get the pink wojaks ready if you miss this
be a notox be poor
get the pink wojaks ready if you miss this
be a notox be poor
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Can i get a quick rundown OP?
coin is still lowkey so you get in before the crowd before exchanges so easy 10x
if you want info go to their site read the paper this shit could actually work
it has some serious devs, that want to make an escrow system for crypto. really interesting and useful idea.
I like the idea... this market is potentially very huge
Things like this what we need in crypto.
projects that make adoption easier for users.
Will throw some ETHs; it's better than seeing bleed these days
can i get a link OP, jewgle and btct wont help
This vs blackmoon vs chainlink?
>link is literally the subject of the OP
Already got blackmoon, was planning on chain link... will look into this now too.
I had a similar idea a while ago. Though I came to the conclusion that it doesn't actually add any value. A track & trace number is not enough to verify that the purchaser is receiving what they payed for. It only verifies that the vendor sent something. I don't particularly see the usefulness of this, other than as a quick cash grab.
also, the whitepaper says if you hold enough tokens you get dividens so that makes it a security
blackmoon is scam
that's all that the business side of PayPal (actual invoices, not F&F) relies on to verify that the seller made good on their side of the trade
Why is there zero social media presence? Is there any verification of their goals/legitimacy outside of their whitepaper?
Also 3 man team?
Yeah but with Paypal if you get scammed at least you have recourse. This is blockchain, if you get scammed there's no way to get your money back.
just imagine if the vendor sends the package to them, they open it up and check and if everything is good they release the funds and send the package to the customer. I think that they might do that eventually.
you will see.
there's a private groupchat probably in the future.
check roadmap they're going to hire people.
Lmao that is one garbage website. Please don't throw your money away on this.
Ok so you got nothing
So outside of the very basic website, there is literally nothing.
Yeah, pass.
Pretty lacking in information. Think I'll stay away from this one.
im not a dev
well there's something, have you looked at the whitepaper ? have you seen the wallet ? the wallet alone is a reason to invest.
website will be updated in a month.
i'll see you then crying. if you can't see the potential you deserve to be poor
> 3 page white paper
> .in (poo in the loo) scam
nice try pajeet.
Yes, i've read the whitepaper. It's literally 2 pages that look thrown together in 15 minutes on MS word.
Here it is attached in it's entirety, I wish I was kidding.
You are investing based off barely 4 paragraphs, 2 pictures, and zero social media presence.
Enjoy your bags.
>website will be updated in a month.
So these turbo retards couldn't be bothered to update their website BEFORE they beg for money from the public?
solid investment
>What is a presale?
>What is a product being under development?
>Why are rojets not finished when they need funding?
There is literally a btctalk thread as well.
You can Fud on this but this coin has a usage case and a product in mind from the start and the potential returns are astronomic.
nigger, the memes were right. there are actual people investing on aesthetics.
"hurrr durr website is not beautiful enough\"
>literally the only ones doing something with escrow
>wallet is a mini coinbase, you can buy BTC with creditcard & banktransfer
>it has real world use
they will update their website in a month (because the business isn't running yet so why should they)
marketcap will be 200$ mil and then you will buy my bags
It can't hurt to buy just a few dollars worth of coins, right?
Worst case scenario, i'll have to not buy a bag of chips next weekend
1 eth is all im putting in
I get over 18 000 for 1 BTC?
so for 40 bucks i'll get over 180?
That's not a bad start
he probably don't even know what it does. Just your basic PnD. Stay the fuck away from that shit.
Will there be an Android app?
Btw is there a nocrypto equivalente?
Is it meant to replace PayPal?
Look in the website, there is even a screencap
PayPal offers many services (buy protection and such) thas this won't have.
It will be quicker to send money and crypto has many other advantages
As cryto economy grows stronger, escrow services could allow u buy
It would make easier buying goods (eg second hand) and services
jesus fuck what the fuck is this if this ends up making you retards buying in money im pulling every single btc i have in alts back to btc, fuck eth and all these cancer ico's
So I put my blockchain ether adress and clicked purchase. And I sent 20€ worth of btc to the given adress.
How to I receive my utox tokens again?
nigger, it literally says that you will get your tokens on your ethereum wallet
It's a scam
dodgy af
From where do you transfer your money, smartarss?
it's all on the website ffs
you must be new
No one is sending any eth lol
Seriously it's always the same
When people make it everyone is envious,begging for a bitcoin and asking hoy they succeeded
But then good opportunities come and people all meme around, post their wojaks and let things pass
this is it
you do know they did literally 0 ZERO advertising right ? this is like the pre of the pre sale. they don't even have a twitter yet.
this is smartmoney investing. don't worry you'll want to buy later when it hits 1$+
But literally 2 people have sent eth. 2
wait until they setup an ad campaign and check aggain/
fuck you OP and fuck your shill. this website looks shady as fuck.
Please fuck off we know Harold is an /eth/ guy.
it's an ETH token so.. yea :)
muhhh the websites looks the website this that, are you buying the website or the product ?
website will be updated
>caring about aesthetics instead of the tech
Hour later and only 2 people sent money. At least they weren't scammed much. One dude was .05 and the other was .12
>The only investor is literally the OP of this thread
Even $100 is way too much money for this worthless shitcoin. I hope that's the owner trying to get things started, like a beggar with his own penny in his cup.
Still only 2 lucky user investors.
Become rich.
Feed family please
This has the opportunity of becoming the Paypal of cryptocurrency.
High risk, high rewards
$63 dollars raised l ok lo
What the fuck is this pajeet shit?
If you want to enter the normies market, aesthetics should be a priority...
>Eth account of a cryto project
>Has activity and transactions