So, who the fuck was Chavez? was he good? was he really the amazing guy that had huge balls to go against america and the world with a small and strong people or was he just some crazy guy that lived off oil?
So, who the fuck was Chavez? was he good...
Other urls found in this thread:
A Cuban influence agent, like every other Latin American leftist.
A charismatic socialist who had god tier luck in governing when oil was at $100+ a barrel, and managed to use that money to create a lavish welfare system and support his fellow leftists in Latin America (Venezuela sent Cuba heavily discounted oil until very recently). He was also lucky enough to die before oil plummeted and made his welfare system/oil dependent economy unsustainable
Regardless he still led the country to make gains at building up the military which could serve as a deterrent for another NATO bloc attempt at an Arab Spring in the region.
Also le vingt cinq rule.
His coup was an incompetently led mess and failed miserably, I don't think he will amount to anything. Surely the people of Venezuela are smart enough to see through the lies of someone who committed treason against a democratically elected government. He is obviously just using the socialism meme as propaganda and if he ever gets into power he will be corrupt as fuck.
Uh, is this bait?
A Cuban intelligence asset. He overthrew the elected government. Tossed out everyone competent in the state owned oil company and replaced them with politically reliable idiots. Billions of dollars went missing. Oil production costs soared. His welfare spending did not include things like hospitals. So he had to go to Cuba to get cancer treatments.
He and Maduro turned the wealthiest latin american nation, that is larger physically and in population, into a client of Cuba.
Now there is no money, no food, and no competence in the government. The Venezuelan people don't want to a dicatator, but still want socialism. So the country is ruined for a generation or two.
>Socialism of the 21st century
Another great left wing socialist leader who ensured that Venezuela would be free from the West. And they don't have a Rothschild bank either.
*tips tinfoil*
I think that post suits better.
They are still a capitalist country LARPing like a communist.
>Rothschild bank
No they aren't there is socialist country independent of capitalist exploitation. Hence why I said they don't have a Rothschild Bank.
Course the Jews love Chavez, Hugo Chavez is not an anti-semite and he has nothing against religion. And just because the Rothchilds are Jewish does not mean, that's socialist countries are against the Jews as a people and a religion. No, Hugo Chavez is not anti-semitic and he has nothing against any religious people. It's the bankers and the Rothschilds that he's against.
\he's meming as a timetravelling post from the 1990s when chavez launched a failed coup against the government. he ended up getting elected a few years later ironically so a person (rich or middle class) before that period would hold this user's opinion
I am merely obeying the 25 year rule, what are you doing?
>Course the Jews love Chavez
which is why the middle and upper middle class venezuelans here in florida, a minority of which are jewish, had to flee to this country lmao
Why the Rothschild are so evil for you? why they are different to others banks in the world?
We should condemn the violence now being done by all sides in Venezuela.
>He and Maduro turned the wealthiest latin american nation
Dubious. It had a lto of poverty within the context of the region and hyper dependent on oil
The complete opposite is true. The Rothschild conspiracy is a total meme and Chavez was a kleptocratic demagogue, it is people like Chavez who throw millions of people into a life of economic stagnation and decrepitude.
No its not. Look it up for yourself.
Is this thread satire?
Venezuela is a fucking shithole nowadays, it's going the same route as allende government, the country is literally starving
All because of shitty Chavez policies like adjusting a lot of product prices during the world recession and thinking it wouldn't affect the economy some generations after
All I have seen are claims like "Rothschilds own nearly every central bank" with nothing to back it up. It is obviously bullshit.
Agree with everything that you said except Venezuela was not "the wealthiest Latin American nation", they only managed a decent GDP per capita for a brief period in the 1950s-1970s due to an oil price boom that was squandered.
But Venezuela has always been a lawless shithole with huge shanty towns, an oil-dependent third world economy, no universal literacy, huge differences in income distribution and very little industry.
It is the textbook definition of banana republic, and it was bankrupt, with a 70% inflation rate and most of the population in poverty already in 1999 when Chavez took over.
Chavez nevertheless managed to make it worst, by squandering another oil boom and ruining what little industry was left, downgrading one of the shittiest South American states from the third to the fourth world which is quite an accomplishment.
Compare with this chart of oil prices.
Chavez was not even able to properly ride the oil boom as production actually decreased during his presidency as he appointed cronies to the State oil company and used the profits for welfare and cronyism rather than reinvesting them.
His predecesors were complete fuck ups since they just rode the oil booms and never managed to diversify Venezuela's industry.
Chavez was so incompetent he was not even able to ride the oil boom in the first place. He killed the golden goose way before oil prices crashed.
