>find food
>gather seeds
>throw them in the ground
>more food
All primitive civilizations were able to figure out this very basic and essential process for survival... except Africans.
>find food
>gather seeds
>throw them in the ground
>more food
All primitive civilizations were able to figure out this very basic and essential process for survival... except Africans.
Mudcakes is from Haiti
Seeds don't grow in dry, parched, rock hard soil.
>mud nice a hot
Do you actually think that agriculture ever developed in [I assume] sub-saharan Africa, at any level? Is this what /pol/ intellect looks like? You're better off asking that question with native north americans since agricultural development was more substantial in the former continent than the latter.
Maybe I would be better off not replying since OP's post is probably bait. Oh well.
Mudcakes are a product of economic limitations, not a lack of expertise in farming. If you own no arable land, or any land at all, how are you going to subsistence farm? The people who make mudcakes are Port-au-Prince urban dwellers. Not rural villagers.
Haiti was populated with Africans by the French.
Not so many French there anymore.
They still have to pay the French their debt for freedom.
Rome literally lived off african grain
It's redundant to say stormtard trolls are retarded.
Oh they paid the French back for their freedom.
savages refuse to learn anything beyond how to raid the other tribes for food
Stop the cultural appropriation of north africa tyrone.
specify what region of africa you want to talk about then
Fun Fact: Africans did figure out how to throw seeds into the ground, like the rest of the human race, in perhistoric times.
Fun Fact no. 2: Africans on the Nile River figured out how to farm with high productivity long before anyone else. The fun thing about this fact is that it triggers faggots such as OP more than anything else in the world!
Many areas of Africa had agriculture. /pol/ armchair historians just like to pretend they didn't because le stupid nigger 60 IQ Zimbabwe r/K meme.
OP obviously meant sub Saharan Africans, not Egyptians.
lololol XDDDD le WE WE WE niggers le stupid WE WUZ niggers XDDD 60 IQ nigger subhumans le WE XDDDD
sup rebbit
You know perfectly well that in this context it mean black africa
OP is obviously a faggot, since North Africa is still Africa. I want brainlets to stay contained.
Berbers are not from africa user
They had agriculture too and did it a lot so the meme tier SSA/NA tier division is moot.
They are though, they are indigenous to it.
Ethiopia has a history of agriculture and was pretty black. Or are we just including the parts of africa that fit our narrative?
Hamites are from north the middle east user, they have been in north africa for a very long time tho. Does not makes them africans.
Yeah there's no point continuing this discussion with you.
wow you got me
>find food
>gather seeds
>throw them in the ground
>more food
It's not that simple.
>only exemple im able to provide just happen to be caucasians living in africa
Great false flag /pol/tard :^)
I take it that's a yes, then.
You retarded or simply from the USA? Africa it's called that way because the Roman province of Africa, than was made after Carthage was destroyed. The first to be called Africans were the berbers.
Haha yeah the soil is so shitty
>literally supports one of the biggest swathes of vegetation in the entire fucking world
Hamites are still not native from africa.
Also don't ever dare to call me am*rican you fucking faggot
>Soils that are good for rainforrests are also good for domesticated crops.
Care to give us more of your nonexistent knowledge on agriculture?
Except that tropical rain forests make pretty shitty farmland. Don't forget taking into account the shear amount of effort needed to clear all those big ass trees.
Grasslands tend to be a better option for farmland.
>Jungle = good agricultural soil
Do you know anything about concepts like topsoil, pH or just about anything to do with agricultural science?
clearing trees also leads to more Malarial hotspots too.
It's cool than you own being retarded user.
Holy shit everyone here is so retarded.
Agriculture in Africa is older than the Sahara - it started around 5,000 BC in the Sahara region before it desertified. When the Sahara turned to desert, these populations moved south to the Sahel and east to the Nile region. Even if we exclude the actual ancient Egyptian culture (which is retarded), you've still got plenty of native agriculture across Africa, everywhere from Nubia to West Africa to - a bit later - the Great Lakes region.
Hell, the West Africans were so good at agriculture in the Niger River region that one Islamic scholar visiting the region made a note as to how agriculturally productive the region was.
But let me guess - West Africans don't count as black either, right?
LIterally anything remotively resembling a society is NOT AFRICAN. duhhh
>Africans on the Nile River
>Africans on the Nile River
Nubia, you retard.
>But let me guess - West Africans don't count as black either, right?
Anything that doesn't reinforce my negative stereotypes of Africans isn't African.
Slash and burn for cheap ass productive land and then rotating crops so the soil isn't depleted, literally what has been done in Europe, Asia or the Americas since times imemorials. The fucking Netherlands have gained farmland from the seas since the medieval age with windmills and willpower.
>the /pol/ memer will respond to this in another meme after googling nubia
It doesn't matter. Your entire race will be replaced then extinct'd.
Your time here is over. Time up.
>Temperate forests and tropical jungles are the exact same thing and what worked in Europe will work there too!
t. brainlet, no wonder you think it just takes throwing seeds in the ground for plants to suddenly start growing
There are paintings from the time that showed farming in Africa with the Congo Empire when the portuguese arrived there.
Slash and burning, then rotating crops was done from Messo-America to Thailand, I don't see why wouldn't work in Africa, you poor excuse of baiter.
