Does reddit and Veeky Forums represent the rationalist and romantic divide?
Neither of them are rational.
No, it represents the factual and politically correct divide
I wouldn't know, I'm not a redditor.
Reddit is a shithole full of faggots who take themselves too seriously and mentally collapse when they have to think outside the box.
it honestly, truly, does.
So basically Veeky Forums .
>Veeky Forums
>Taking itself serious
top kek
Tumblr is politically correct, reddit is some half assed contrarianism (and has already devolved into a new political correctness), and Veeky Forums is meta-contrarian, meta-meta-contrarian and so on, in such a way that no politically correct can ever be established.
>being stuck in 2007
More like the normie and austist divide.
I think the discusting pun culture of reddit devlepped because a pun is the least offansive joke you can make, thus tend to not be hidden because people don't bother downvoting it.
It is really the embodiment of the reddit mindset, being a dull form of humor that anybody can appreciate and that does not put any risk on the shoulders of its user.
Reddit is not normies, they are all into videogames, comics, cartoons and tabletop rpg.
They are a bunch of autists that made their own pseudo-normie culture
This, although I do not agree with you
They sure like to subscribe to politically correct and approved "rational" opinion of celebs and media.
The cringe meme really represents very well the redditors psyche, mocking people stepping out of the lines of normality as if himself never did anything embarrassing.
But he did, and that's why he feel the need to go after "cringy" things on the internet, so that he would feel less inadequate by comparison.
It's Veeky Forums where a few faggots with no life can control what is discussed which has carried on so long it has driven away everyone with dissenting opinions.
On top of those faggots you have censorship out the ass by the owners. At least Hiro lets us fucking speak here, even if it's because he has no understanding of what we are saying.
Reddit is literally conformist retards living inside their liberal democratic bubble, they actually cannot comprehend that someone could be fascist, or communist, or a monarchist, and immediately assume it's just bait, trolling or some sort of mental pathology. They see someone who's religious and automatically think they're just being ironic or contrarian, because obviously everyone has to be an atheist. Once they realize this isn't the case they undergo a total mental breakdown, you can easily spot the Redditors on Veeky Forums by this behavior.
tl;dr Veeky Forums is diversity, Reddit is an ivory tower
I dont think you can put "reddit" into one box. there are millions of subreddits. normie ones like r/meirl, pol ones like r/t_d and weeb ones like r/megumin.
The biggest difference is that Veeky Forums is practically unmodded and anonymous, while reddit is not.