So I pretty much started researching ICO’s fulltime while totally neglecting my PhD... buuut the 10x gains on DNT and 4x on CAT were worth it. Looking back, those were just lucky guesses but now I am way more confident with my picks so I will share them with you. In my personal opinion the Top 3 ICO’s 1. BitDice > (tokensale has already started)
“Participate in the transformation of a well established casino. BitDice is expanding its boundaries by entering a USD 50 billion market of fiat online casino and upgrading itself to the next-generation technology platform”
You really only need to watch this video to make up your mind. > Best choice in terms of profit/risk. The only project that is already making significant profit. Furthermore, you receive quarterly dividends. 2. Chainlink >
Chainlink is is the first decentralized oracle network; allowing smart contracts secure access to external data, off-chain payments, and other API capabilities. ChainLink operators provide their services to smart contracts for LINK tokens.
“We believe our token holders should benefit from access to a stream of new tokens from our carefully incubated portfolio companies.” By the Wall Street Journal, Science — best known for its early investment in Dollar Shave Club (which was sold to consumer goods giant Unilever last year for $1 billion. > > SEE YOU ON THE MOoN
Why would this be successful when there's Edgeless where the whole point is no house edge?
Levi Butler
Why did you remove Blackmoon?
Josiah Miller
Already invested in BitDice but Science is an interesting choice, I need to look into it more
Christopher Harris
It's almost too late to get the 10% discount. But I just wanted to include Science. Seems very legit but not hyped up.
Chase Scott
I don't think edgeless is making any profit really. As far as I know they don't incorporate crypto inherently in the gambling like BitDice does and they don't pay dividends like BitDice does. I think all gambling ICO's are good investments but BitDice seems the best to me.
Evan Morris
Cameron Gonzalez
user the real question is why would you include blackmoon?
Anthony Rodriguez
Black moon is pretty good actually
Blake Ortiz
kyber is only relevant to those who got whitelisted, not worth talking about overall
Joseph Bailey
I have seen cryptobeaks video before and was really curious about Bitdice. Good to see people are keen on this ico too! thanks for the link
Robert Long
Science looks greedy af. I bet they're going to announce a 100 MIL+ hard cap.
John Brooks
Watch the YouTube video
Henry Nguyen
Why? Tokens are used so you can get a job with them? they pay you no dividends unless you do.
Aiden Mitchell
Parker Jones
By the way is that anime user in a telegram group or something ? They usually make good calls.
Michael Williams
OP is shilling for a reason stay away from all these icos. 3rd time in a week this guy is shilling this would you please die already.
Oliver Sullivan
I asked them > Hey. If it's full wallet like mist, the user is required to sync the data to see new transactions. If it's MyEtherWallet there's no sync.
-- Alex Alex from BitDice Casino S.L.R.
Josiah Foster
I don't need to shill anything, but those previous 2 threads came with some good discussions, I myself invested in Chain and BitDice so want to see with what objections people come up with or whether they agree with me. Why the hate?
Sebastian White
i think, she sometimes posts here
last shilling was chainlink, science and enigma i believe
im not sure what she thinks of bitdice, but i think it seems pretty cool, considering etheroll is one of the most profitting ICOs to date, and its still a little market atm
Anthony Hughes
You mean MoonLambos? Yes the group is called Sanity and is one of the groups I am in. Cintix and Moonlambos are the two solidity coders who make smartcontracts for us.
Parker Garcia
It's a bunch of racists and mysoginists tho, born on the internet
Zachary Roberts
> 1. BitDice Scam
> 2. Chainlink >2 man team
> 3. Science >Give us money so that we can invest it in other ICOs oh and we take 20%
You know, I'm quite surprised at how these companies with 3 people and no working product get tens of millions or more in capital. Just because you bolt a blockchain on to something doesn't make it useful.
Elijah Allen
Ohhh sorry he meant Waking Korean, ye "she" is very legit and I think her favorite two are actually black moon and science
Eli Ross
I agree team's are small and are scaling thanks to the hype on blockchain but hey if I can make money on their product I don't mind "betting" on them. They are greedy and the greedy thing to do is to run the casino, don't think they would scam us. But of course, invest at your own risk and do your own research!
Jonathan Adams
Ryan Green
Bitdice is a scam
everyone investing in it deserves what they get
Cameron Powell
Why do you say that ? Can you elaborate on that claim ?
Sebastian Lewis
They already have a working product. If it's a scam it's a very long game
Jordan Nelson
What is your PhD in?
Dominic Powell
Applied Superconductivity :)
Jack Taylor
I am an experimental physicist, undergrad from Oxford
David Cook
I'm interested in participating, but I'm from the US. What are the risks of investing in ICO's from the US? Should I be using a proxy?
Nathaniel Diaz
>investors are taking all the dosh >devs aint making shit >time for an exit scam >ask for millions in crypto that wont be traced back to them You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out.
Nathaniel Evans
Don't mess with the US, remember what happened to Saddam! If there was someone who would be willing to disobey our lord commander SEC, then they would be smart to use a proxy.
Caleb Sanders
Why would you just not send away investors and keep the party running on their own? They are making enough money to be happy, unless they want to scale up no?
William Clark
you would need to sync to see your dividends and to transfer them, but i would assume that they will be automatically transferred, so whenever it was synced, all up to that point would be available
Jayden Perry
Daily reminder if somebody really believes in an ICO, they would not be shilling it. OP is most likely somebody on the team scamming people into buying their shitcoin and run away with their money. These assholes are getting creative in that they right a whole a lot of shit making it seem like it's legit with all kinds of videos and useless info. Use your fucking head.
