Do Not Panic Sell

Minister you satoshi. We need you now more than ever

youre retarded. this is crippling news and the market will be in a downturn for weeks minimum.

im buying gold with btc right now before it dips as well

>let's apply Warren buffets value picking stock market mentality to a bunch of inflated imaginary Chinese internet shekels

>tfw i just sold OMG at 183k hoping to get more and it bounces back to 200k minutes later


Still deciding what to pick up in this HUGE FUCKING SALE

papa warren save us

Fucking firesale! Just added another 100 OMG to my position. Fuck I love some good wojacks. Haven't had a decent consolidation period for weeks now.

where u buy gold? fast tell

Whatever you do, do not buy back in now. Move to some other coin.

I bought Crypto for the first time on Friday and I'm down almost $30 already

>just bought more 0x

You fags have been greedy for the past 5 months when you should have been fearful. Staying greedy now that the crash is starting ain't going to save you.

You're fucked, son

if you think the market will go even lower you should sell actually and buy later

any portion of the downward slope avoided is more profit for the future

wew its going to 160,

>Glad this happens to me

I swapped my BTC for ETH just before the peak the other day, rightly assuming BTC would crash after touching $5000, but wrongly assuming ETH would hold its value in the meantime.





Same. Too late to sell now. At least i'll be able to add another ETH this afternoon if it stays that cheap.

If you're asking this question, you already know the answer. Trust your gut.

ETH never holds its value compared to btc, although it is currently rising back up a bit. Sure hope it keeps it up.

jm bullion and provident

>go against the market user


yeah it pisses me off how the BTC/Shitcoin rate drops when BTC drops instead of raising of at least stagnating

it's actually better to have bitcoins when bitcoin is crashing ironically...

Just bought the dip of btc fugg yeah

Fuck, the rest of my ETH didn't finish transfering yet, it's already spiking back up to 200. SELL EVERYTHING YOU OMG BAGHOLDING FUCKS.

I was about to sell neo at £15 (bought at £4) but then the sell low meme popped into my head and I stopped myself.

It's at £17 now thanks for the memes Veeky Forums

It's bad news for the Chinese crypto markets/coins/ICO's .... right now.

But I would like to share two thoughts I have on this situation.

1) The most important thing to keep in mind is that Bitcoin has a market cap of around $78 billion. Nearly half of Visa. That is incredible. Bitcoin is the symbol paving the way for the crypto community, and for new tech. With that in mind, it would be foolish not to realize bull markets and to assume best markets won't follow suit thereafter. Corrections are healthy, and corrections are needed so it does not become hyperinflated.

Bitcoin, and the crypto community as a whole will recover from this and grow back stronger than ever. BTC is a beacon and it has become imbedded into reality. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested into the crypto business world in places like San Francisco and it will not just "disappear overnight" as some speculators assume. And those not picking up cheap BTC and other alts will look back "coulda, woulda, shoulda."

2) The regulations in China cracking down on ICO's is incredibly positive news for the crypto community. This means they are looking to protect the consumer from being taken advantage of. I believe that the current ICO halt put in place is only temporary to allow the Chinese government to create regalations to protect both the investors and the businesses. This creates an even healthier eco-system for the global crypto community as a whole in the future.

Those are just my two cents. Feel free to disagree with me but it is clear as day to me and that's what I see. Looking long term, never short.

Your analysis definitely makes me feel more relaxed about this situation.

How long do you think the dip will last before it surpasses its ATH?

Are we still going to the moon boiz?

If you're coin has crashed, cut your losses asap. Seriously. Big difference between knowing your limit and bag holding. Thank God I had stop loss orders.

I wouldn't expect this hysteria and edgy market to last any longer than a week desu.

Next week will be sweeps week for this news story and people will read it, dust will settle, investors in crypto will readjust their strategies (myself included) and go back into the market and business will resume as normal.

I give it 1 week at most. I would be shocked it if lasted 10 days. But crypto moves incredibly fast, which is one of the most attractive facets of it, and also one of the most lucrative.

Just hold anything not Chinese. If you are holding anything of Chinese orginin, I'm sorry, but I would cut your losses and sit in either fiat or BTC and time your re-entry.

Other alts will take a hit, but if they are not of Chinese origin (not to be mistaken for other Asian countries like some other threads on Veeky Forums) then they will recover this month and continue to healthy growth trends.