What is with the hate of the German people shilled here so hard? I'm no /pol/ack, granted it's just another meme here but you could swear this board is full of a bunch of butthurt slavs and anglos
What is with the hate of the German people shilled here so hard? I'm no /pol/ack...
It's funny and makes people mad, that's about all you need for anything to be popular on Veeky Forums.
It makes the naziboos mad, so people do it. Not hard to understand, newfriend.
>& Humanities
Germany should have been completely neutered and destroyed after WWI to prevent WWII. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.
Because they think it triggers stormfags. Pro tip:
[spoiler]it doesn't[/spoiler]
To defeat your enemy, you most become your enemy. Therefore you not only have to purge the G*rman, you must purge the G*rman in yourself first. Preferably with a hand gun.
It's reaction to people like or
They keep destroying europe
You realize that WW2 is entirely the fault of the allies bleeding Germany dry, right?
Do you seriosuly believe that?
I actually kind of like Germans, but what everyone else said, it's to troll stormniggers.
Yes, because I know my history, you fucking anglo faggot.
Counterbalance to /pol/ and /tv/ I imagine which love all things German except for the current politics.
Strange because it wasn't always like this. One of the last remnants of it is our Veeky Forums cup team which is really German-heavy including the emblem and anthem.
Do you have any evidence to support your feelings?
>I know my history
According to my calculations it's deep night in Germany, why are you on your computer spreading lies on random internet fora?
>why would a Veeky Forums poster be on after midnight
Not him, but use your head.
Wehraboos became too common and too obnoxious and eventually the retards in the group ended up generating cringe which turns off other people who start to make fun of all the wehraboos in response.
Same thing happened to Byzantium. Nobody cares about facts these days, they care about sticking it to the autists. If there's a bunch of people being super autistic with something, you can bet there's going to be a counter-wave generated in response.
Me head is dumdum, use yours for me.
They're desperately trying to make Lefty/pol/ cool across boards.
That's very stupid opinion, espically considering how many neonazis are shitposting now.
Go find me 10 "Lefty/pol/" posts, then.
A reaction to /pol/tards being annoying as fuck. Although I suspect it only makes the problem worse.
"wehraboos" are just crossboarding /pol/ posters. The reason why they're obnoxious is because... well, they're from /pol/. They don't even come here to discuss history, they just want to shitpost, bait and confirm their already cemented bias.
This board is a mess and a complete mistake.
But pretty much everyone I see here likes the second reich, not the third.
I've seen people discussing Prussia only to get some retard derailing the thread with cringeworthy bomber Harris memes. Even though that makes literally no sense.
French, Belgians, Poles and probably Brits won't have much good to say about Prussia or Second Reich.
Veeky Forums is butthurt about
No real reason, except when the discussions on those three are good, they're exceptionally good.
& humanities was a fucking mistake you mean. & Humanities allows this board to be /b/-lite since fucking everything can be considered humanities. Religion and humanities should have been kept to Veeky Forums
So? All of those countries have fucked over others in the past also, especially France and Britain.
/pol/ and /leftypol/ are both cancer, prove me wrong.
>protip: You can't.
no takesies-backsies
No i mean history. History is what suffers the most when stormtards are around.They can easily mask their real intentions with an innocent historical thread.
Neo-nazis in general have become increasingly bold in fabricating history during recent years. Internet is a perfect medium for them to spread their message.
Well they mostly post the same stuff. Infographics with made up quotes some of which were debunked on /pol/ itself.
Same videos of some lecture by a random nazi historian. Nothing big. I kind of wish someone had some of those pics with "revealing" quotes saved so we could investigate them here.
And communists are even more lazy. They're not a threat too.
Every german ive ever met has been a rude arrogant ass. Their sole mission in life also seems to be to ruin everything for everyone out of sheer jealously. They ruined europe twice because they were late to the colonization party.