>being so retarded you deny science because it's better to not be raycis
Because of things like topsoil you don't know fucking anything about because you don't work in agriculture, jungles have incredibly thin topsoils and leech easily, this is fine for the jungle because it can replace it with it's own detritus leaves and stems, etc. It's going to take a long time to make it arable for large scale agriculture
>It's about being racist
Every wonder why no European colonizer ever pursued this avenue in the jungle user?
Give them a break. They're still recovering from the earthquake.
It doesn't matter, every fucking civilization made workarounds in unfertile lands, the americas savages had agriculture in fucking hills, the aztecs in a fucking jungle, romans used to transform lakes into agriculture lands, egypt made a fucking calendar to use the nile for agriculture
niggers didn't care and still don't care even if they starve to hell
The same happened in Europe, than was nearly all forest than has been cleared and toiled for centuries. You want good soil? Or you have the nile or you have to start preparing it now.
Right now in Brasil lots of environmentalist are bitching because the farmers along the lumberjacks are destroying the amazon for more Farmland, slashing and burning ,using cows and rotating crops.
if white people get wiped out, niggers get instantly wiped out too
asians HATE niggers and won't be think anything against racism
they will literally wipe out africa with nukes out of pure pragmatism
Latinos hate niggers too, if they ever get in a position of power you bet latino slavers will become a thing
Irrelevant. It's your turn to get mongrelized, then replaced.
Get extinct'd, subhuman.
Plenty of African tribes did develop farming, it was necesary because they grew too large to be sustained otherwise. Those that didn't, either were hunter-gatherer societies that didn't require farming, or were tribes that relied on raiding for resources.
literally what the fuck are you talking about, egyptians were basically the first motherfuckers ever to farm and west africans have been farming yams for thousands of years
check yourself before you wreck yourself pollack
I think it's safe to assume that OP doesn't know shit about farming.
North America is extremely arable and fertile, that's why the US is so powerful today. I'm honestly more surprised why Indians don't get more flak for being as primitive as they were.
Aztecs didn't live in rainforrests as many people seem to think.
Romans were already extremely advanced.
The Nile is one of the most fertile areas on the planet, that's why it became so advanced in the first place
And you still haven't adressed the fact that Africans did in fact have agriculture
incas also had problems with agriculture and they were advanced
I don't anything much about Inca civilisation so I can't say much but considering their wide spread it probably wasn't that bad.
>North America is extremely arable and fertile, that's why the US is so powerful today. I'm honestly more surprised why Indians don't get more flak for being as primitive as they were.
Pretty sure the east coast indians were almost all farmers. I know the longhouse ones were.
>the aztecs in a fucking jungle
Not only the aztecs but also various more rudimentary groups.
Natives in Brazil already dominated agriculture before colonization even if they were just a bunch of tribes scattered everywhere and without developing any more advanced society.
And that's considering they were in the middle of a fucking jungle like many africans do.
The thing about agriculture is that when you are just starting to figure that shit out its less effective than hunting/gathering.
Sure, we know now that agriculture can create yields far greater than hunting/gathering, but you would get out-competed by migratory and semi-migratory neighbors who are also capable of gardening but don't have the limitations of being tethered to one spot.
Some elsewhere too. I heard Plains engaged in it.
or Pastorialism or trading.
Yeah but once your society gets big enough there simply aren't enough resources to sustain your numbers through hunting-gathering.
Interesting that the Hadza, tutored by life and not by anthropology, reject the neolithic revolution in order to keep their leisure. Although surrounded by cultivators, they have until recently refused to take up agriculture themselves, "mainly on the grounds that this would involve too much hard work." In this they are like the Bushmen, who respond to the neolithic question with another : "Why should we plant, when there are so many mongomongo nuts in theworld?" (Lee, 1968, p. 33) . Woodburn moreover did forn the impression, although as yet unsubstantiated, that Hadza actually expend less energy, and probably less time, in obtaining subsistence than do neighboring cultivators of East Africa ( 1968, p.54).
Hunter gatherers keep a stable population consistently below their production capacities.
Yeah for the most part
No, sadly not anymore, it stopped some years ago. It was totally deserved though.
Agriculture developed in Africa around 2000 BC and had become the universal subsistence method of the continent by 1500 BC, the o hl y pockets of hunter gatherers being isolated populations in the Congo and southern Africa
Where does the idea they didn't have agriculture come from? It arrived in Africa about 3000 years after it had spread to other places but it was undeniably there.
In what way?
The French presided over perhaps the most brutal slavery system in all of the Caribbeans. The average life span of a Haitian slave was less than 5 years.
*except Abos*
Africans did had farming and some metal working.
While yes you can garden and be mobile at the same time, in practice it tethers you to one region and serves as precursor to rather then competition against Neolithic-style society (see: Natufian culture). Eventually you get better at your gardening skills and the production yields rise as you select for unique traits and intensive agriculture is the result as smart people realize they can obtain more food easier then if they hunted by plowing progressively greater plots of land.
To be fair, even post-Neolithic societies had significant amounts of hunting and significant amounts of gathering of wild crops. This continued basically until the Industrial Era. Is every society in between therefore "hunter-gatherer"? I don't think so. Effectively, the gardenfags just got gud and pushed the huntfags and the gatherfags to progressively marginal reaches of society where they still exist today but on the fringes rather then determining the whole.
>the most brutal slavery system in all of the Caribbeans
Dick contest, slavery IS brutal. Besides, I'd like to see your sources about that.
Talking about brutality, the debt was deserved precisely because of the way the French settlers were massacred.