skin color was literally a non factor for a large part of human history
when did people start giving a shit about it
skin color was literally a non factor for a large part of human history
when did people start giving a shit about it
Other urls found in this thread:
they always had
>race is skin color
People who actually believe this deserve a bullet.
In "a large part of human history" you would killed them for being niggers so your own tribe can take their shit utilizing your superior IQ.
>when did people start giving a shit about it
When technology advanced far enough that it became practical for statistically relevant numbers of people to interact with visibly different foreigners.
But that is how 99% of people define race.
People have always given a shit about others that are different, either in beliefs or appearance. When they encounter someone that is not of their culture they start attacking or by today's standarts hating.
It's like one of the biggest ones. Literally a fuckton of dialogue and phrasing involve skin colour.
Why are Swedish people so ugly
You're just proving his point, retards. You don't know what race is.
It's this. Before that time, radically different skin colors were mainly seen as some kind of bizarre curiosity. Before technology, radically different races didn't live next to one another, since race is an evolutionary trait and close proximity leads to a similar phenotype.
Racial tensions generally stem from close proximity. It's why Georgia is a lot more racially charged than somewhere like Oregon, or Italy than Sweden. When you live close to another race, you have to deal with competition over resources and living space. It's categorically obvious if you're being outcompeted for mates, due to obvious phenotype. If violence breaks out, it stops being man on man and becomes racialized.
People are biologically programmed to sympathize with traits they share. It's how we solved paternity in ancient times, before the development of monogamy.
>exception is the rule
Racism is inherent to all people, which is why it's so hard to overcome. Look to Mandela's south African blacks or Martin Luther King's black Americans today. Both were great men who convinced a generation to overcome racist hate and a generation later the population they preached to went back to their old ways.
It's not about saying albino negroid race is "the rule." It's about taking away the variable of skin color and showing you the traits that differentiate negroids still exist and are easily identifiable regardless.
>Racism is inherent to all people,
I disagree, I think racism is learned behavior. I grew up in a white/asian environment and except for fobs who kept to themselves I thought there was plenty of mixing.
The real reason why people become racist is when two groups of differing IQ levels live at the same place. The high IQ group will get tired of the poverty, bad behavior and criminality of the low IQ group, and the low IQ group will resent the success of the high IQ group.
People have always had a strong preference for people who look like they do.
>It's about taking away the variable of skin color
Exactly, you are taking a very rare exception to Africans having black skin and attempting to use that to take skin color out as a variable based upon it. Hence using the exception as the rule. I don't really care about your other point as all of those racial traits will have race exceptions as well.
For a large part of human history, there was very little contact between races. Only the civilized societies (which all fell) had multi-racial civic identity. All the Asian countries (except the city-state of singapore) are very ethno-centric; western countries are battling between degeneracy and ethno-centrism. South Africa (which was predominantly white) is now colonized by blacks that weren't ever originally from that region.
For Christ's sake... They were putting abbos and black people in literal zoos.
This is the first time in history where we're "racially blind", and even that doesn't work, because all the races are even more hateful toward eachother.
>taking away the variable of skin color and showing you the
Yes, but races can be determined by other factors. The Irish were hated, despite being white, for example.
What he's saying is that SS Africans are discernible without their dark skin, and if they all had light skin, they'd still be seen as of another race.
As soon as people are capable of identifying their race they prefer their own race to others.
Just because it takes some time for the human brain to develop to recognize their race does not mean it's learned anymore than wanting to fuck is learned as it takes some time before we are capable of it.
>Yes, but races can be determined by other factors.
So what? This does not diminish the fact that skin color is the main determining factor in distinguishing races. Go back to the "race is skin color" post is you need to recall his silly argument.
>This is the first time in history where we're "racially blind"
lol no
Americans are fucking OBSESSED with race, to a degree I haven't seen anywhere else. The world was closer to racial blindness in the 1990s than now. Now you insane Americans are dragging the world into your demented culture wars.
