Love it or hate it Bitcoin cash is about to get some action going.
It has been consolidating at $600 hard as hell and there are a shit ton of ta's pointing to another mooning. Koreans and asians in general are just starting to wake up and the volume has been climbing.
Keep the drama outta it. let's talk gains
Jeremiah Roberts
Ian Taylor
No one even looking at it? I already road from 600 to 628 and sold, but looks like it's about to happen again.
Cameron Edwards
So buy in now?
Elijah Ross
frankly buying Bcash is akin to being a crypto traitor. not trader. TRAITOR. go to hell
Parker Campbell
Blake Lopez
>tfw hodling both >tfw can't lose
Gabriel Roberts
user dont play with my heart. i been holding my shitty 20 bch since it was 300 and can't take it anymore
Daniel Morgan
this is about gains you fags put your petty shit aside and think with your wallet.
Joshua Murphy
By the way, OP these are shill faggots. Not the way that types lmao. It's almost in tweet-format. But yeah, I don't see BCH staying at its current price. I'm excited to see how things pan out.
Ayden Evans
I've been watching whales eat shit up and take out weak hands for the last 12 hours. look at some of those recent drops on the candle sticks. Lotta panic selling. Walls going up left and right on both sides. lots of fucky things going on and it looks like they are accumulating. I expect a nice gain here shortly.
already at $611 since i posted.
Nolan Davis
See this shit?
Jack Cook
whats your background on ta?
Logan Myers
beware the flippening
Nathaniel Garcia
What's the point? 0.01% returns in one year? Fuck off
Grayson Allen
>hurr durr
Ryan Adams
A lot of stupid shit gets posted on here, but there are gems like this amongst it.
Nathaniel Davis
i personally focus more on watching the books and orders til my eyes bleed. I've been on this since 9am est. I just got in at 598 and have been waiting for it to get interesting and it's just starting to pickup.
Just when I see a bunch of ta's all pointing the same way it reinforces my thinking.
>613 now
Kevin Gutierrez
This must mean Jihad Wu made a pact with the devil.
Christian Morales
4 million dollars in volume just jumped in on korean exchange in past 20-30 min. Here's to 700+ hopefully
Charles Brooks
cup formed, its breaking out. mfw im stuck shorting OMG ....rheeee
Kevin Collins
Already at $615
Wyatt Howard
Brought some, what should I set my sell order at?
Asher Morales
be with you soon....3000 omg short ...just about to hit and go lower....606 on bitfinex rush
Caleb Evans
Oh look its fucking nothing
Tyler Brooks
but with this low volume, it should take quite writle to take off.
Brandon Rivera
hitbtc and bithumb has all the volume currently and that's how this usually pumps anyways
Ethan Morris
Muh butthurt. Lol.
Nolan Myers
Goood byeeeee mooonmen.....
Ethan Walker
Yep, it's my largest holding. I in no way believe it will overtake BTC permanently but there are whales with huge stakes in this already and at 1/10th the price of BTC it is currently undervalued. I wouldn't be surprised if it were pumped to momentarily surpass BTC before it crashed back down again, I will probably sell before that ever happens though.
Adam Bailey
I see ur a fan of Dian as well ;) i personally went with her xrp call over this but I wish u good luck OP
Matthew Campbell
So fucking lame. I'm trying to purchase 4K and the fucking banks website stalled and won't update for the pending numbers. BCC is going to fucking explode and go up to possibly 2-4K before falling and I'm sitting here with a thumb up my asshole waiting for 8:30AM.
Wyatt Evans
bch* fuck been up all day.
Angel Gonzalez
No rush bro. I thought it would breakout yesterday and here we are today. I've ditched this coin about 3 times over the past week thinking 'oh its about to break out'.
From a TA perspective everyone is screaming breakout ..but no news...I can see FUD building against BTC and the difficulty adjustment is in 2 days (notice the decline in price leading up to this).
Oliver Long
Grayson Torres
Are they intentionally keeping the price at 666 or 69000? Now thats some manipulation...keep price at 666 / 69 (heh) and create the cup formation ;D