Were your parents finance savvy or retarded when it comes to money?
Were your parents finance savvy or retarded when it comes to money?
Extremely retarded, but moreso they lived in an area with high cost of living that eternally crippled their social mobility.
absolutely retarded.
typical boomer niggertrash parents.
i wish it would be legal to gas them. i'd pull the trigger myself
Completely retarded. Had to pay for pretty much everything. Got the fuck out of there as soon as could.
Spent all their money on vacations.
pretty retarded, but grew up in a progressive economy so still ended up middle class
Retarded but could have been worse. Biggest sin is not saving for retirement, fucking idiots
Had no financial planning, horrible investments, and to this day make stupid purchases.
Used to make good money, living off pension, very good at managing.
Still making good money, unfortunately spends it on stupid shit like fad diet books, supplements, and exercise stuff. Also participating in Market America to my absolute disgust.
Just today I told my parents that BTC is risky but relatively small bet can make millions. They shilled me about criminals and bubbles. So ignorant..
All above.
I don't what anyone says.
Money solves everything.
didn't stand a chance, grew up in projects surrounded by black people and made it out to 400k neighborhood all white working a post office job and working his way up, and out.
made ridiculous amounts of money at nbc until she quit her job for dad, she spends this money on literally nothing for her future. she is back to making 100k + and she spends it on dog stuff, and fad makeup, leggings, and my college (waste of money, im an idiot)
Hope I break us out of here, but i probably wont.
>goes up 500% in 9 months
>not a bubble
we didn't go on many vacations and my mother was stingy at times but she was able to put $30k away before college and pay everyone's tuition as a single mother with 5 children
One day my dad unsuccessfully tried to buy car insurance Metlife's website. They said they had to confirm it over a phone representative, but no one was in the office because it was during the weekend. My dad insisted that these people were going to charge him once the employees got back into the office, even though the fact that the process was completely automated and there was no receipt so he obviously wasn't going to be charged. Despite this, he dragged me to two different cities so he could get to enough atms to successfully draw all the money from his checking account (since the atms could only withdraw $500 at a time) so these people could not "steal his money." When I tried to tell him that he was basically being retarded, he started talking about how the finance company for his car was in on the scam and I was the stupid one for not seeing the conspiracy.
When I think about how I have his genes in me I feel like killing myself.
Pretty fucking retarded. Really inefficient spending and no savings. Buy stupid shit all the time.
I can partially excuse them because when my parents moved to a different country, they started with almost literally nothing, less than 2k net worth, no furniture, no job. My dad worked really hard to create a middle class household. Still works really hard. But that doesn't change the fact that their spending is retarded.
Vacations, I've been to like eight countries, we live in a lake house that my mom's mom helped pay for as our old one got taken back by the bank, I know they have debt but I don't know how much or how much they have saved or where they've allocated it.
Dad grew up poor as shit eating cereal with milk but worked at Pfizer for the past ~20 years so now he makes six figures, not sure what they're doing with the money though. My mom did say they would have the house paid off soon so that's good I guess.
Extremely frugal but also extremely conservative. My mom was unwilling to invest in anything but GICs. Parents never went on vacation or spent anything. Well that's the silent generation for you.
parents moved to a new country with hardly anything just before i was born. dad makes about $400k/yr now. they've bought and sold properties and have about $5m of investment properties now so they've done alright. their only real spending is vacations, they've started traveling a lot in the past 3-4 years now that their kids have moved out and are self-sufficient
both of my parents are gen x and did not escape boomer spending habits
designer bags, every paycheck and she wants to go on a day trips to the casino we cant afford, shoes, worthless antiques she buys at department stores, bathroom and bedroom full of useless body creams
>Dad is much more retarded financially
Finances used cars, truck and at one point we had 2 cars, 2 trucks in a one spot apartment parking lot, unsurprisingly 3 were repoed. Lends to everyone never to be paid back, leaving us short on rent in which we had 3 eviction notices in the past year alone, and secretly packing my bags in case it goes to shit. Not to mention he owns about $10k+ to the irs, banks, debt collectors, and is credit rating is in the 400's too.
I fucking hate my parents so much, and will fucking be a millionaire before they realize it as i gtfo of this mess
Completely retarded, unfortunately.
>Emigrated to US without any planning on what to do here.
>Dad had no concept of saving money or social mobility. Always makes decisions based on fear. Lost relatively high paying job because he was bullied by a coworker. Would rather be poor than try to face adversity. Always short sighted.
>Easily persuaded by people.
>Always went by the philosophy, "See a step, walk a step."
Market cap of BTC is completely different thing than market cap of some company. Open your eyes. Understand the implications. Feel the market to the moon.
user.... I don't know what to say
That's the most retarded thing I've ever red.