>you could swear this board is full of a bunch of butthurt slavs and anglos
It's mostly frogs actually.
>What is with the hate of the German people
it's a meme, nothing more
>complaining about /pol/ is /leftypol/
>this board is full of a bunch of butthurt slavs and anglos
>slavs and anglos
mmm no sweetie
Slavs don't hate Germany.
>inb4 Pooland
Not Slavic, they're jews.
Honest question: Have you ever heard of the Great Depression?
If yes, are you aware it had nothing to do with Versailles?
It's a pic of leftypol. The emblems attached to each post are sequentially the flag of yugoslavia, a book, and the uniform red of international socialism, fucking retarded redditor liberal brainlet.
Because they did a lot of evil things.
I think the only brainlet here is you my friend from afar
Cathocucks still mad that Luther crushed their shitty decadent church
>contest user's claim that /leftypol/ is raiding
>user posts proof of /leftypol/ discussing Veeky Forums
>>complaining about /pol/ is /leftypol/
I can only think that you weren't aware of what website the pic was capped from
>user explains that where the pic was sourced from and calls you a retard
You're as bad as the /pol/ shitposters tbqh
Nah m8, that would be you.
I'm other user friend. Your post implies you don't actual understand what liberalism is and what relation it has to the contested subject of lefty/pol/shitters flooding over their containment board desu. Therefore pure brainlet material. It's ok, we still love you.
Judging by the amount of anti-Anglo threads that saw the rounds here, I don't really believe you. Behold:
Some of us just hate Bismarck. He's just a man, not every single German.
Wehraboos and their more radical cousins from /pol/ are as cringy as weebs. So people troll them and ridicule them.
The G*rman "people" are soulless automatons that just follow the dogma of whatever crackpot leader has managed to climb to power at the time, no matter how outlandish or extreme. They have no personal reasoning skills and no sense of self preservation, the slightly more cognizant G*rman leaders simply feed them orders and they go march off and act for their masters like the wind up toys they are. It's like it's in their programming to destroy and dismantle everything around them.
>I'm no /pol/ack
t. /pol/ack
Veeky Forums is an antifa board and we will fight fascism wherever it emerges.
But you realize that there are germans on this board that aren't nazis right?
Yeah user, (((Cathocucks))) are the ones with an axe to grind.
>500 years later
>Cathocucks still mad
>Be Martin Luther
>Don't believe in the Bible
>Don't believe in Jesus
>Don't believe in Heaven
Does Antifa seriously think Harris wouldn't bomb a bunch of commies like them?
Look, they have a weeb version you can understand.
Looks like a group of Zionists pretending to be antifa to me. I wonder whether Bomber Harris would have advocated the destruction of Tel Aviv after the King David Hotel bombing.
More than likely, they're just waving around whatever flag they think will trigger the Nazis. Antifa is all about provoking confrontation
>you could swear this board is full of a bunch of butthurt slavs and anglos
Because this board IS full of butthurt slavs and anglos
t. anglo
/pol/ appears and spreads in places that are completely irrelevant to politics, like /v/, /tv/ ect, ruining fun for everyone, similar to aggresive cancer.
/leftypol/ may make appearances in boards other than its containment board, but it is in boards and threads relevant to politics. Even if it is considered a tumor by some, it's benign.
They were far too lenient on Germany, they should have showed no mercy to them.
And there are Indians who poo in the loo, and thin Americans. Sorry m8 all national memes have collateral damage.
Thats something cancer would say.
Just reminder antifa have german origin too.
>germany gets broken up after ww2 permanently
>everybody in europe cycles because there are no cars
good one
You don't have to be a skinny college fairyboy to have the Teutonic menace.
Hate*. This is why you don't shitpost when you just wake up.
>this is a bad thing
WW1 Germany made extraordinarily poor financial decisions. They had little room for error as their financial institutions were far less developed than other Western peers like the UK and France. But wait! Their financial fuck ups followed them post-war as the G*rmans began to default on debt on purpose specifically so they paid less Versailles reparations. Which was a consequence of their own mismanagement and not of the treaty itself.
