Is neo worthless now?
I was all in lol I kind of want to die
Is neo worthless now?
I was all in lol I kind of want to die
maybe? who knows? it's definitely not good.
Good. That will teach you never to put all your wagecuck dollars in one basket user ;)
Ethereum of china. Yeah, it's useless now.
it could shoot back up and now would be the best time to buy in and make profits but it's a gamble.
It's just temporary situation. Fill your pockets user :D
NEO is much more than Chinese ICO's. Shit's on fuckin sale baby.
I've fudded this coin for 3 weeks
I hope you die, I warned you so many times
10000% up this year
and you still held.
good job user. good job.
sell it
its trash
yep, its gone. 40% loss. that's not recovering]
save your time and kill yourself now
If you havent sold until now, just wait.
Buy more @0.004
Not even kidding, I love crashes.
>you dumb niggers actually fell for this meme
im dying
volume just went from 6k btc to 10k btc in 30 mins and its gone up 100k sats.
>It's just temporary situation.
It ain't gonna be 'Chinese ETH' if they can't have ICOs based on NEO
probably just a bunch of dumb cunts who don't know the news
It was always worthless.
oh look at that it just went up another 1k btc in volume hmmmm.
Buy more then.
ETH was like $6.00 before ICO's came along, and even then there was the hope of ICO's
nigga i bought at 400k then sold at 500k. how the fuck is everybody losing money on this?
just chinks buying in, triying to save their shit an make it look stronk,
its gonna plummet again this days again so... im waiting
Are you a dumb negro? ICO's can still happen on the NEO platform, just Chinese can't participate. The same thing counts for Ethereum...
I went all in when it was $33. This was my sons college fund..
the world needs bagholders user
Don't you mean your wife's son? Fucking weak handed cuck. But srs sell tho ur fucked. It's going to $5
*wife's son's
Topkek. A cucks a cuck and we both smelled him out.
sold all my NEOs loss
i cant see what value NEO has, its chinese coin, and China just banned ICOs, so why anyone want hold NEO when there is for example no chinese Ethereum
>tfw moved all NEO profits to MTL and BNT
all steady
Only Chinese ICO's are banned. NEO still is a better platform than Ethereum. Also NEO is going to have more stuff added to it in the future, like NEOx.
Sure buddy you'll miss out on massive profits in the future. Just like you missed the initial bull run. Enjoy your worthless poor hobo life.
I agree it's not worthless and a better platform, but this news fucking sucks.
I could get behind that China is regulating ICOs. This news saying they are banning ICOs is the nail in the coffin.
I would say a fair NEO price is now $8-$12 again. All the hype up was for the ICOs and the "ETH of China" tagline, which actually would have been true. Now it's just "Better ETH", which they should have went with at the beginning desu.
Lol they won't ban them, too much money in it
Hmm this whole thing is an unregulated stock market, the jews and cns will want their cut.
Why would they use a barely-legal chinacoin if they're not chinese and can't get chinese action?
I fucking sold. Would have sold even sooner but I was at work when the shit hit the fan. I walked away up a few grand, but god damn it's not the same as being up over 10K was a couple of weeks ago. should have sold then and bought into OMG like my gut told me.
Name one non-ICO client using Neo.
Go on. Just one.
OMG is also down.
Hopefully not, i just bought 100k
>Ameritard wakes up. Logs on to bittrex.
>Wow, that really ambitious low priced order for NEO was filled!
>It's gonna be a lucky day! Praise Jesus!
They wouldn't. All their documentation is in chink too.
Absolutely dead. LMAO.
Doesn't matter because I'd have been in OMG when it was $2 and change. Also doesn't matter because OMG isn't down over 30% right now like Neo is. OMG is a valid product that does shit for a company that's been around for years and already turns a profit. Neo lost the whole reason Neo mooned in value to begin with. OMG will recover. I see no reason for Neo to ever return to it's prior value in the short term, if ever.
police at neo headquarters lol - not joking
Pics or your family dies.
>I bought at $6
still comfy
Fud harder dickhole
RIP NEO. Thank you for the pump a few weeks ago that moved me into the OMG pump that I flipped into a Lisk pump. Thank you NEO, thank easy.
I JUST bought NEO and DNT about 19 hours ago, thinking it was the dip. I was really waiting for one too. Why didn't I wait till today? Fuck me.
>Tfw still up 550%
Me too
I sold as soon as I could, then it went down even more
There is no way it's going back to where it was yesterday in a near future
Attention Please:
We are aware of the recent announcement from China’s PBoC banning all ICOs. We are a Hong Kong based entity, and have already taken the step of disallowing Mainland Chinese, U.S., and Singapore citizens from participating in our RPX sale. Our KYC process also includes a manual check of each passport or government ID to prove country of citizenship. That being said, we are taking seriously this official announcement from PBoC, and are currently discussing with our contacts and partners to determine what other actions need to be taken. Please be patient while we work through this process, and we will make more announcements shortly.
looks like RPX are having second thoughts on their ICO
It pretty much depends on Red Pulse ICO if NEO will come through.
It's done for. Get out while you can. I sold @ $30, bought @ $2.. it's headed under $5 easily.
I've heard "it's all over get out now" so many times from the Veeky Forums cucks. They've always been wrong and just want to take your money.