>yfw you realise your self pursuit of wealth is a coping mechanism to protect you from never having experienced childhood romance or the normal joys of adolescence
Yfw you realise your self pursuit of wealth is a coping mechanism to protect you from never having experienced...
Yeah it's no time machine but being wealthy will do. And it'll pay for my years of therapy.
oh. i never asked for this feel.
Yep. If I weren't such an absolute Jew then I'd be spending my time doing something other than worshiping digital money.
don't care, money is awesome
shit, you're right. I don't really care though
Its true OP
But ive learned to love it
>>tfw you see something you invested in go 5x your investment
Ive never felt such a surge of joy and childhood giddiness before in my life
>childhood romance
wtf is this
delet. dont let our golden geese give up!
well yeah, wish I had such an effective coping mechanism during my miserable childhood
So what?
You never made out with your little league coach? Fucking beta
Pretty sure pursuit of wealth has been around since the dawn of time, so no, your epiphany, is probably not applicable to that many people. Wealth basically represents options which is why people (mainly men) pursue it. Men are also hardwired that way because wealth has always provided benefits throughout history.
Right on the money my man
Religious hangups in my youth set me back 5 years in my social development and made me miss out on teen sex and drinking
ahahah faggots coping ahahaha
>tfw my entire life has collapsed before me
>tfw lost my job, house, car and gf within a week
>tfw i lowkey had some money in crypto and its quadrupled in value
>tfw this is literally all i have left
dont worry guys, having lots of friends and GFs is just as disappointing as money. instead, dont peg your happiness on a single venture such as getting rich or getting your dick wet. both money and women cause problems that essentially cancel their benefits out, and you are dropped to the same level of satisfaction you have always been at. i have yet to have an answer for how to be happy, still working on that.
sounds like you still have the best part
you need God to be happy
Fuck you OP I'm playing runescape and making crypto gains all day you can't cope when you're already living the dream
how the fuck do you even relate the two, i just wanna get out of wagecucking
TFW you just perfectly described me.
Never dated a girl. Never kissed a girl. Never asked out a girl. Didn't ever go to a party etc. etc. etc.
>tfw you experienced romance and realized how draining and pointless it is and just want to get enough money to fuck off somewhere and be alone
what if i told you i have experienced both and now will likely be financial independent by age 25
but when im rich i can just fuck all the super qt 18-20 year olds i want
porn king pins in their 70s getting gobbies from fresh 18 year old talent every day.. do you think they give a fuck about the pussy they slayed in their youth
No 18 year old gives a fuck about your bank account. You're coping hard.
5 star post my nigger
>tfw going through different phases in life
don't look to 1 thing that is happiness. build a life that you will spiral up into. Enjoy things as they come and they will go.
find enjoyment in little things. Learn to get out of your own way. Go with the flow.
fucking cringe thread
>No 18 year old gives a fuck about your bank account
so naive.
The more needs you have in life, the more chances you have of not seeing those needs fulfilled at all, and as a result to be unhappy. Stay simple, and play with crypto like it's nothing, because it truely is Nothing.
That's me down to a Tee. The thing is I'm done kicking myself about it and in turn getting angry and doing the shit I want to do now instead of letting imaginary limiters in my head block me.
No one will really care about you as much as you do yourself.
>do you think they give a fuck about the pussy they slayed in their youth
yes obviously because that became their entire world
How do we turn our gains into virgin wives?
It's a bad feeling. I asked out girls and went on dates in high school but my parents are ultra religious and did everything to kill my confidence to not get laid.
I could've banged a hot slut but then I fell for the "I don't want to bang a slut" meme and now I feel like I won't get that close to someone that good looking ever again
Go to some shitty country, groom them when they are young if you are rich enough.
gotta find happiness alone man. sounds like a meme but its true.
>2 years ago
>kvneet living with parents
>thinking about an hero every fucking day
>my own apartment, car
>loving gf
>respected and very well paid job
>trippled my gains in crypto
>still unhappy
>never had teenage high school romance
>never experienced 'first' anything
>never went to a prestigious school
>never made parents proud
>never did anything right
fuck this
>awkward elementary, middle, and high school years
>never dated anyone in high school
>never dated anyone in college
>never accomplished anything worthwhile
>can't commit to anything to save my life
>can hardly find a reason to get out of bed in the morning
Fuck, I wish it were still 2003 and I could go back to playing Super Mario Sunshine and Perfect Dark with my buds...
I-I've replaced friendship ... with gains ... If only I could tell my past self what I know now... I didnt ask for this ... that feel when no gf
It's a coping mechanism for NEETs.
I experienced teenage romance and joys of adolescence having adventures with close friends, but I still pursue wealth as autistically as the rest of you guys. I just want to be rich so I can live a cosy life in a nice house and go travelling a couple months a year and do cool stuff with friends.
>tfw even if I got rich I would hate women even more for only showing interest in me once I bought a lambo
Man why did I read this right before bed. Leave me alone OP.
Is that the game with the party hats?
The virtual btc?
But I did all that user, and kinda still am....
crypto + girls who don't know about your crypto = best life
Srsly wtf guys this whole thread.
Growing up I realized the drive to make money tuns normies into ravenous animals. I only want money to escape from those kinds of people.
but freedom aint free....
lol what. Not true at all. Developing great relationships absolutely magnifies your satisfaction and happiness. Have 4 best friends, one since I was literally 4 years old. Beautiful GF of 4.5 years now.
I hope you guys realise that not everyone on this board is some antisocial loser. I've ha d agreat life. I'm a complete normie and I love it.
I don't want to talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny
>not sure what to do with life
>money is useful for lots of things and gives you heaps of options and a better quality of life
>acquire money while working out what to do
I've experienced all that and then some but I want mo'money
I've wagecucked for over a decade and that wasn't enough money
I've come to learn that effort put into work does not equal reward reaped
I despise the welfare state and expropriation carried out through taxes (yurocuck)
This is my ticket out, this is where we fight (((them))), this is where (((they))) die
dude are you me?
this is where we finally take back the night