I'm not so sure about that. Do you have studies backing that up?
My point is, if a hypothetical nation made up of german and japanese people speaking the same language and with the same culture were to exist, I think that after several generations the population would be mixed. You seem to believe that you'd still have the germans and japanese separate.
Most Americans are about as aware of the culture war as they are of foreign countries existing, a lot of this stuff really only happens between autists online.
If you left them to their own devices the majority would separate as we see today in modern society. If there was a shortage of resources they would divide much more completely. Human history is littered with examples of people with trivial ethnic differences (as little as language) fighting for centuries over scarce resources.
To identify with and be a part of a group, and struggle for power against other groups is the driving theme of all human history. I'm sure you can google the various "racist baby" studies or simply observe history as reasonable proof.
I was assuming that it would be a prosperous, first world industrialized society. Of course circumstances would've been different in, say, the middle ages.
I heard somewhere that the colonial Spaniards created the modern idea of being white, black, mestizo, etc.
Can't source it tho
The Spaniards had a categorical system of the races, yeah, but they didn't invent calling someone black.
Ethiopia literally means burnt face in Greek, referring to its inhabitants' skin color.
They may have been the first to coin a term for mixed race inhabitants, since they were probably the first people to ever create a race of people composed of Mixed Race individuals on a large scale.
During the "Discoveries" age
I grew up the SF bay area, where there's nearly equal populations of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Racism was a joke to me and all of my friends and classmates growing up. Now I live in Oregon, which is almost exclusively White outside of Portland, and racism is serious business here, both to rednecks and the SJWs. I nearly got fired from my job in Oregon for honestly recounting a funny interaction I once had with a black woman. I didn't even bring up her race, it was just inferred from what a caricature she made of herself.
That's a peculiar form of Antiracism/Neo-Whiteman's burden. The whitest parts of America will be deeply offended by any racial comment, even in jest, because they assume anywhere blacks are is rampant in oppression
>I was assuming that it would be a prosperous, first world industrialized society.
Look at America and it's black population. The most prosperous society to ever exist. Do you see full integration happening anytime soon?
Ancient Greece and Rome.
>reading comprehension
Most people define race by skin colour, they could be a completely different group but they'll still be thought of as white if they have white skin.
It's not just the SJWs, though. The rednecks here actually think of blacks as subhuman niggers, while back in California all the dumbass kids that spend their daddy's money on lift kits and fake stacks for their trucks take their black girlfriends home to their parents.
What? I suppose you're right in the sense that they had never encountered people different enough that we would consider them a different "race", but racism is just an extension of tribalism. Before we could hate other races we hated other tribes, many Native American groups fucking hated each other, they would cut off your limbs and leave you to bleed to death just for being mixed (of two different tribes)
>theyll still be thought of as white if they have white skin
Yeah, because we all know the average layman considers albinos and pale asians white, while they consider greeks and italians literal niggers.
Romans hated the fuck out of Jews and Phoenicians.
The Jews had every chance in the world to not be a shitty subject. They took the statue out of the Temple, and allowed them to worship their One God, despite essentially believing that the Roman Gods were lies.
The Romans tried, but the Jews would not stop being upstarts. Hadrian was justified
>which was predominantly white
Why do people bring up the albino shit?
It's jsut so played out and easy to debunk if you think more then 2 seconds.
>The world was closer to racial blindness in the 1990s than now.
No it wasn't nor do you remember all the shit that append in the 90's or the several years before it. Also don' take online shit for the real off line shit too.
always. it is just a part of the tribalism behavior inherent in all humans.
what exactly are you debunking? You said that if someone had completely different characteristics but white skin they would consider them white, it doesn't matter if albinos are rare, the fact that someone would not consider an albino african white disproves your idea
Greeks and italians have pretty light skin desu.
Most people think of albinos as people with a disorder.
Go ask anyone on the street, 99% will say that jews are white because they have white skin.
