Tether is mooning

Get in here fags, major Tether moon incoming.
>Created by Bitfinex
>Backed by all major companies
>Extremely undervalued, only $300M market cap
>Volume increasing rapidly in the last few days
Don't miss this anons, next stop is at $10. Huge potential to go up to $50.

Nice meme, just bought 100k

Whales are accumulating, bittrex next week

rate my portfolio

You're gonna make it

How is it kept around $1?

obvious whale accumulation

It is the "USD of China"

jesus buy

You like living on the edge

It won't be at $1 for much longer, quadsbro. BUY BUY BUY

Holy shit, you're gonna be fucking rich 6 months from now dude. Congrats.

Tether is a way to short BTC. Don't invest in Tether long term unless you think BTC is going to crash completely.

Ignore this FUD

Man, what is your problem? Some people like me want to help fellow Veeky Forumsbros earn money and you just want to create FUD. Don't listen to him anons, he's probably salty he sold Tether at low price.

Could crash to 0 any day/10
Not backed/10
Printed out of thin air/10

Youre gonna make it bro

You guys are idiots; do you know what Tether does? It's tracks the USD as a crypto. If you look at the BTC/USDT (not a typo), you'll see that as BTC goes up, USDT bitcoin price goes down. It's not meant to moon. This is a troll thread and you're all showing your noob.

This also won't happen unless the USD value goes to shit.

It looks like a solid project though, I think I'll buy a couple 1000

thanks just bought 100k

holding 1 teather. am i going to make it guys?

It hasnt increased yet, but it has to moon soon. I want to 4 times my return and buy some nugs

>this much FUDing
untethered scrubs gtfo the fuck off my board

the dev team is legit af i heard even money skelly gave it his stamp of approval
i'm actually in the process of moving a lot of my USD to tether right now
finna moon homies!!

I heard a guy is minting some. You can buy a limited edition PHYSICAL tether coin.

I have a doge coin from 2014 made out of some chink ally and gold. Cant wait to get a tether too

Stop fucking fudding. NoTeths MAD AS HELL. The buy signals are there. Whales are definitely accumulating. BUY NOW OR MISS OUT FOREVER. IT WILL NEVER BE $1 AGAIN.

est.value : 0$

bittrex u fucking tard

Holy shit, look at that buy wall. If you're not buying this you literally hate money. I already accumulated 10000 Tethers myself. Can't wait for the lambo.