It depend with side are you,
If you're an american who spend his time watching the massive social media and you bealive that bush did nothing wrong just like obama with the war and their relation with the isis, well you're full ignorant and even looking in this forum you'll get a good information to trust about "Who was Chavez?".Maybe you should search not in this side and probably you'll have to learn anothier language because most of this fags in the thread have the same thinking about socialism tagging it as "FOOKING DESGOSTIN"
> So, who the fuck was Chavez?
a dumb army officer
the whole thing was a brilliant cuban takeover
umm no Chavez was very anti-Israel and pro-Hezbollah and Iran, also lots of arabs and muslims in his administration
Are we talking about zombie Chavez?
> He overthrew the elected government
You got it wrong there
Chavez participated in a failed coup and did some time in jail, then he was pardoned and went into politics.
He was elected.
So like hitler :^)
Im chilean and therefore you are wrong
Venezuela really reminds me of an eastern block nation. Waiting for the inevitable collapse. Also it's yet another proof that socialism is just a scam. Priviledged elite holding the population by the balls and killing them when they rebel against their retarded anti-economic policy. It's funny how lefties pretend it doesn't exist now. This is what you want bitches.
Idk if its your people or the Peruvians but stop speaking fucking Spanish in game lobby.
>even in this forum
This isn't a forum, and you're shits all retarded.
So far all the Jews I've seen work with banks in NATO bloc countries and the only socialist Jews I've seen are in conspiracy theories.
Scores a point in my book.
Therefore like Dahnald and Shillary and Obama and every other unpopular populist.
>Any minute now.
Collapses only happen in burgeoning countries with governments that have lasted only several years. Most of the Eastern bloc countries [collapsed] around the same time as the Soviet Union. The rest of the socialist world still has much of their governments intact even if they have made some reforms so Venezuela is looking to be like another Burma but probably with a somewhat higher degree of economic strength and in the absence of major ethnic discord, a greater stability.
The only negative is due to its location it's not of as much geopolitical importance as countries which border China and Russia but that also may be what prevents it from being taken up into greater turmoil.
He was a hero
Anti-zionism =/= anti semitism
theyre the same thing
I don't think you've lived in a country where every problem is spun as proof of the EVIL WESTERN CAPITALIST IMPERIALISM THAT WANT TO DESTROY US.
No? Just like you can be against American imperialism but not hate Americans
I think western socialists use the same excuse. Sometimes you have to live through it to know. Especially if it's something that promises heaven on Earth.
>American Imperialism
What century is this again?
Bigger nations influencing weaker ones if not outright taking them over. Of course communists were doing just that and were even more brutal about it but to this day imperialism is treated as a boogeyman for commies.
He made action figures of himself that talked about HUGO CHAVEZ'S GLORIOUS SOCIALIST REVOLUTION when you pressed a button.
It takes honorary third place in the ironic socialism championship after Che t-shirts and ticket sale to Marx's grave.
Death to capitalism!!!! *sips*
what a shameless asshole
>try to coup because government was utter shit, extremely corrupt
>fails miserably
>is now a social democrat
>people know about his somewhat authoritarian attitude
>he denies it and say he will be completely democratic
>start to reform lots of stuff
>clearly authoritarian now
>expropiate lots of stuff
>is friend of Cuba
>gives lots of money to Cuba in exchange of the James Bond-tier Cuban Intelligence agents so burgerstanis don't kill Chavez
>becomes even more authoritarian, expropiate so much that it's now in a funny youtube video (search for Chavez expropiando)
>this alienates the venezuelan middle class, but since it's so small nobody gives a shit
Venezuelans loved Chavez a lot. He was the first venezuelan president who actually wanted to integrate the homeless poors who live ilegally in private owned lots. His country could have been gone to shit if he didn't have oil, he made lots of gibsmedats institutions.
One thing OP is that you shouldn't believe a word of those venezuelan "refugees" since obviously they are extremely biased. Also, Maduro started to roll back many of Chavez' reforms, I forgot how that plan was called. Maybe he wanted to stop the middle class and upper class to hate him. It didn't work though. He kept doing retarded shit like treating Chavez as a legend.
In this pic you almost see the face of real Che Guevara. He was no fun allowed personified. Hated music and his favorite country was North Korea. Clearly a role model for all those cool metal bands right?
Globalism is imperialism.
No some people aren't retarded to go great lengths just to avoid anything remotely capitalist like an autist. Also your excluding the possibility of ambitions of for future seize of such enterprises' means of production.
>appeal to popularity
>Implying all lefties are metal heads.
>Also your excluding the possibility of ambitions of for future seize of such enterprises' means of production.
So... looting?
Socialist tyrant and the biggest mistake that venezuela has made
This would get you banned from socialist reddit.
