Is it bad the cryptocurrency is the last hope I have in life?
Is it bad the cryptocurrency is the last hope I have in life?
All or nothing
same here bro. maybe it is, but it doesn't matter.
im sure you can go back to lotto tickets soon enough
Boomer reporting in. Lube your arses you little Golden Pony Boy Faggots, cuz Im about to shove a Copypasta of Legendary Proportion up your Anal Canal. (YOU) are the psuedo socialist who caused jobs to flee the USA with over taxation and over regulation. (YOU) are the ones who caused the Collapse of 2008 with your Every Poorfag In a McMansion No Doc Loans. What did you thunk would happen you Dumb Motherfuckers?! (You) were the ones that voted in a Socialist Marxist for TWO TERMS RUNNING YOU DENSE MONGOLOIDS. (YOU) Signed Global Accords desugned to make THE USA A THIRD WORLDS SHITHOLE FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU GET DRAFTED AND GO TO THE MEATGRINDER IN KOREA. IF you survive, maybe it will strip away all of your golden pony boy socualist faggotry that is THE ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR COUNTRY. BOOMERS HAD NOTHING TO DO WOTH IT. FUCK. YOU. That is all.
actually it's my first and last hope
Yes, but this time you can win.
I have a autism can't get drafted
I didn't vote for that tranny loving nigger
Anyone save that pasta from last night about only trying to get rich to try and fill that empty void from not experience young adolescent love and being a social outcast through high school/college?
Pretty sure it hit everyone else right in the feels. We should have that thread every night and reflect together. While still trying to get rich tho lmao xD
As opposed to before Crypto when I had no hope? No, not bad at all.
I've got $16,000 in crypto. I made this $16k off of an investment of $700 in crypto last year. I've only got $1400 in the bank.
I don't care anymore. Part of me wants to lose it all so I can die already so betting everything on luck like this doesn't mean much to me.
hes typing alot of caps. there will be no war in korea that was your uncles war. were gonna get the jews who rob usa from the inside everyday. nork is your fetish timer we got real problems with the jews right here in usa right now
well if you're in a hurry to lose some of that......xmr me baby!
No thanks I'd rather cash it out into usd and burn it in a fire pit than give it to a normalfag
Same for me. NEET that never worked and 31 years old. Luck for me I received 25k. I will go all or nothing with crypto starting tomorrow. Will buy altcon.
what if I gave you a cock pic? :/
You had a hope before it?
I'll help you suicide if you give me the 16k
>mfw these virgin fags will soon realize money and women create more problems, not solve them
its just the hope of a better life thats getting you by. once your dreams become a reality, it wont take long for you to realize that the satisfying part wasnt the money itself but the journey to get there. afterwards you will come to the realization that your life is even more meaningless and will sink further into depression
but by then we can afford to die from sweet drugs and fun times
exactly, it's better to buy fake friends and whores with lots of money and drugs, than to have no one at all.
No, user. Crypto is life.
thats whats initially wrong with all of you in the first place. life offers so much more in the long term than just temporary hedonism. but your habits are set in stone with the empty adrenaline rush of daytrading.
crypto is meant to be held as a store of value like any other commodity. without a direction in the blockchain technology, speculation will end up killing this fad in the end and all this potential will be for naught
I'm trying to get rich because I fucked my life up and it's the only way I can redeem myself.
You're gonna make it brah
im just trying to make 25k so that i can get a patent for my chewing gum that im gonna sell the old fashion way.
This user came to the crypto market to chew gum or kick ass, and he's all outta ass