Has there been anybody else in history that's been an undisputable force of good upon humanity other than these guys?

Has there been anybody else in history that's been an undisputable force of good upon humanity other than these guys?

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Why is the French flag there?
Is this in France?

Also I hope this whole thread is bait.

You may criticize it, but you can't deny EU is genuinly a force of good

> plunge millions in southern Europe into economic slavery
Literal Fourth Reich.

Britain and America are the true protectors of civilization.

>force of good
no it's a force for keeping europe powerful politically and economically

Britain and North America are the wel established middle children while Russia is the rough older brother who beats the shit out of anyone who gets in his way

>getting bailed out and having to pay back a loan is slavery

its a force to prevent wars in europe, which is undeniably a good thing

You just know you're genuinely retarded when your actions make capitalists and communists team up to destroy you.

Which is unquestionably a good thing.

how the hell would we be having european wars outside the balkans when western european countries all have next to no army because the US is providing them defense through NATO?

Pre empire Rome.

How? Name one good thing about the EU. Preventing wars doesn't count because NATO and the US hegemony did that.

Greece and Turkey have plenty of conflicts despite both beeing in NATO


Free movement of people and capital, that's about it.

friendship between nations
protection of consumer and worker rights
development of poorer countries
free travel

>Soviet Union
>in any circumstance

>invented concentration camps during the Boer Wars
>spent 100 years mowing down noggers with machine guns with the goal of economic exploitation and snuffing out various cultures and racial demographics, both European and non-European

>crypto-oligarchy who's intelligence agencies have staged coups, false flag attacks, and illegal invasions for decades

>actually France hasn't really done anything wrong besides embarrass it's self during and after WWII, before that it was an arguably benign colonial power relative to other European countries

Looks like Berlin

>undisputable force of good upon humanity
Pic related.

>including the reddit hexagon

what did I just say?
How much, for whom, and at what cost?
>friendship between nations
Like when Greeks burn effigies of Merkel?
>protection of consumer and worker rights
By signing trade deals that forbid national governments from signing laws that protect consumer rights?
>development of poorer countries
At huge expense of wealthier countries. If I steal from you and give it to poor people, is that objectively good?
>free travel
for dangerous terrorists and criminals as well

Meant for

Free movement of people is responsible for the immigration mess we are having right now, and directly assisted muslim terrorists in preparing attacks.

>Free movement of people
I'm sure the victims of Gypsy pickpockets would disagree

>How much, for whom, and at what cost?
I think a good comparison is the difference in GDP between Ukraine and Poland.
While Poland moved towards the EU and joined it eventually, Ukraine remained in Russian sphere of influence

You are contradicting yourself, even if you do not realize.

You can't be serious

That's a fucking dreadful thing.
My grandfathers generation hates Europe more than they did when they were losing brothers in a war against the continent, at-leat the EU. What an insult it is to those poor boys sent by their millions to the ignominious abattoir that was the second world war for over-paid liberal bureaucrats to take credit for the "peace and prosperity" Europe now sees.

The EU is a fucking abomination.

Free movement WITHIN Europe, not into Europe. Merkel is actually violating EU rules by letting in hordes of niggers.

Thanks to EU, no more generations of youg men will have their lives stolen to fight wars in Europe.
EU genuinly made the world a better place.

I would argue that this simply proves that being a Russian puppet state is bad for your economy. I also want to point out that the EU is not the same thing as European economic integration and the latter can exist without the former. I think the biggest trick the EU ever pulled was convincing the world that the European Union and European cooperation, or even just Europe are synonymous. Now anyone who opposes the specific political institution that is the EU, is seen to oppose all European cooperation.

Please point out how.

Free movement within in Europe means that any brownskin that manages to put as much as a toe on Greek or Italian soil, can walk all the way to welfare paradises like Sweden or the Netherlands. If they were stuck in Southern Europe, they'd have much less reason to come.

Please explain how it was the EU, and not NATO and US hegemony that caused this. Nobody was aiming for another war even before the EU was founded.

Without EU, Poland would only have the choices of either beeing German or Russian puppet state. Now, thanks to EU, they are an equal member in the Union, with representation, voting rights, and job opportunities in all of the EU. Not to mention the development money that goes to Poland every year.
You can't unironically think Poland would be just as well off if EU didn't exist

A gigantic geography fail.

