What is the trash can of ideology?
What is the trash can of ideology?
Other urls found in this thread:
alt-right and SJWs
Neo-liberalism, no one can convince me otherwise
Veeky Forums
You trippin m8
This is glorious
>alt right
>What is the trash can of ideology?
Judaism - most street gangs have more honor than Moses' "divine" law.
The post-modern era.
What is in a trash can? The discarded refuse of something used. And now we have the homeless folk, who are starved of meaning, digging through this trash can, and picking up the shiniest or tastiest piece of ideology that fancies their tastes. And then holding it up and saying: ''Look I have found it!-- The truth''.
So this, essentially.
The universe is Ontologically incomplete, meaning we can't grasp the meaningand substance of the whole thing. So to fill in the gaps, we have ideology.
>The universe is Ontologically incomplete
What do you mean specifically?
> meaning we can't grasp the meaningand substance of the whole thing. So to fill in the gaps, we have ideology.
You are presupposing that ''meaning'' is inherit to phenomena, and not a product of our own abstractions of phenomena?
>le moderate wisdom
anything even remotely leftwing
No, Libertarianism is not leftwing, neither is Individualism.
Left =/ Freedom. It simply means you beheaded good men instead of bad men in the French revolution.
No, it is exactly the opposite case. Satisfactory meaning is not to be found in the universe. There is always a gap, an incompleteness. But humans are not satisfied with this, and so we create an image of the sublime. This is ideology.
Ideology does not obscure obvious facts of the world, but it adds in facts, an augmented reality.
Anything totalitarian
Veeky Forums is 99% ideology my good friend
Would that not mean that humans create the sublime itself? To create an image of the sublime, one must have a reference point in the sublime itself, but where is this reference point? If the sublime is fundamentally an experience of aesthetics; does this not make it entirely relative? How is the sublime different from any ideological construct, an abstraction? I guess it could be an *experience* which is then abstracted, i.e. represented in symbols.
>Ideology does not obscure obvious facts of the world, but it adds in facts, an augmented reality.
I disagree. How can it ''add in facts'', when it is another layer of abstraction to reality? Yes it does augment ones ontological experience, but this can be akin to delusion, thus ''does not obscure obvious facts of the world'', is not true. I could dig up various examples of ideology obscuring ''obvious facts of the world''. Hell, flat-earthers come to mind.
>alt-right and SJWs
so idpol is ideology, right?
Now this is pure ideology
>leftists calling other anyones memes shit
>unironically posting a /leftypol/ screenshot
>claims to hate idpol
>has a political identity
sorry but that's the most awful identity of all.
there's ideology in the rightwing aswell
your dinner plate
What people other than me think
National-Bolshevism/Fourth Political Theory