Which all gives credence to the meme that Germs were the Untermensch themselves, and were merely projecting their insecurities outward.
No one forced Germany (or USSR for that matter) to attack other countries.
Not to mention that having a politically right-wing views is not an "opinion" but a crime and Nazis deserve all the shit they get.
How come Germany is the most successful European country though, even after losing two world wars? Is it because Germans are superior people?
They're like a fast, incredibly spiteful racehorse who'll outrun the competition, then turn around and run backwards just before the finish line. They'll fuck this up too, just you watch
Hard workers and construction autism
If economic supremacy was the measurement for racial superiority then the Jews are superior to everyone.
>those flags
Both Germanies got propped up by their colonial overlords (SU and USA, ofc) to make strong buffer states. West especially
They'll slap on as many anti-Nazi flags as they can. The American flag is probably a ploy, since they tend to burn that one.
>Dude if you're right or left wing and don't have my specifically liberal views you aren't allowed to post your opinions anywhere
An hero. Breeth in, load the barrel, point it right between the eyes, and an hero.
I know.
>Antifa marching with an American and Israeli flag
>Not burning the American flag and flying the Palestinian flag
>What is with the hate of the German people shilled here so hard?
prussian militarism
>swear this board is full of a bunch of butthurt slavs and anglos
anglos get the bullet too!
must have been bavarians then.
Kr**ts sh**ld h*v* b**n n*k*d, *ll w*rds *r* c*ns*r*d t* *mph*s*z* h*w gr*ss *t *s t* d*sc*ss kr**ts.
It would have been harder for the governments to take shape if people hadn't been so despairingly hopeless in their given situation.
As if you care about Europe you nigger fuck. You probably whine about /pol/acks being concerned with mass immigration in Europe at the same time you spout this shit
They always ruin things by overdoing them. They have the hardest pendulum swing of any group.
Germany has been leading the world's problems
>East Germany during cold war
>ruining Europe currently
It's because when the western world took up the Enlightenment, Germany was the outcast and took up Romanticism. Their entire culture is built on feelings and glory, not logic and reason. Sure, you get a few good philosophers from them, but none of them argued a solid human rights issue based on the individual. It was mostly collectivism and Altruism.
Thats because the 2nd Reich is interesting, full of interesting and admirable people and actually did good for Germany for a while. The more you read about the 3rd Reich the more you realize how much it pales in comparison to the 2nd. Only reason Neo-Nazis love it so much is because the propaganda was effective as shit and I guess ugly or shitty German people didn't exist in 1933 to 1945, its all bullshit man and the worst part is when you bring this up and present the facts, all you get is a good ol' stormnigger chimp out and get called a kike while they suck Uncle Adolf's dick and reminisce about a Reich that wasn't even going to last even if they somehow won the war.
On the bright side, it makes for some good shitposting and laffs
literally fucking this. why can't they just except that they're Eastern Europe AT BEST
Germans are just a burden for Mediterranean and Anglos of Europe alike and theres an abundance of evidence supporting this claim; pleas stay on the other side of Europe from now on, thanks
The unification failed
why did Germany depend on the USA for loans in the first place? maybe because they were fucking broke and in a wheel of debt?
us >$ germany >$ anglos >$ us
Most of it comes from frogs or polacks, they blame germany for what's going on in the EU while Poland comes along for gibsmedats and France is pretty much along for the ride
> Their entire culture is built on feelings and glory
You couldnt be more wrong.
t. german
I wonder myself, it isn't jealousy, most of them know in their heart that their personal country is the best and so forth. I think for most they lack interest in their life, so they seek attention through making online strangers angry at their words.
Veeky Forums is mostly visited by losers. Germany is at the winning side of history. Breeds jealousy.
>bleeding Germany dry