Was Rhodesia racist? I see a lot of people claim that the Rhodesian war was not a racial conflict but a conflict against Marxism and communism. Is this true? It seems like the majority of their military were African volunteers as well. Coupled with the case that blacks in Rhodesia had better living standards than the black ran regime today, could the west have given them a bad shake?
Was Rhodesia racist...
did they have a central bank owned by the Rothchilds?
>did they have a central bank owned by the Rothchilds?
Yes. Only 3 countries don't. North Korea, Iran and Cuba. This is why the US opposes them.
>Rothschild did 9/11
Proof? Or is this too much to ask, /pol/?
I dont think so, I personally know a friend of my fathers, an African who served in Rhodesia for the government who now resides in Europe. I think the majority of the Rhodie military was black, if not a good percentage. Despite this id say yeah, Rhodies probably where pretty racist. A minority white neo colonial Government in Africa will be like that.
Many Africans did join the military because it paid well (compared to the very milted number of jobs they could take).
If you look at the laws and history of the place the conclusion of the state being racist as one woudl say is pretty obvious.
Define racist. What racist laws did they have?
yes and no. They certainly werent as racist as Apartheid South Africa thats for damn sure.
They were still racist in the sense that there was clear heirarchy and whites were more or less across the board higher up with few exceptions.
The reptuation Rhodesia has now isnt because of any sort of leftist revisionism but because alt right types tend to idolize it for some reason.
Take Dylan Roof for example, he had a Rhodesia military patch sewn onto his clothing in a few pictures and he of course carried out a violent attack based soley on race. Rhodesia is usually pointed out as an example by these people as proof that a heirarchal society that puts whites above by default, but allows for advancement based on merit, is inherently better than one where equality under the law is default and integration is encouraged.
Rhodesia wouldnt get the shit that it does if complete retards didtn idolize it so much and treated it with some objectivity.
>yes and no
actually i take that back, yes and yes. I only meant that yes it is racist but not in the exact same way as uber racist states like Apartheid South Africa.
They were pragmatics.
They were trying to do what needed to be done. And the education actually gave some blacks the right to vote by the end of the state.
Segregationist laws on the books which were enforced in regard to movie theatres, public restrooms/facilities, ability of proprietor of business to deny services to customers on the basis of racial background, etc. Somewhere between Apartheid and Jim Crow.
Tell me, is it ageist to not allow children those same freedoms?
Since Rhodesia wasn't a socialist state, yes they did have a parasitic Rothschild owned bank. I see some anons are making fun of me for telling the truth about socialist countries that had banks that were owned by the state instead of it being owned by parasites. And its not because they are Jewish because I use the term parasite, its because the Rothschilds are parasites.
Nah, ageism isn't a thing. But racial prejudice sure is.
Racial prejudice? Why don't we allow children to do what adults can do? They aren't mature of mentally capable yet. Same can be said of blacks.
In the strictest, most value judgement neutral interpretation of the term, baring children from saying buying alcohol or pornography or guns is indeed "ageist".
That's /x/, not /pol/ you fucking newfag.
What's so bad about Rhodesia being racist? Why is racism bad? The niggers were kept in line just like when Saddam kept the Kurds in line.
Blacks aren't universally ignorant, childlike, or some other tired stereotype. Lots of different kinds of black folk, Africa's a real big place.
And rhodesians recognized that. There were many educated blacks who could participate in politics.
>They aren't mature of mentally capable yet.
Mental maturity is a meme. By 12 years old, children are functionally identical to adults in their decision-making capacity, and in terms of neural development, the brain isn't done growing until the early 30s. Also, the final stage of neural development requires significant levels of testosterone, so in a sense women never reach full mental maturity. Any age limit you see on practically anything that's set between 14 and 21 is purely arbitrary and not based in anything approaching empirical fact.