What ethnicity/country/culture/demographic, generally speaking, have the most attractive people? Both male and female.
What ethnicity/country/culture/demographic, generally speaking, have the most attractive people? Both male and female
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Spanish people are really good looking. I used to think American and italian girls but after meeting a spanish chick, fuck italy lol pale skin spanish girls are 11/10
Go back to /int/, seriously, this is so fuckign retarded
First of all, beauty is subjective (to a degree of course) so there will never be an objective answer to the question, so this thread is stupid to begin with regardless of the board
Secondly, this has NOTHING to do with Veeky Forums, there is a board exclusively for discussions about cultures/ethniticities/demographics etc and that IS /INT/
north caucasus, lebanon and spain
Why do you start this bait thread?
That girl on your pic has a manjaw. Her nose is ugly. And her eyes aren't green.
Her hair is better than blonde at least.
Here is a better pic.
Seconding Caucasus. Both genetically, and because of a relatively high standard of living coupled with a lack of processed foods in diet (same thing with eastern Europe, but I suppose drinking vodka tends to ruin you more than wine).
Here's a Georgian ballet, obviously they're an outlier, but it's amazing how statuesque, vital and pretty they all are, like 150 of them. If you have a chance to see it, then by all means do.
She's uglier than OP's pic
why on earth do you think they would get ugly people for this dance to represent their country
use your brain user
Southern Croatia, parts of Bosnia, Montenegro, Northern Albania, e.g. the dinaric alps. Something about it makes the people just ridiculously attractive. Men are all tall, handsome and charismatic and women are also tall, curvy bodies and beautiful faces. They are also all very athletic. Sadly, they seem a bit dumb and overly aggressive, which is why they are not the master race.
>obviously they're an outlier
>4/10 AT BEST
I love it when they chimp out their inner virgin.
What's your standard of beauty then? Anime pics are not allowed, fag
Scandiavia and Central/Eastern Europe
Afghans, a unique people
OP'sp ic is beautiful, the one you posted isn't
Offtopic, probably best on /int/
People who are mixed close-ethnicities seem to be the best looking on average. On average.
You don't get mutie looking people like tiny English chins, beady eyed Slavs with their stringy geriatric hair, toucan-like French etc.
You get a pleasant if generic blend of a human.
I think it's a kind of hybrid vigor though, so much the same as crossing a horse and donkey gives you an infertile mule if you mix two distantly related peoples you get an F1 generation person that can look really good, but the subsequent generations lose that vigor and accumulate the homozygous recessive genes.
>This song sucks
>Well why don't you write one yourself huh? Thought so
im not normally the pol type but
Bruh it's more if your parents ugly you gonna be ugly. I've seen hot mixed people and really fucking ugly mixed people stop fetishizing and dehumanizing mixed race people
OP's pic looks like a trannie with a wig. She looks like a princess.
Shit taste
>beady eyed Slavs with their stringy geriatric hair
Slavs have fair eyes and fair hair in majority.
Tell me how is she ugly. She looks radiant, like a sun. OP's pic resembles the same manjaw-ed, ugly nose, big lips woman. Tell me how is not better than OP.
the second chick is absolutely uninteresting looking, not to say she's not pretty but nothing mesmerizing or captivative
If you find manfaces to be "mesmerizing or captivative" then I think you might be gay.
>ugly nosed
She has a classically beautiful, straight, narrow nose, you can't find a nose more beautiful than that, it's The classical Greco-Roman canon
>big lipped
Not really, just juicy full lips which is a plus in a woman
>man jawed
She has a regular Healthy jaw and an elegant face, nothing mascoline about it, just Healthy
Meanwhile let's see your monstrosity:
Flat, potatoe stub nose, ugly and monkey like
Egg face, no jawline, will bear weak children
Thin lips like a monkey
Small eyes without expeession
She's shit tier
It... depends.
She looks like an old woman already with her weibkled face and big nose, she's gonna age like shit and will look 60 when she's in her 30s, meanwhile OP's pic will Not have her skin melt off her face like your trollop, because of her good bone structure
While a broad term, i swear to god its white women. Men of all races voted, and the most popular within all is white women. Don't know about what race girls are into the most.
You can't have both, either the women are hot and the men meh, or the other way around
Ugly nose.
Big lips are ugly.
Healthy man-jaw.
Her nose is a perfect example of an east-baltic nose. She has a delicate jawline. She is an active woman, will bear alpha children.
Her eyes are the same, but she closes them a little when she smiles. Of course OP's doesn't smile, demonstrating again that it's a man.
She is top tier.
She has the perfect round-tip east baltic nose.
>age like shit
>bone structure
The bone structure of a man.
Levantines and Caucasians
I don't see hwo that nose si ugly, it's thin and straight
>big lips are ugly
>man jaw
T.Weak jawed beta
>perfect round tip nose
aka subhuman mongoloid nose
But leventine are caucasian
East Asians
If you disagree you are secretly homo
>big lips are pretty
t. liplet
>weak jawed beta
t.weak jawed beta
t. anglo
>this is the ideal face of a woman
Spain or Italy
t. Finngol man
Except she looks nothing like OP's pic, you face blind autist, op's girl has a short compact face yours has a long horse face and a big hooked nose
Caucasians are people from the Caucaus mountains, silly American.
t. one autist defending his 5.5/10 crush
Russia, Belarus, Italy
Ancient Egyptians
Ah yes, true African beauty.
That's a straigth nose with the same nose-tip.She has the same man-jaw.
Similar eyes.
The difference is that one has a wider manjaw, the latest pic has a narrower manjaw.
Let's be honest with ourselves. OP's pic look like a male trannie.
The other girl looks like a pretty Holywood actress before getting fucked up.
What does "attractive" mean?
Is it the same for males and females?
Why do you imply all ethnicities share the same ideal woman body?
>generally speaking
Women are chosen with lighter features generally. Men are chosen with darker features generally.
>that's a straight nose
God, you really are retarded, SJP has a hooked jew nose, OP's pic looks like it's perfectly straight, Greek style
Go and buy some glasses or lenses you blind
>he other girl looks like a pretty Holywood actress before getting fucked up.
Except OP's girl looks like a typical Hollywood actress, Natalie Portman or Keria Knightley, your girl looks like a plain slavic slut
>being this tight-arsed about a woman's most obscure facial proportions
If you didn't beat your schmeat to trannies every night then you wouldn't see a tranny in every person with a good jaw so easily