Austin Jackson
Wait, you got a doctorate in something that doesn't exist? No wonder you're here shilling space tokens.
Daniel Barnes
>Sanity can you give me the address of the group?
Samuel Russell
I am sorry ? Are you saying applied superconductivity doesn't exist? Tell that to end millions of people who are taking magnetic resonance scans every day. Or maybe to the large hadron collider, of the next generation fusion reactor. I've never bewn rude in here in any of my threads here before, but you, you can fuck off.
David Adams
*the **or .. got carried away and didn't check my spelling on my phone
Dominic Rodriguez
How does that logic work? If I invested in something, then I'd share my opinion with other people no? I did invest in BitDice and chainlink myself, but I am not part of any ICO team.
Connor Gomez
How so? During the first 48 hours of the distribution period the price is the same as during the pre order.
Ryder Brooks
You are right. I just wanted to share the Science interview video. I think black moon is good, but o haven't invested in it myself yet.
Ryan King
Crypto beak is that you wtf or are u just copying his comments weird
Adam Phillips
how old are you, 12?
Jonathan Clark
I'll be keeping an eye on bitdice to see whether or not I need to watch out for pajeet threads like this in the future.
Lucas Evans
KEK God damn. I almost fell for bitdice too. Fuck you, OP.
Connor Baker
>Daily reminder if somebody really believes in an ICO, they would not be shilling it. This post right here. Anyone that shills an ICO = scam. The more people that buy in, the less profit for those already in it.
Austin Taylor
Thanks for your opinion. You are wrong in this case. I just have people opportunity to invest in ICOs that I invested in, if they get burnt I get burnt.
Justin Ross
Are you very stupid ? Superconductivity could solve worlds energy problem, either by high current conducting undersea cables or by application in fusion reactors. Stop being stupid and educate yourself please.
Ian Martinez
Its the hyped version of iconomi, i like it. Give blackmoon's hype-making ability to the shy iconomi team and you have a fucking spacerocket
Liam Jenkins
Also it's "write" not "right", are you from the US ?
Can you elaborate please ? I have never properly looked into iconomi, but would like to know the story
Jayden Taylor
Not crypto beak himself unfortunately, but o loved that comment as a reply to be same question and wanted to share it with the world. Should have included mr. beaks copyright
Logan Moore
>Bitdice >scam Do your fucking research cunt If they were a scam they would have ran off years ago
Dylan Morris
Crypto beak aka the big daddy beak boy posts here to ya know
Zachary Russell
I hope his highness will show me the way
Jose Carter
Science is super solid, but the presale buy-in is a bit expensive. I'm not a huge fan of dropping 50k on a presale, but fuck it. At least I'm not a US resident - have fun with that 250k buy-in fuckers.
Blake Wood
Have you dropped 250k on science ? :o you could have pooled
David Baker
Does bitdice accept usa citizens and secondly whats the current price per coin
Julian Morgan
Not officially ! The price will be determined after all contributions are made as 100M tokens divided betwwen the contributions which at he moment is 10M dollars so at the moment the price per token looks like 10cents
Lucas Robinson
Meh it's against us citizens, I'll just wait for the panic sell.
Leo Diaz
thats just for USD according to the whitepaper if you use cryptocurrency there is no minimum...?
am i retarded or am i reading it correct?
Anthony Russell
Tfw bought musiconomi with $6m cap and you're shilling hundred million dollar icos that will go no where but down
Tyler Howard
Which exchange will BitDice be listed?
Owen Ramirez
I'm pretty sure it's illegal for tokens owners to announce what/when exchange they'll be on
Christopher Edwards
I wish you the best of luck with your shitcoin, pajeet. And those underwater cables or whatever you were talking about.
Cameron Price
They actually said on their slack that they are talking to hitbtc and lite-smth, they don't intend to go on any major exchange
I want op to stop shilling bitdice cuz I want Muh tokenssss
Samuel Barnes
But if more people buy then out tokens value is higher, what's the difference
Xavier Watson
Once bitdice expands into the fiat market I think it will become very profitable against big casinos that don't use the blockchain and when the dividends start coming people will want to get on board, so having more tokens it's better than higher token price in the long run.
Evan Edwards
wat does this mean?
Michael Sanchez
>not buying the BAT dip
Benjamin Hughes
Hai hai!~ Just passing by because someone told me I was mentioned.
No, I'm not on Telegram (I am on Discord, but not in Sanity because I felt it's too rowdy; I prefer quieter places).
And regarding what someone was wondering earlier: I'm passing on BitDice. Though I *really* like the idea of a full blown casino, along with the marketing, the platform, the design, etc., I got turned off when someone in the slack about for details about the development team (not a single appearance in the website and the white paper!) and the response was: >Since we are dealing with a highly regulated gambling industry for which many things are still in a sort of unchartered territory, including the ICO legislation, we decided not to disclose the Team to avoid the potentially harmful legal liabilities. >According to the Prospectus/Whitepaper, part of the proceeds is meant to fill that gap and allow us to become a fully transparent and regulated entity. What it means is basically that we will introduce Team members as soon as we put all legal things in good order. Up to that moment, our investor community recognizes us based on a long track-record of being a decent player in crypto currency space. I believe them in this, but I'd rather invest in something where I know who I'm dealing with, you know?
Plus, I have my eye on another gambling-related project that will ICO in the future and I think could do better, even if it's slightly smaller. I won't name it (where the fun be in that!), but I can tell you that you can find it if you search through ICO Alerts.