the internet fad by getting a facebook account in 2015.

Time to shake the Etch-A-Sketch, Sonny.

Never been in Fakebook, Sonny. Its where Millenials go to think they matter.

please stop bullying this old failed father.
it's sad seeing him project his rage towards his son against all of you nice folks.

this is sad
