Let's have a real conversation Veeky Forums...

Let's have a real conversation Veeky Forums. When do you think governments are going to realize they are losing control and try to interfere with crypto currencies?

Sure, they can't shut down "the blockchain", but they can go after companies that facilitate its usage like exchanges, coinbase, etc.


Do you feel lucky?

Inside 12 months we will see major lockout moves.

>its usage like exchanges, coinbase

Are there any exchanges to use where you don't have to sign up using your ID/face?

Don't know about governments but my dad works for a bank and it's quite a growing topic of discussion there

Too bad Satoshi Nakamoto was a secret NSA operation to create a new global reserve currency. The US owns all of Satoshi's coins and will continue to rule the world

There are some (concepts?) for decentralized exchanges too. The problem is getting fiat into the system without govs having a grasp on it.

Etherdelta, liqui, decentrex, wavesDex

And in the future: 0x and bitfinex dex.

Thanks to ethereum the entirety of the financial system will become decentralised. Bitcoin will die as a clearing currency. Ethereum will be the one world currency gg

>The problem is getting fiat into the system without govs having a grasp on it

exactly, services like coinbase are perfect for the government.

>inb4 tinfoil hat

Thank you user, ggwp


What do you mean "concepts"?

Etherdelta exists. I use it every day

Crypto operations will move to the point of least regulation and it will continue to run wherever there is internet. You must vote for the politicians who will leave it alone.

>When do you think governments are going to realize they are losing control

When it's too late probably

Yes, (((the incumbents))) will fight Bitcoin.
Yes, they will lose. The people want Bitcoin.

Look at the alt-right bloodbath currently underway. Shlomo is pissed off right now, cutting these people out of media left and right. But alternatives are rising, there is a demand for them, and they are better than the original, or soon will be. Bitcoin is the financial side of that, it undermines those who control the financial system. The current masters can exclude people from their system, but that ability makes that system far less attractive. Any monetary system, including gold and Bitcoin, relies on the power of a mass illusion to operate, it is only a matter of time before the illusion that props up the current fiat system vaporizes. The existence of a viable alternative accelerates that.

>You must vote for the politicians who will leave it alone.
All politicians (except RON PAUL) just want more power, they’re not gonna give any up.

Anyways, I think the way it’ll go is that gov will just install "official" crypto currencies if anything, which will be like paper money but even worse, because gov can see all transactions. Adding fractional reserve / money printing capabilities to crypto is trivial as well.
Possession and dealing in other than gov-approved crypto will then simply get banned and that’s that.

companies shall operate incognito on blockchains facilitating it
libertarians win

There will be no need for exchanges once people start gluing stickers saying "crypto accepted here" on their shops and businesses.

Items will start being offered as "gifts" after a simple under the table transaction is made.

That's why I placed a questionmark, I wasn't sure.

Was thinking about 0x and Kyber

if i were governments or banks id already be staking crypto.

Western leadership is full of one tracked minded dinosaurs. They never will change even if it means their downfall.

theyre not gonna tell you obviouly