What if Poland-Lithuania never invented Prussia???

What if Poland-Lithuania never invented Prussia???

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nazi germany wouldn't be half as cool or tragic

6 million jews too many is what would've happend

no partitions, no "german" nation

Poland-Lithuania didn't invent Prussia...

They did.

And if you're speaking about Prussian tribes that butt-fucked each other before they got civilized, then you're wrong. It has nothing to do with "Prussia".

>What if OP could think better titles for his posts?

maybe germans wouldn't backstab them during deluge and would integrate instead

Why did they create Prussia in the first place? What was the benefit of that? Why not just take the lands and slowly polonise them?

Also if they created Prussia as their fief, how did it get out of hand?

>Why did they create Prussia in the first place? What was the benefit of that? Why not just take the lands and slowly polonise them?
history isnt eu4

it was a fief and worked well enough until the PLC fell apart due to other reasons

Prussia joined Polish enemies in 18th century when the Commonwealth was weaker after a series of wars.

I don't know why it wasn't simply annexed. I've read something about it once but I don't know whatever it was it was still worth a try.

>Also if they created Prussia as their fief, how did it get out of hand?
during deluge when swedes invaded Poland prussia decided to support them, but when war exhaustion kicked in prussia made a deal with polish king and promised to support poland in exchange for independence
>why wasn't it annexed
initially the deal was working well because they paid taxes and supported Poland in wars to come but then polish government became pretty weak and they decided to take the risk of turning against their overlord

What if you got fucked really hard by nigger dick?

>invite germanic crusaders to christianize eastern europe
>germanic crusaders demand land as payment
>fast forward a century or two and that land is now mostly germanic
>can't just walk in and tell them they're not poles with slavic culture because they're not, they're germans with germanic culture
That's why. Also
>slowly polonise them
That would never work for so many reason, one of which is that it would take a very long time and would require total adherence to this plan of all future kings of the PLC to not fuck it up. But kings don't like being told what they can and can't do, so they would just fuck it up. This would especially be true as PLC was an elective monarchy and the heir to the throne may or may not have had the same interest as his predecessor


>Protestant poles
That combination is so fucking weird

imagine if all polacks converted. it would be so good for europe.

1. The guy was talking about complete annexation.
2. Why would Prussians give up land that they own and for no reason? That makes no sense
3. Why would protestants want to be governed over by catholics? Surely they knew after what had happened in the previous century that it wasn't going to end well.

you realize teutonic order at some point faced an rebellion that wanted to be ruled by kingdom of poland instead right?


>another self-hating gaytheist state
>good for Europe
I don't get it.