Monero Trillions

Get the fuck in here Normies.

Monero has one of the highest longterm potentials of all coins with the highest potential market cap - wake up and get in before the big money does!!

"Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens"

Other urls found in this thread:

Those niggas chillin in Cayman and Bermuda ain't gonna put their dosh into your fagero coin, those countries already have privacy laws and no taxes

Yeah, we all know it's dipping, I wish someone would buy my bags too

As the world globalizes and cash gets cracked down on.

fuckin backdoored piece of shit. Can't wait til the gubmint pulls the rug

>fuckin backdoored piece of shit

Pretty sure he is talking about Zcash

Why invest in Monero over Dash? They both do the same thing but Dash is established.

literally this

monero is goat

If big money isnt in it already, you fucked up.

People keep hearing about darknet sites going down and theorizing about backdoors, but it's bullshit. They're usually taken down because the owners were idiots. Alphabay had the owner's legal-named personal email address in the welcome emails when it first started.

Dash's anonymity technology is okay-tier and relatively traceable. Monero and Zcash have demi-god-tier and god-tier anonymity compared to it.

But Dash is good enough and much, much more user-friendly.

>good enough
It's literally just Bitcoin with forced TOR.

Monero is pretty damn simple and doesn't even need the user to do anything special to opt into anonymous transactions; I think it's doing pretty optimal on that part.
Dash requires the user to opt into coin mixing and shit.

Dash's anonymity just comes from coinjoin transactions: your transactions are mixed with other transactions happening at the same time. Certain types of behaviors are traceable from that. It's like trying to lose someone following you in a crowd every day that you go to work. If someone has a suspicion about where you're sending from and where you're sending to regularly, then they can watch both ends and find patterns. Monero and Zcash are like invisibility cloaks for transactions in comparison.

Both Dash and Zcash are garbage. Don't put Zcash at the same level with Monero.

Bytecoin, of which Monero is a fork of, will easily surpass all other privacy tokens by the end of the year. Screencap this.

Please elaborate on why zec

* The initialization of Zcash's zk-snarks requires some trust in that the team did it legitimately. Six people participated in it. It had to be a small group. If all six worked together and kept their private keys instead of destroying them, then they'd be able to create fake transactions and invent zcash at will without anyone being able to tell. If at least one person was trustworthy and did their part correctly, then none of them can fake transactions.
One of the participants was Peter Todd, a Bitcoin Core developer. He did a write-up about his part here: . If you trust that he or at least any of the other 5 were truthful, then you can trust Zcash.

* Zcash's blocks are made to send some money to the dev team for the first couple years. I was iffy on this bit, but with the popularity of ICOs and pre-sales lately (including Ethereum), I've mellowed on this point a lot.

Those are some valid points. Xmr seem on a higher level than Zec than. Zec price is still quite attractive to me though.

Privacy tokens are the future.

Monero, Zcash, pivx, and verge are all good buys.

Listen to Mordecai.

That's Verge. Dash has a shitty coin join hack job built in. Both are terrible coins though with broken or non-existent privacy.

This "everyone is special" attitude is retarded. ONLY monero is a good buy. The others you mentioned are garbage/scams.

Just buy a few XMR and wait until the next DNM pops up which will have XMR integrated properly... Then buy a Keeley and flip that bitch.

(6-12months max)

I lost a heap of trust in memero when this asshole pulled that stunt a few months ago. Not sure if I can ever buy back in

What did he do / who is he?

I assume that's the ponyfag that manages monero's main github repository.
People often tend to mistake him for someone important, "owner" of monero or something like that.

he hyped a huge announcement on twitter, which caused the price to spike in anticipation. Then, when the date came, he said he was just joking and that he did it as a 'lesson' to teach people not to speculate on Monero. This caused the price to crash. Some people, myself included, suspect that he, or perhaps people close to him that knew what he was doing, took short positions on Monero and made a load of money. Just after it happened, I sold at a loss and vowed never to buy Monero again. I was happy to take the loss in order to not be associated with what appeared to be an utter scam.

I still think it is a horrible idea on any front to take news on Twitter seriously without second sourcing it, (Trump being one of the sole exceptions but the White House usually follows up)

People take stuff like official press releases for granted, it seems.

Thanks for the explanation guys.

That stunt was actually kinda on point.
It mocked how people are buying into hype and news instead of solid tech.
And I hold Monero because of tech. For all I care, they don't need more features. They don't need "corporate partnerships."
And fortunately, they seem to see it the same way; just focusing on having an actual useful great coin tech.

The problem with tech desu is that none really gives a fuck. It's all about fancy bullshit that sounds good.

Monereo = tracked heavily by Poloniex

Nothing is anonymous user.

You should know better.

There is only one life boat


>It's all about fancy bullshit that sounds good.
If you wanna daytrade for quick bucks: Yes.
But in the space of actual crypto currencies (as opposed to ico / securities stuff), where you're looking to use the thing as a real COIN to pay stuff, I think that fundamentals (speed, privacy etc.) will *eventually* prevail.

polo doesn't even represent 25% of exchange volume, and that doesn't take into account transactions between individuals, mining, etc.

At the end of the day, monero is a black box. It's beautiful.

Um I actually liked him more because of what he did. People should stop buying based on hyped up bullshit rumors. Buy the tech you support.