ITT: We pair each Veeky Forums board with a fitting historical monarch
I'll start with the obvious King of Veeky Forums
ITT: We pair each Veeky Forums board with a fitting historical monarch
I'll start with the obvious King of Veeky Forums
Also, I am not very knowledgeable about Scottish royalty.
Why is James VII /x/?
Heian period is /a/ as fuck.
>Seclusive and elitist.
>Never went outside.
>Live and breathe for art and past-times.
>Massive boner for a foreign culture.
More like r9k
/v/ here. Hit me so I can bring it back to my board.
only thing I can think of is he meant James VI of Scotland, not James VII, and that's only on the account of the following:
>his father, Lord Darnley was murdered (ostensibly, but not provably, by his mother).
>Mary, his mother, fell under suspicion after remarrying his father's assassin(!), her third husband
>and somehow after that blindingly popular move she was imprisoned by Protestant rebels for being a fucking evil catholic cunt 'corrupting the next king'
>James VI was removed to Stirling castle to be raised by nobility at the age of 6.
>Mary, Queen of Scots, wasted away in an English prison cell, never to see her son again, >She was eventually executed by the English Parliament, who uncovered her participation in a plot to assassinate her cousin Elizabeth I
>Both his parents are subsequently said to be spooky ghosts that haunt various places being pissed off, awoo~
least that's all I can make of it
/k/ has got to be Charles XII:
>loved his wars
>personally took part in battles
>has multiple Sabaton songs written about him
well she has a game named after her
>starts her reign as a blissful innocent and slightly prudish woman
>by the end she's a fat depressed angry looking midget
Fits pretty good desu.
this guy is /x/. he was an autist who spent all his time holed up in his prague palace playing with alchemy and astrology until his brother deposed him
Thanks boys. I'm off now.
>makes ill informed life choices
>generally quite unattractive anyway
Veeky Forums
also she is by far one of the most influential monarch,one of the few ones who had a period named after her (Napoleon,Victoria,Edward)
the same as /v/ influence
>doesnt get his way, so he mental gymnastics his way into a new ideology that makes him feel good about himself, kills a bunch of women, massive lardass
too late desu, takes the cake for sure
can he be the yaoi board? What king was really into little boys?
Hadrian was pretty /y/.
>the obvious King of Veeky Forums
>this is what republicans actually believe
xplain plox
I'd say caligula for /b btw
nah man, /soc/
I have to say though, Elagabalus was pretty hot.
look at his pose
It's CIA man, hothead
You all knew he was the only one suitable for Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums
Take a guess.
fucking art hipsters
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
best post in the thread
actually delet
Someone give me /g/
That's James VI of Scotland and I of England. He made occultist works and his interest in occultism influenced Shakespeare's Macbeth. Furthermore he's responsible for the KJV of the Bible.
Just pick some Chinese emperor
>being this republican
King of Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /mu/.
/v/ influence?
>virgin, possibly gay
He's /k/ alright
Veeky Forums
he was obsessed with mysticism and wrote a bunch of books on demonology and demon hunting hence /x/
Actually made me laugh. Best post in thread.
King Edward was a autistic virgin that ended his dynasty
Dude loved his toy soldiers. Veeky Forums
Spot on.
Could you imagine /sp/ if it existed during gladiatorial games?
/lgbt/ with his n-n-n-nnooo I don't like you ernst rohm homosexual behaviour
>Hero amongst some, a shame to others
>took part in orgies
>cuckedholded king Louis XVI
This one fucking killed me
I'm gonna die
>doesn't know CIA
This better be bait
For me, it's Flamma
This is literally perfect
Not a fucking monarch
Different guy but I didn't see the CIA reference until it was pointed out
>Not Caligula
Hi /g/
>Yang had a taste for teenage women and invited them to take a seat on this special wheelchair. As soonthe unsuspecting young woman was seated, "clamps would automatically spring up to hold her arms and spread her legs apart, while the mechanized cushion would place her body in the proper position to receive the royal favor."
This. Only an /mlp/ fag would make his horse consul
Nero is definitely /mu/
Augustus the Strong should be Veeky Forums.
Frederick William the should be /k/.
>not Justinian "The Nika Riot Reaper" I
Think about it.
>Decently competent artist who was overly obsessed with telling people how to art
>Purged degenerate Art
>Was an autist in general
Hitler was /ic/ incarnate
Nah, /mu/ is Joseph II
>Heian period
At least post an accurate pic.
The rightful heir to the throne of /diy/ coming through.
Who are these guys? I wish I could get the joke.
Caligula: Crazy
Sulla: Tyrannical, but competent
Vitellius (Attributed bust): Fat guy who was emperor for several months following the Succession crisis after the collapse of the Julio-Claudian dynasty
>Sex pervert sadist
>violent conservative
>Lazy fat know it all
Oh, thanks!
>Nika Riots
Hadrian would be more /pol/ desu
>tries to exterminate the jews
>builds giant walls on the border
>is a closet fag who loves traps
Who could Attila be best associated with?
Currently dying
Fake news
Hes Veeky Forums in general
Veeky Forums