Who is this again? I seem to forgot his name. Can you help me remember?

Who is this again? I seem to forgot his name. Can you help me remember?

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Nick Tess, famous American inventor of the car.

Nicky "the Rocket" MacTess, the famed Canadian inventor of the zamboni

Nikiko Taesou, famous Nippon inventor.

Thomas Edison's little brother.

That's Thomas Edison, he invented the automobile and radio. Hope this helps!

Freiherr Nikolaus von Teslau, famous Prussian inventor of Pickelhaube

Thomas Edison, a famous Croat.

Niklas Teslén the famous Swedish inventor

That's νιkο τεσλαkοσ, famous Atlantean inventor of sinking islands

Capitalism Posterboy

>look, greed can do good things too! look at this one guy who claims to be a scientist!

Why is this guy suddenly so popular?

Elrond Must

Sir Nicholas Teslington the famous British inventor of stargazy pie was always popular.
Please don't derail this wonderful thread thank you

It kinda started before that. All of a sudden Tesla became The Scientist, and while he was a great inventor, he's kinda overrated.

Nikko Teslanen a famous Finnish inventor.

Nicolaas te Sla
Famous Dutch herbologist

That's Nicky "Tezza" Telstra. He invented a primitive form of internet provision that is still used to this day in Australia.

That's John Wilkes Booth, the guy who shot JFK.

umm... T-thomas Edison??

Alexander Graham Bell

jokes aside, he was croatian right?

This is of course Nicolas de Taissela, the famous french inventor of electricity.


Nicholas Testler, a famous British inventor.

He had typical subclade of R1a that is common among Western Slavs. Judging by the fact that he was born in the Balkans, he might have been a Croatian, since Croats lived in Poland before they moved to Balkans.

Nik Tae-sol, the South Korean minister of energy who was responsible for electrifying much of the country's more rural areas in the late 1950s.

Unironically Nicolae Teslea, of Aromanian origin.

Nicolás Teslez, famous Spanish inventor of the chorizo

David Bowie

>mfw Nick Tess is still alive and is a tennis player

That would be Nikolay Tesakov, russian inventor of the theremin.

So are Serbs still angry about NATO?

Ummm buddy it's actually Nicolas de Slas, first French man to bake a baguette.

Wasn't he I2a?

Hermes Trismegistus

I believe you're thinking of Nicolas Tèsselat

>Smiljan, Croatia

This is just genius. I'd uppboat your post if I could.

That's Tesura Nico, a japanese engineer.

Dafuq with these idiots

Jeez this is Nikola Tesla, an Islamic scientist

Nicky 'mad cunt' Tezza, Australian inventor

Charles the second of Spain

That's Tess Nickles, jeez, famous port master, adventurer and inventor of the modern nickel, the backing unit to all currency.


Nicholas Tesselborg
German scientist who invented the Panzerelektrikwagen T-1947291047