No, the albinos being rare or common is completely irrelevant to the point. You could make the same exact point about race not being just a mere skin color difference by posting a picture of regular / non-albino black people and artificially altering their skin color.
It's a very simple concept. Someone claims or implies "race differences are just differences in skin colors," and the appropriate rebuttal is to show how even when skin color is no longer a factor race differences still exist and are easily noticeable.
Jews are caucasian and have largely italian genetics anyway, so that's a terrible example. Please refute the fact that there are large amounts of east asians with complexion as light as whites who are not considered white.
This. Most people cared far more about ethnicity and religion than race back in the day.
Northern China. Many parts of Japan.
Asians are the only exception.
I don't know why it offends you, i'm only talking about public perception.
Because black americans have a low average IQ. I see plenty of integration happening between whites and asians where I live (california).
The moment spanish retards agreed to import niggers into the New World.
I love how people just larp as this guy now
Worst offender was the Portuguese.
The Spanish did not use many black labour, mostly they brought slaves to the Caribbean and that's that. For the big colonies like Mexico and Peru they already had plenty of natives to serve as cheap labour.
This is why most Spanish-speaking countries have almost no black population at all. The blacks are mostly confined to Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Colombia.
As for ferrying people even the Anglos were worse offenders than the Spanish. Not only they brought slaves to the Caribbean and North America but they also made a sport out of ferrying Pajeets alongside. (British Guyana, Trinidad, South Africa, etc.)
The worst by far was the Portuguese though, who you seem to be confusing with the Spanish.
The worst offenders were the Portuguese.
The Spanish did not use much black labour, mostly they brought slaves to the Caribbean and that's that. For the big colonies like Mexico and Peru they already had plenty of natives to serve as cheap labour.
This is why most Spanish-speaking countries have almost no black population at all. The blacks are mostly confined to Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Colombia.
As for ferrying people even the Anglos were worse offenders than the Spanish. Not only they brought slaves to the Caribbean and North America but they also made a sport out of ferrying Pajeets alongside. (British Guyana, Trinidad, South Africa, etc.)
The worst by far were the Portuguese though, who you seem to be confusing with the Spanish.
All of the major U.S presidential candidates using race-baiting to win is "online shit that doesn't matter"?
to be fair, it was the only way to maintain such a large empire while having such a tiny population
The people of the past were often definitely "Racist". But you have to understand that race is not a scientifically based fact based on any kind of genetics but a cultural mode of thought. What the different "races" are and who belongs to them is different based on time and place. Our current racial categories for instance only date to about the 1600's/1700's. If you told a Roman he and a Gaul belonged to the some "White Race" he would laugh at your face because the Gauls were obviously a different race than the Romans in his eyes. Similarly whether Jewish people were counted as white has always been more of a political question than a genetic one. Or take for Instance how Native Americans have always been considered their own race when they are genetically very closely related to certain East Asian populations that are categorized as "Asian".
In short while past people could be hella racist it would not be in a way that made sense to you and our racism would not make sense to them.
This is because of a funny quirk of the Enlightenment. Cultures like the Romans and such had a very "might makes right" idea that meant slavery justified itself. They had no belief in "inalienable rights" or similar ideas. Thus as the Enlightenment spread slavers had to reconcile the fact that their actions directly opposed ideas like "Citizens Rights" or "Equality". Their answer was to say that their slaves were somehow a lesser order of beings and thus not entitled to the same protections as "Real People".
Those examples are all from the same region of Africa though. Albinos from different parts of Africa look completely different and show the foolishness in thinking there is such a thing as a "Black" race shared among the most genetically diverse continent on the planet.
>The rednecks here think of blacks as subhuman niggers
You get that when you're from a poor rural area and suddenly all these rich white people from California come to your state and harp on about the numerous government programmes everybody had access to.
Eventually you'll start to ask yourself why hispanics or blacks couldn't make a similar success of it
t. come from rural village
They look different but they do not look like caucasians.
