Thoughts on my nigga Thomas Sowell?

Thoughts on my nigga Thomas Sowell?

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uncle tom

Uncle Tom and a free market fundamenatlist. Surprised he hasn't died yet.

Based. A little too soft on the dangers of giant corporations though.

>calling a renowned economist and social critic the nigger equivalent of a "race traitor"
Enlightening criticism

I fucking guarantee you both of these posters are white.

Useful idiot.

Guy should STAY in economics.

>how dare that uppity nig- I-I mean, African American disagree with us!

race traitor is different from Uncle tom.

He exposed he SJW liberal narrative, democrats are the real racists

He enduces rage in certain ((((people))))

I feel that he has somewhat overstepped his academic role as a sociologist to promote larger macroeconomic policies and ideologies.

Nonetheless, an impressive intellect, and one of the smartest people alive with a southern accent.

Completely ignorant on history but like most old people "Branching" into other fields thinks he has something worth shit to say about.

One of the most important thinkers of our time. Extremely underrated and overlooked.

Read his books.

Laissez-faire thought is as discredited and retarded as Marxism.

A total of zero arguments.

And Sowell wins again.

He's my favorite writer. I'm reading his autobiography right now.

Wish we'd gotten him instead of Obammer, tbqh.

My ancestors used to own his ancestors as slaves in North Carolina.

I bet they were the smartest house niggers ever

What's the point of this non-sequiter?

Your ancestors trained them well.

That a gay muslim commie was a bad choice for America? Just spitballin here, you miserable puke.

>gay muslim commie

Wow did you come up with that on your own.

This sounds more like a jab towards blacks. Of course this went over their heads

the fact that the blacks would be among the first to feel offended about this quote just reaffirms his assessment.

The guy blames Cracker culture for the development of ghetto culture and that germany wasn't anti-semitc pre-nazi years

The Iraq war is a good shibboleth for assessing (without having to do any real reading) whether an apparently decent pundit is actually a heinous piece of shit.

The funny thing about that quote is it's from a 2013 article, referencing a 2013 poll

never heard of him but that quote if real has made such a bad first impression on me

Porch monkey tap-dancing coon. He just spews white supremacist talking points. He knows white people will be called racist if they say it, so the white supremacists have sell-outs like him shit on black folk for them.

What did he actually say that could be interpreted that way?

>ask for thoughts
>smug that you received only thoughts and not arguments

Thoughts not backed by arguments, by the way.

wait do black people actually post here or has the new generation of liberals been trained to squawk this particular parrot cry now aswell?

Bitter leftists

Nigger got off the plantation.

It's actually the most successful.

What is Hong Kong?

Wish we had gotten anyone over obongo.

He blames liberal culture for ghetto culture.

The iraq war was morally justified and a success until the Obama pullout

That's because you're an uneducated liberal.

White liberals. They HATE minorities that don't tow their party line.


You need people like Saddam to torture and murder these people and keep them quiet, America created a huge source of terrorism just to get at the oil.

Simple as

He is the last true intellectual alive. I hope he outlives Chumpsky.

He was raised in Harlem.

Lol he's just conventionally ignoring all the social polices and laws on top of the actions of discriminatory organizations and actors/people. All the guy can do is "blame liburals"

He literally think celtic culture form the UK is what ghetto culture comes from.

A country where the government is active in the economy and half the population lives in public housing.

>progressives claim to be against racism
>progressives call blacks Uncle Tom if they don't agrees with their views

> New York
> Southern

I like him, I've read Basic Economics but nothing else he's written I admit.
He is kind of like the archetypal Uncle Tom though, dresses well, criticizes the black community, really socially conservative, etc

What does this have to do with history though, he's still alive.

He was born in Alabama though, and he still has a strong southern accent.

Lol, nothing gets democrats saltier than freeing their slaves.
>I've voted for you guys for decades and nothing has changed, gonna give the Republicans a go th-

>refuses to condemn Muslim terrorism
>promotes communist Marxist ideology
>fag and pedo enabler
How is he not?

What's your opinion on the board /pol/ and hitler?

Why the hell would you go Republican?
Might as well refuse to vote or votea 3rd party if Democrats aren't helping out

>voting third party in the US
Most blacks don't vote anyway.

>forgetting the decades of transformation made to each party

Go back to /pol/

Yeah I shouldn't have brought up poltics

I live in the central valley, seeing all these illegals dropping dead from heat stroke while getting paid half of what I would've been paid makes me wonder if the transformation even happened

California Central Valley that is

Most people in general in the US dont vote

Half what you'd have been paid? You'd be paid just as little if you were illegal, couldn't speak the language and had to work for anything because you aren't a citizen and have no rights

What pisses me off is people who say stuff like this always always always support illegal immigration. If you want good standards for workers you need a controlled border and to be strict on importing labour (as in, it can't happen). Instead you get people pretending to be all bleeding hearts about "inequality", but who vote for importing an underclass who will never reach the citizens standard of living (and drag those of the native working class down as well)

>Most people in general in the US dont vote
most people vote. turn out for the 2016 election was about 55 percent of people

Well I'm a citizen, I'd get paid CA's minimum wage at $10, they probably get less than half of that. I don't like how they're being exploited and how their kids have been trained to cry the way you described.

Surprisingly enough, I couldn't get a job working the fields anywhere I went when I got out of the military, Im just pointing out how they've got these guys working in the 110 degree heat for chump change, no union representation or safety standards in a state thats as bleeding heart as it gets which brings me to the conclusion that the Democratic party is just as calloused as ever about non-white people being worked like slaves except its even more nefarious since now they have non-whites on their side

That happens because of Captial's constant need for cheaper labour. Unions and regulations provided a bulwark against that but once that shit is fucked over (coz of Red Scare), illegal immigration can be exploited on a larger scale. Farming is only one of the bigger offender coz it is only of the few industries that can't be moved to these sources of cheap labour. Hell anyone not opposed to outsourcing along with illegal immigration are nothing but hypocrites with an out of sight, out of mind.

...did we even actually take anywhere near enough oil to justify a war?

You didn't take any, nearly all of it went to Europe.
The US is self-sufficient with the help of Canada.

Crackers get out

>Don't want black people to act like chimps
>Get called a race traitor
Really informative behavior from the other blacks/liberals.

I'm not a liberal, a leftist or a progressive, I'm a paleocon, but this nigger is objectively just an uncle Tom and a cuck.

>Hong Kong Real Estate
>Not the most fucked up real estate market on this planet

>They don't know what an uncle Tom is

Thank you for letting me know. Seriously it's not even funny how many people don't know the full story

The petrodollar is worth more than the petrol. It's a tough pill to swallow but Libya and Iraq were both perfectly justified to maintain it.

Shoe-shining coon. Nothing else. Only white folk like this sell out.

>Uncle Tom
this actually means nothing at all

>t. Tap Dancing Shoe-Shining Uncle Tom

It boils down to gibs


>using hong kong as a great example of human rights and government intervention

General elections aren't nearly as important as local most of the time and nobody votes local.

>t. Jamal Shequan in Mississippi Juvenile Detention Facility F13


I'm not the same person who replied to you Jr.

He's not wrong. Most people in Hong Kong live in government apartments, and those who own property pay land taxes out the ass.