>walking streets of vienna in 1911
>this random homeless bum walks up to you
>"oi mate, spare us a reichsmark, will ye?"
How do you respond?
>walking streets of vienna in 1911
>this random homeless bum walks up to you
>"oi mate, spare us a reichsmark, will ye?"
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
Give him some changes and advise him to study contemporary art.
This is Österreich, Piefke. We use kronen here.
>poo in schlucht
Fuck off kike
"Sure, just don't go spending it on ruining Europe or anything"
>"Danzig ist Polnisch"
"get a job you stupid autist"
>offer him more money than he asked for
>tell him I can afford it because I'm a wealthy banking Jew
Redpill him about (((them)))
"I hear the local synagogue serves hot meals"
Pull his pants down and settle the mystery going down there onve and for all
Let me tell you about the jews.
-grabs jew by the nose-
back de fuck off?!?
Walk on by
Nnnnope. Go back to your cesspool, subhuman.
Relax man, the only jew I will hate is a zionist one.
Let me teach you about a little thing called "perspective", with this one weird trick you can vastly improve the quality of your art!
get a job, you fucking hipster
false flag
Sure, I'd give him a few, and then say "Shalom Aleichem" on my way out.
Red-pill him on the glories of communism so that one day He and Stalin can team up to save the world from the evils of Anglo-American imperialism.
>How do you respond?
Kill him immediately.
Ernst “Gay Pride Reich Wide” Rohm then goes on to be the leader of the alt-history Nazis, taking over the traditional military with his Brownshirts and jumps the gun, attacking Poland well before Germany is ready and the krauts get deservedly slaughtered when France and the UK jump in the fight.
Give him records of every engagement of the war so he will know what the allies would do and have a better chance at winning.
Why would Rohm be Führer rather than Strasser?
Prepare for unforeseen consequences
Maybe throw in some tech plans too
>alt-history where Strasser is the Führer
yes please
>muh sad years in Vienna
He had a government pension after the death of his mother. He then made enough money from selling his art to be able to afford a ticket to Wagner concert whenever one was performing. Like most of what he said about his past, it was aggrandized bullshit.
>believing post war propaganda
I bet you believe he had one ball
>Why would Rohm be Führer rather than Strasser?
Strasser was a pencil pusher while Rohm had the necessary charisma and he had the Brownshirts.
>believing an egomaniac
And no, but he certainly had a perverted sexuality.
Because Rohm was a warrior followed by millions of people while Strasser was just some butthurt faggot constantly entangled in petty party squabbles.
But Röhm was the butthurt faggot.
in a couple of years you'll be believing that Hitler was the richest pimp in Europe after ww1!
My point is that Strasser was a complete nobody. Otto got exiled in the 1920s and nobody even batted an eye, and Gregor was a literal who.
My point is that Röhm liked dick up his bum.
They could've allied each other and killed all the liberal faggots in Yurop but by then it was too late
>It is really unacceptable that smart, young good-willing people like you have to beg for money. Are you an artist? What if I become your patreon and I start paying for your private lessons, while you provide for your rent and food? I'm willing to give you a chance
There it is, countless lives are saved.
I'm not contesting that.
Dammit because of what you did the KPD came to power and killed millions more people.
>believing Himmler's character assasination
>implying he wasn't a top
What went wrong?
lmao how so? He was a borderline neckbeard douche with bad teeth. This isn't made up, you can read accounts of his entourage and those who grew up with him.
Read memoirs of his friend. He said that Hitler was always a snappy dresser that always looked 10 times more wealthy than he actually was. Women even hit on him, but he was too much of an autist to actually lead it further.
>Oi m8
>It's Hitler saying this
What if Hitler was a plant for the Crown?
Hitler was an English plant.
Which by definition puts him at non-pimp status. And since he could afford nice clothes, on top of smoking 30 cigarettes a day, it dispels his forlorn story in Vienna, doesn't it?
Take him to the dungeon for a good session of österreicher sex :^)
Es ist gut, jah?