Despite both beeing in NATO, Greece and Turkey still hate each other have many conflicts. If NATO was ever to retreat (for example, let's assume a protectionist president came to power), a war between those two countries would be likely.
France and Germany, on the other hand, who used to be arch enemies, are now best friends, and NATO isn't needed anymore to keep peace between those countries

>Free movement within in Europe means that any brownskin that manages to put as much as a toe on Greek or Italian soil, can walk all the way to welfare paradises like Sweden or the Netherlands. If they were stuck in Southern Europe, they'd have much less reason to come.
The problem isn't the Schengen, the problem is letting shitskins in. It's like saying the US is a mistake because a Mexican can travel from California to Nevada, when the real problem is at the Mexican border.

The US makes sure that Greece and Turkey will never go to war. France and Germany are rivals still, but to think they would ever go to war is laughable. Not because of the EU but because Germany has a very limited army and US military bases on its own soil.

>the development money that goes to Poland every year.

As one of the countries paying this development money, I state that this is in no way an objectively good thing.

>job opportunities in all of the EU

Workers in my country getting outcompeted by Polish workers because they can accept lower wages, is not an objectively good thing.

In short, I'm sure Poland benefited from the EU, that does not mean the EU is an objectively good thing.

>The US makes sure that Greece and Turkey will never go to war.
How? Once US pulls out, there is no guarantee that there wont be another war between Greece and Turkey.

>Not because of the EU but because Germany has a very limited army and US military bases on its own soil.
Such a stupid statement. Germany could tell American army to GTFO and build up an army if it desired. It has the necessary knowhow and industrial capacities

>As one of the countries paying this development money, I state that this is in no way an objectively good thing.
You don't think it is an objectivly good thing when countries voulentarily help their neighbours to catch up and develop?

IF the US pulls out. And how in god's name is the EU a guarantee that there wont be a war between Greece and Turkey??

No the Germans can not do that.


No it isn't. My people voted AGAINST the EU in a referendum but we were ignored, and now EU rules FORCE my country to pay this development money. If I steal from you and give it to poor people, is that objectively good?

>the EU money is helping
Objectively untrue, most of the money ends up in the hands of corrupt politicians and overpriced crap people don't benefit from in any way. You'd have to be a literal retard shill to think this is in any way good.

>Objectively untrue, most of the money ends up in the hands of corrupt politicians and overpriced crap people don't benefit from in any way
This is false. Most of EU budget is used for infrastructure projects

>And how in god's name is the EU a guarantee that there wont be a war between Greece and Turkey??
Through friendship between people and mutual trade which makes a war between members of a single market simply note worth it

> My people voted AGAINST the EU in a referendum but we were ignored, and now EU rules FORCE my country to pay this development money.
this is a lie

I'll tell you exactly how these "infrastructure projects" work:
>some shitty park nobody visits in the middle of nowhere
>mayor obtains a grant from EU funds for reconstruction
>hires his cousin who owns a construction company to do it
>does a (((qualified estimation))) saying it will cost 500k Euros to put in three benches and plant five trees
>the EU actually okays the funding because they're a bunch of troglodytes
>western European retards unironically believe the eastern part of EU would starve if not for the money they're sending
That's a real life example, by the way. The flow of EU money should be stopped ASAP, it does nothing but create immense corruption.

sorry but anecdotal evidence doesnt count

>Be shit in economics.
>"Waaaah the Germans want to keep us poor."
Learn how to save money, Paco.

It's a documented case, brainlet.

Are you aware that Turkey is not in the EU you fucking mongoloid

>this is a lie


So you are telling me it is a lie that 61% of the Dutch voted AGAINST the EU constitution.


And you are telling me it is a lie that by this treaty, members nations are OBLIGATED to pay funds to the EU which are then used for development money to countries like Poland?


Okay retard, enjoy the diversity.

>b-but you can't have a good economy without immigrants!

>invented concentration camps during the Boer Wars

They were unfortunately under-supplied refugee camps

>spent 100 years mowing down noggers with machine guns with the goal of economic exploitation and snuffing out various cultures and racial demographics, both European and non-European

Simply false, British colonization was always a net benefit for both parties