why did the cr*saders get their ass kicked so much? was it because they sucked?


There's your answer

The power of "Unkown" (aka massive outnumbering)

templars werent catholics you prodscum, they were proto-zionists and got excommunicated by the pope and pretty much all wiped out

>they were proto-zionists

So Catholics.

Because God was against them

>damage control

Protestants are the worst zionists apologists desu, catholics are pretty alright

This. Cared more about some rich fat fuck in Italy more than they ever have about God, so he slapped their ass and gave blessing to his other followers instead.

It's like you can't even into -holy- wars, anons.

>A Templar knight who fought in the Seventh Crusade lamented: "Rage and sorrow are seated in my firmly that I scarce dare to stay alive. It seems that God wishes to support the Turks to our loss...ah, lord God...alas, the realm of the East has lost so much that it will never be able to rise up again. They will make a Mosque of Holy Mary's convent, and since the theft pleases her Son, who should weep at this, we are forced to comply as well...Anyone who wishes to fight the Turks is mad, for Jesus Christ does not fight them any more. They have conquered, they will conquer. For every day they drive us down, knowing that God, who was awake, sleeps now, and Muhammad waxes powerful."

well, the byzantines sided with the ayubbids actually, thanks to the crusaders horrible treatment of the native eastern orthodox populations.

In fact the Byzos even co-ordinated a naval attack on the crusader fleet in conjunction with Saladin's advance on Jerusalem.

That's not an answer.

>smart enough to understand that
>not smart enough to convert to islam

>crusaders slaughter a bunch of christians in jerusalem
>"hurr durr why doesn't God support us waaahhhh"

talk about entitlement.

crusaders = isis

saladin = bashar al-asad

>Satanists lose control of the Holy City by divine intervention

How is that not an answer?

[Citation needed]

Too busy sacking their own allies

They were too few, and not equipped for such a long and dangerous campaign.



why did the Byzantines fuck so much with the crusaders?
>not properly supplying them
>not sending serious military aid
>collaborating with the Turks
>fucking up relations to the point they just sack Constantinople instead

I get that there were basically a pillaging savage horde, but they asked for their help after all

They asked for a few bands of mercenaries.

This was what they wanted in the same sense as someone asking for air support gets a MOAB dropped on his position.

point taken

They still fought the same enemy and could have relieved the first crusade when they were under siege at Antioch or not broker a truce with the Turks at the second