How many crypto investors do you think killed themselves in the last 24 hours?

How many crypto investors do you think killed themselves in the last 24 hours?

I did


just a bear trap

I imagine the dropped tendies and bad tempers towards mothers was higher than suicide count.

Lots of Cryptopia users who got their account hacked and their DGB and SIGT stolen

I almost had a heart attack

I got that "wanna punch my fist through the monitor" feeling several times, but I didn't do it, fortunately.

The fact that people are so afraid of 10 percent drops and the bitcoin market cap is over 70 billion still should be very telling. We are living in different times

>crypto investors
Maybe will be hard for some kids explaine to their parents how they fucked up the money in the piggy-bank.


Not as hard as it will be for some parents to explain to their children where their college fund went.

> hello?... yes officer there has been a robbery... no, nothing of value was lost...thank you for your time... no, I didn't buy the dip

I did not. I cashed out my BTC at 4936. Went to a nice dinner, drank great wine, now in my penthouse apartment.

I don't know about the past 24 hours, but I'm sure there are some anons who never made it through the july bear market.

bb's first dip?

This was a mini winni dip. you are lucky


I await OP's literal suicide when his portfolio drops 85% and he doesn't know how to hold. He won't believe me either because it seems so improbable until it happens for real.

lolz i hope max lee got a bunch of his coins stolen. chaincoin mother fucker

Shit took me from 26 btc to 25.4, bad day.

>>Started two weeks ago dropping 5% of total fiat into the game.
>>Dumbass mistakes made, learning, still up 20%
>>This is nice.jpeg
>>Drop 7% more of my fiat into ETH at $385/per
>>Still fucking up but getting better at it
>> Dip dropped me back to my principal levels
>> Back up 10%

I dont mind starting over again. Wont make the same dumbass mistakes this go round

You'd have to be a truly gullible / emotional trading / impulse buying faggot to fuck up in this game

Zero, the drop is just noise. Anyone that's been around more than a month is used to dumps of over 50%

Most crypto investors have had to deal with years of isolation and ridicule, by friends and enemies, just imagine. The ones you love, turning on you, making everything you do a joke. Never being able to run to the warm embrace of a Stacy or hamplanet.

Most people would have killed themselves years ago.
But I am a crypto investor.
And I will ALWAYS not kill myself.

Lol at the fake bravery. Most people don't even have the balls to kill themselves.

>the faggots didn't listen at $7
>why would they listen now

anybody invested in NEO is pretty comfy right now

Most people don't invest in crypto. Cholo.

Most people don't talk about their investments either.