They hate people with actual first hand experience of socialism in action.
>le capriles voter
You made the mistake you stupid retards. The previous government was so shit that fucking Chavez got elected.
Arepas are fucking horrible, go fuck yourself you shitlezuelan.
Are you the rothschild hater guy? Why those guys are evil to you?
>posts picture of people looting in free enterprises countries where property management firms and banks practice segregational polices.
I was thinking something more like this.
but metal is reactionary
Nah, though I've never really seen anyone defend Rothschilds.
I think he's the one who posted statistics from communist-friendly websites to prove that people's longevity prospects improved after a fucking world war.
Tell it to that guy.
More like this comrade
But why they are so evil? why them and not others banks in the world?
He was a retarded socialist that helped ruin Venezuela.
These videos show the Venezuela before the PSUV government. Regardless where they come from it shows that student protests in the country aren't a post-Chavez phenomenon.
So he solved anything or just worsened the situation?
Same fag here but I am still keeping my word, they don't have a Rothschild bank so they are good guys in my book. Socialism is against the Rothschilds. So I support them in their fight for independence.
People everywhere just want a reining in of crony policies whichever way they may manifest theirselves.
>Socialism is against the Rothschilds
But the way the media and righttards love to spin it makes it seem he created it which looks to be false. Also calling for the downfall of a government so it can be replaced by another set of corrupt politicians isn't going to help much either. Plus there's an observable tendency that has been established. Free enterprise no-regulation politicians are scum and always sack the country.
Not an argument.
why not?
Because you are hostile to socialism and to any independent countries that while they may not be socialist in the surface, the fact that they are resisting western imperialism and western influence and for the fact that they don't have a Rothschild run bank is more proof they are against the Soros/Rothschild gangsters. So, not an argument.
But Chavez solve anything or not?
No they need to give socialism another go.
what you call socialism is just state capitalism, also Chavez wasn't even a socialist, he was a ridiculous left winger leader populist who loved Bolivar so much than even related him with marxism.
Yeah infant mortality dropped. Also plenty of poor people where had homes constructed. There's something.
Another thing the msm is also liable to using clips of past events and other places and spinning it as taking place at this moment just like they do in their reporting of the Middle East. They'd probably use clips of pro-left agitators from some time past and claim it was a riot against the government.
So because he created state welfare and healthcare he was a socialist? he was more like a socdem to me.
Are South American countries destined for unstable socialist governments? Each time they fail they fail the excuses from socialist apologists are always the same "but look at [instert less relevant thing that central planning can actually fix]. It's improved"
And in the countries themselves they will just blame whoever. The rich people, capitalists, imperialists, neighbors, bad weather. And the cycle continues.
Oh well the righttard argument and shilling is always focused against soc dems for being socialsts so whatever.
Other types of cronyism don't help. The problem is probably more deeply rooted and cultural.
Didn't he drive away actual companies and nationalized them? Or am I mixing it with someone else.
Anyway when arrogant pieces of shit like Chavez or Maduro decide to improve thier country they may do stuff that will make them feel like real leaders. It's not hard to pump money into say education or some government programs and reduce illiteracy. People don't hate central planning and socialism because they can't do anything. It's because they don't see the big picture. Debts have to be paid, people want to have the freedom of earning their own money (and large government programs prevent that), they want to start businesses etc. Looking at governments in terms of how many tons of steel they produced is incredibly simplistic.
What did he mean by this?
South American countries have improved a lot in every sense, Venezuela is the only sad exception
And Bolivia.
>if critice Chavez you must be a rightward
Venezuela is still a capitalist country, with a populist left wing government LARPing as commies. thanks to that, venezuela was turned in a sad meme than both (socialists and capitalists) enjoy to exploit to made evident the eachother faliures.
aka dissidents, defectors, expats, diaspora, exiles etc. Various words used to refer to victims of __ regime.
Really commies think Venezuela was a capitalist inside job? Jesus Christ they want to give it one more try don't they?
Bolivia has been doing great in this decade, despite the government commie rethoric. This year their economy will grow 4% with inflation around 5%.
Note that this was before everything went to utter shit, and about the time Chavez died.
Can be true but I'd prefer the discussion to shift to asking questions such as why the country is perpetually prone to being immersed in 100% inflation and such rather than the constant drivel over why the socialist government was is 'baaad'.
They've been calling for a downfall for years now.
It's worse than most Eastern Bloc countries at this point, though some butthurt Lithuanians would say otherwise. In the Eastern Bloc (at least up until the last period) everyone had a job and a house, and you didn't need to forage through the garbage to get food.
>this is what liberals want
That's bullshit and you know it.