There is a clear genetic difference between Congids and Caucasians and as a result "black" countries never have and never will be prosperous under the "black" rule.
Simply because congoids have smaller brain and much lower average IQ
In America they can at least shift the blame to a white majority. But in Africa they have no one but themselves to blame.
Same with Haiti or Jamaica. Blacks fail everywhere even if they inherit a prosperous society built by whites like Rhodesia.
Blacks manage to destroy a country and make it worse for themselves than when they were ruled by whites. Just look at South Africa going downhill since the end of aparheid.
What excuse do Black South Africans have? Wait they still blame a powerless white minority that has no political power. They blame white farmers for working hard and being able to afford property while they sit on their ass and do drugs
St. Moses the Black was discriminated at times for being black(though it was wrapped up in the "testing his humbleness" thing).
Ffs, we have a popular story who's main character is called "the White Negro", that's taught in schools.
Except everyone forgot what Harap/Arap(Negro) meant, so 99% of folk believe it's his actual name.
It is said of Abba Moses that when he became a member of the clergy and had been invested with the ephod, the Archbishop said to him, “See, Abba Moses, you have become entirely white.” The old man said to him, “Outwardly, Lord and Father; am I also so inwardly?” Wishing to test him, the Archbishop said to the clergy, “Whenever Abba Moses comes into the sanctuary, drive him out and follow him so that you may hear what he says. The old man came in and they abused him and drove him out saying, “Get out, Ethiopian!” He went out and said to himself, “They have treated you properly, you soot-skinned black! Since you’re not a man, why should you come into the company of men.”
They always did , you idiotic sociology studying, BBC reading tool.
In every culture at every time, as long as we have written documents, we get these autistically detailed categorizations of how a seperate ethnicity, tribe, race etc. they came into contact with differs in appearance and mentality.
Tribesmen all over the world literally murdered white settlers not because of some socio economic implications, they didn't have a grasp of at that time anyways, but because pale skin looked alien to them.
This Moses guy really knew his place. Based.
The thing you /pol/tards seem to forget about Rhodesia and South Africa is that anyone can say their country is "successful" or "modern" when you only count some teeny minority who can loot everything and everyone else in the country and hoard its wealth. I guess you think Maoist China was a success because Mao and his cronies were living the high life.
So the poor oppressed black community suffered the same famines and desasters as they did after Rhodesian control?
Again, it's wrapped up in the whole "suffering false accusations is noble" thing orthodox theology has.
The monks loved the guy(that thing came after the guy became the spiritual master of 500 monks, and was elected by them to be ordained a priest!), and apologized to him for their racist stunt earlier.
But if you want a stereotypical black guy story, yeah, St. Moses is your guy:
-big, scary black man, that escaped from slavery slave, and turned to a life of crime, before turning to Jesus.
Also had some funny stories:
In its infancy, his now new found spirituality immediately confronted a difficult time while he was adjusting to monastic life. Soon, while in his cell, St. Moses was attacked by a band of robbers. He fought them overpowering them with his physical prowess, and then dragged them to the chapel where the other monks were at solemn prayer. He abruptly reported to the monks that he didn't think it was Christian to hurt the robbers further and asked what he should do with the captured robbers before them. According to tradition, the extremely overwhelmed robbers repented, confessed, converted, and entered into monasticism under the leadership of their captor, St. Moses the Black.
His ending was bittersweet, too:
One day, he went with some elders to St. Macarius the Great, who said to them, I see among you one to whom belong the crown of martyrdom.
St. Moses answered him, Probably it is me, for it is written: 'For all they that take with the sword, shall perish with the sword.' (Matt. 26:25) After they returned to the monastery, it did not take long until the Barbarians attacked the monastery. He told the brethren, Whoever wants to escape, let him escape. They asked him, And you O father, why do you not also escape? He replied that he had waited for this day for long time. Refusing to allow the monks to retaliate to the terrorism about to befall them and requesting all the monks to retreat rather than take up the sword; he and seven other monks remained behind and greeted the barbarians with open arms, at which time he was martyred by the bandits.
