ITT : We summarize our beliefs and get reccomended a religion or belief system.
Me first :
>A messiah will return to save everything, not just humans.
>A regime of saints will carry out God's will.
ITT : We summarize our beliefs and get reccomended a religion or belief system.
Me first :
>A messiah will return to save everything, not just humans.
>A regime of saints will carry out God's will.
Other urls found in this thread:
Vodou from Benin specifically.
transgendered, trans-humanist, anarcho-syndicalist, trans-Atlantic hunter-gatherer.
>Disappointed in all of you and myself
>Borderline alcoholic
Sounds like Islam's eschatology, minus the animist part.
>Socially conservative
>Economically liberal
>Hate capitalism and welfare state socialism
>NatSoc's racialist shit is absolutely retarded
>Italian Fascism is a fucking joke
Help me guys
>want a single leader with a strong focus on nationalism
>not necessarily fascism, but borrowing ideas from Mussolini's regime
>Hitler was a fucking moron
>legalize weed, punish hard drug dealers, not users
>strong anti-communism
What the fuck am I?
I keep bounding between wanting a strong, take-no-shit government and wanting the government to leave me alone.
Agnostic Atheist generally Apatheist
libertarian but anti-corporate
A mentally ill
don't put your blame on us first, fail on your own then then let us fail to assist you
No u
Literally gnosticism, is this bait?
>Morality is something related to intelligence, not perpendicular to it.
>Man suffers a massive information asymmetry to the world
>The world is inherently tragic. The loss of any sense of tragedy is itself a tragedy affecting modern populations
>Not sure time exists as a separate force from general entropy
I'm waiting for massive AI complexes to outsmart humanity. Our form of intelligence, or even the existence of general intelligence in the universe, might be inherently tragic and/or self-destructive. But tragedy and self-destruction are not fates to dismiss because one becomes sad.
In the realm of Maya, all forms are void.
Why does it turn into Christian Communism?
>Pluto not in the commie solar system
That's where I'll start my ancap paradise
Nationalist Voluntaryist Environmentalist Deist
Neoreaction. Look up Moldbug.
Because God is all the universe.
God is invisible.
>vaguely Christian
>Heathen LARPer
>There is a god and Judgement Day is coming
Plebs, submit yourselves to your new robotic overlords
Wahabism will cure you
Orthodox sunnism
Nizari Isma'ilism
Thanks ahmed, you are our best ally
Gnosticism doesn't real
Some shamanistic mushroom cult in south america.
>We summarize our beliefs and get reccomended a religion or belief system.
I am the Son of Chaos.
Falange or Iron Guard. Rexism may for the bill too