>not redpilling Hitler in order to create a stable timeloop
You'd actually stop him? What a faggot you know nothing of time travel.
>It's art not math
You can draw a mathematical relationahip between the points and lines
Is this real?
talk to him about working on his perspective, and also that if he tries to go to germany I'm going to shoot him.
"Do you have a minute to talk about Jesus Christ our lord and savior?"
Ask him if he has ever pooped in his underwear, how bad it was, and if it pleasures him in that way?
*Gdansk jest Polski
Fuck off, bum, I have more important shit to do. Imagine a turing machine, radars, assault rifles, christie suspension, penicilin, MG synchronization gear being invented years/decades before their time
I wonder if it was ever this bad when he was younger?
Poo poo in the pants and poo poo in the pants!
Say what?
Poo poo in the pants and poo poo in the pants!
Yes, it is a well known fact that Hitler considered Chinese honorary Aryans, and that he did apply the term to the Japanese just for diplomatic interests. It is also known that he was a close friend of Hussein and that he supported the Ba'athist during the gulf war. Also he went to Gaddafi's rape dungeons.
They should have a movie with a younger looking Hitler doing this:
"Yeah, and when you meet this Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg ignore anyone who points out they are Jewish, they're the good kind of Jew, the patriotic German kind."
Does anyone not get the irony of this being posted but no examples of a Stalin "Uncle Joe" and FDR friendship aren't?
Almost as if someone is creating some funny narrative.
"uncle joe" was indeed a propaganda construct to make stalin's regime seem more friendly than it was.it's no coincidence that as soon as the war ended the US propaganda machine did a full 180 in this regard. There is no "narrative" only expediencies drilled into the public through repetition so that they think that they came up with the idea themselves.
>There is no "narrative" only expediencies drilled into the public through repetition so that they think that they came up with the idea themselves.
Remember to demand the destruction of the Axis of Evil, Iran and North Korea goy.
Sauce on pic?
Looks like saint seiya just edited a bit.
Thanks dude appreciate it.
Go Nagai, probably Devilman
hand him a 50 and tell him that I am jewish
>Johnny Poo Poo Pants
Where did my reply go?
Ask him if he has ever pooped his pants.
Where did my first reply go?
If Operation Pike happened this would've been a reality.
I'm sorry, I only give coin to Austrians *tips Tyrol*
Röhm, his name was rÖhm.
And yeah Röhm wouldve been good, too bad paranoid Hitler had him killed.
He used all the money he had for that ticket mate. he was poor as shit like most common people.
He slept in those "bachelor hotels" for a long time.
Na man, Propaganda to make an excuse to off him.
Why does no one care?
I find it extremely satisfying that the greatest witness and descriptions of hitler shitting himself on numerous occasions is in a book written by David Irving.
That's not the only source. Traudl Jung noticed it and so did Mussolini.
He stunk when he pooed and could never have had an accident without someone smelling him.
He also pooped himself on his plane in 1943.
>kikes calling anyone a subhuman
Isn't your race dying out by itself?
Subhuman. Get extinct'd.
Shekel for your thoughts?
You have a keyboard to manifestate your brainlet "thoughts". I'll give you a last chance.
>all of Germany goes commie
>Unexhausted European hyperunion of Soviet Brothers steamrolls entire old world
>Japan slapped so fast and hard that war with the U.S. never comes up
>U.S. Stays isolated
>worse war than WW2 occurs between entire new and old world, nukes developed and used
Can I help Germany win WW1 instead? Best possible timeline DESU.
"Nein Adolf, nein... I am sure you are able to make a name for yourself without my help. *wink wink* ;)"
On a scale from 1 to 10 how angry are you at him at the moment?
Not bad at all...
The same amount as you.
I'm sorry, but Hitler lost because he was inferior. Get over it, mong.
Why do you think I am angry at him? ;^)
tell him about future, about the state of Israel, the german territory loss and the civil rights movement