I can't wait for 2008 part 2: electric boogaloo. The amount of pink wojaks will drown out the board.
>teeny minority who can loot everything and everyone else in the country and hoard its wealth
If that was true the black man would prosper after getting read of the "looting whites" but the opposite happend.
And your argument is to call me a poltard for pointing out that whites were not the reason why Zimbabwe/Rhodesia was poor.
I'm sure this has already been mentioned because Veeky Forums isn't -that- stupid, in fact I'm sure several people has already said it, but it's not like the average dude in the 17th century met a lot of people from different continents. It's hard to make stereotypes about niggers when you havn't seen one, and only have a very foggy idea that there are blacks or blondes or asians somewhere very far away.
when people of 2 different races interacted
when america started the slave trade.
there was no civil rights movement in europe because one wasn't needed.
basically, america.
10/10 post
America never needed a civil rights movement.
Most of it was based on forced integration forcing whites to associate with blacks.
If blacks were competent enough they would strive to govern themselves not ask for handouts and to live among whites.
But the black man never bothered creating anything. All he ever wanted was to imitate a white man.
>forcing whites to associate with blacks.
How can you be this racist then get upset when someone calls you a racist?
Yeah, forcing black people to sit at the back of the bus or use a different toilet is totally acceptable, right?
It came from:English(Americans), Swedish and Germans.
The most racist people in the world.
Being allowed to bother whites is not a human right. Whites and everyone else have the right to segregate themselves and to deny service to black people.
If blacks wanted to be "equal" they should have governed themselves and left whites alone. They could have proven themselves as equals when they would be capable of running a prosperous society whithout whites
So yeah. The civil rights movement was nothing but an attempt to force whites to give blacks handouts.
And it is the same with blacks everywhere from France to United Kingdom. They always ask for handouts
>bother whites
I'll just leave this here...
Pretty sure you're just trolling now.
It would be a descent point if americans had not chose to have blacks in there country. You made your bed now lie in it.
>They look different but they do not look like caucasians.
But albino Indians do, interestingly enough. It's eerie.
No i am dead serious. When an ethnic group feels opressed the said ethnic group demands its own nation.
But blacks never do that because they are too pathetic to live on their own. They keep forcing themselves on whites either through moving to white communities or moving into white countries.
And as soon as they manage to enter white communities they begin to demand free housing and other handouts from whites.
Each year several hundred thousand blacks migrate just for the sake of getting welfare in white countries.
Go back to /pol/. This board isn't for you.
Also, you're literally proving my point.
You just admitted that whites suffer because of blacks. At the same time you have acknowledged that blacks leech off whites.
You wont even argue against what i just said because you know that i am 100% correct.
Opressed people are better off forming their own nation instead of forcing the ones who opress them to accept them.
Arguing with an idiot would make me an idiot.
Seriously though, you need to go back
Actually America belongs to the Amerindians.
For one majority of America was never populated by Native American.
For second the said group of people is long gone. No one has a claim to the land they lost hundreds of years ago.
Settlement remnants showed up many times on "united statian" land.
90% of natives died before europeans arrived.
The ethnic group is still there. The amerindian genes are all spread over the north-meso america subcontinent.
America belongs to the amerindians. The first step to replace the intruders, is already happening now. Mexican mongrels are already populating a lot of united statian cities.
Strange that blacks ethnically cleansed whites from Haiti and are doing the same in Zim and SA if they latch onto whites as parasites.
Lazy fucks demanding free shit is not a black only quality. Look at Europeans migrants, lots of Arabs and SE Asians in there. I bet your ass would move for free handouts if the choice was that or work for an even shittier living than their giving away in western countries.
This /pol/ rhetoric doesn't fly here. You need reason to back up your ideas.