
honestly I'm pretty interested but I want someone to redpill me a little more on it.

right now my logic is

1) chink wave since I missed Walton and its already too high (and coming down now it looks like)

2) blockchain social media can't be censored by chink government


idk man desu im not loyal to wtc or yoyow but right now the chinese are about to pump money on it

yeah wtc is too high hey but its gonna dip soon

How is it too high?

it went 6x in three days lmao

i first invested in wtc for $1.5 now its almost double idk too high for me yet i dont wanna short all of my wtcs..... yet

its gonna moon soon....soon

zrx was 1.5 cents during ICO

yes I bought the zrx ico with 1.7k USD and sold it for 24k USD im fully aware.

WTC has been out for over a year. Go look at the chart and its gone 6x in 3 days, and their product is fully functional NOW. You can trade using 0x protocol today. WTC, although I love it, wont even have an alpha for another 9 months, and that's if they stick to their roadmap

im just day trading here user. I think YOYOW will ride this wave.

rising tide, ships, chinks, etc

i meant 0x product is fully functional now. WTC will be a while

No, it actually only doubled since it came out on Binance.

nice bruuuu buy me a drink

>fully functional

Then why am I holding these bags?

dude it didn't fucking go 6x in 3 days, what the fuck are you talking about

go look at the chart. it bottomed out at 10k sats and topped off at 68k sats. I'm not making this shit up, this is pretty fucking objective

because you didn't sell

Sell what? That was the pump, from 35 cents to 40? LOL

eat it, assholes

hahaha im so tempted to short.... nein im holding it

feels like Walton already pumpedthough which is why I switched to yoyow


I don't think its been trading for that long yet, thats a 60 min chart.

how did you get the website in English user??

press the british flag top right

I just bought 42000 hope I dont see you in Hell!