A student found an ancient Canadian village that’s 10,000 years older than the Pyramids

>A student found an ancient Canadian village that’s 10,000 years older than the Pyramids


What does Veeky Forums think?

Graham Hancock was right.

Nothing too crazy desu. It's be one thing if it were a coastal city or a actual civilization found, but many archeologist have be predicting that we will continue to find older and older settlements along the coast lines the more evidence we find about past natives coming over from Asia in the early years of migration to the Americas.

No doubt it's definitely remarkable that actual archeological evidence was found but it's nothing out of the normal here. We will continue to find spear tips and bones of different people's, but what is cool is that this is a stepping stone to allow us to connect the dots and prove the migration theories and DNA check who was actually here first and if there is similarities to other humans that came at earlier or later times.

Cheers to the student though!

Nothing out of the ordinary.
>10 000 years older than the Pyramids
A sensationalist headline for brainlets. There's plenty of shit that old.

Really makes me think

that just looks like a bunch of sand and trees to me

Those are trees....are we talking about a squirrel village by chance?


“For hundreds — perhaps thousands — of years, generations of the Heiltsuk Nation, an indigenous group in British Columbia, have passed down the oral histories of where they came from. The nation claims that its ancestors fled for survival to a coastal area in Canada that never froze during the Ice Age.

In a 2016 paper Gauvreau said other oral histories could be further legitimized through archaeological digs.

"This find is very important because it reaffirms a lot of the history that our people have been talking about for thousands of years," William Housty, a member of Heiltsuk Nation, told CBC News.”

Absolute bullshit but because they’re a minority, we’re supposed to accept this as scientific fact.

10,000 years older than the pyramids isn't that old for a tribal society.

So What was it?

A small hunter gatherer settlement?

And? Did you think all HGS lived in caves?

Of course some had small settlements with some dozens of people living in them

How big was This?

surely the news of a culture having oral history of the fucking *ice age* is some important shit?

I feel sorry for those that doubted him. There are so many things we don't know about our history.

minorities always lie. who cares

Scientists care, obviously a brainlet like you don't.

their fairy tales are not scientific

Obviously more scientific than white supremacy.

Western culture is dominant. Not an argument.

>western culture defines white supremacy
>not an argument

Canadians have legends of an ice age?

Hmmm..... I wonder if people in river valleys have legends of a great flood.

>10,000 years older then the pyramids
What exactly is the purpose of making this claim?
Are they implying that finding evidence of human settlement is somehow equally comparable to the construction of the pyramids?

It's just to attract normalfags.

Actually it's impresive by itself anyway, knowing that Amerindians reached America 15000 years after europeans settled on europe.

> yfw somebody finds a Solutrean point in there and the featherheads get asspained to death

10.000 years ago we were monkeys and chimps

How would they get asspained by such finding?

anatomically modern humans have been around at least 200k years

Most normal people don't have any real frame of reference for dates and ages. If you said the village is 12000 years old they're just like "huh that's pretty old" cause they don't really get how ancient it is.

I like how they try to spice it up by saying OLDER THAN THE PYRAMIDS as if that weren't a common feature of North and South American archaeological finds. Every couple years they dig up some remains or find some settlement that's in or around the Last Glacial Maximum.

The Solutrean hypothesis triggers natives because it suggests that Europeans could have been here first. Granted, that would be a meaningless distinction and will probably never be proven anyway. But it is fun to needle them with.

>not being a creationist

get out of here nerd

The neolithic men from whence non-niggers non-abos descend are only 12k yo

I'm pretty sure all the oldest sites in the Americas indicate some kind of migration from Asia, though not through the Ice Free Corridor as was originally thought. Well, to be more accurate, either our estimates about when the IFC was open and navigable are way off, or else people were using some other route for thousands of years before it opened. Only way to explain shit.

>Europeans could have been here first
I don't get why would they be butthurt. Clovis culture is a better explanation of this event and they were different than later siberians.

The solutrean hypothesis has almost nothing to support itself.

>Clovis culture is a better explanation of this event
Except now they are finding pre-Clovis settlements with more regularity. Clovis did seem like the most logical explanation for a while, cause they couldn't find anything older and there was abundant evidence Clovis peoples were migrating through the Ice Free Corridor, but now there's evidence of settlements in the Americas that predate the IFC being navigable.

and take that one right with you

yeah theyre called boats. Those island people spread out all over the pacific and at least some of them definitely made it across, they were the first to use stars to navigate.

Humans are prideful, its easier for us to feel smug and all-knowing about shit we barely have a clue about because it gives us an illusion of power over our own existence.

>I don't understand how coastal migrations work
We know

How the hell did they find wooden tools?

Does wood not usually just rot?

The oral history of the ice age is bullshit, indians had crazy fucking stories about everything just like all primitive cultures. One happening to have some historical basis is just chance. Same with predating the pyramids, who is really surprised people were wandering around Canada before Egyptians were building gigantic stone structures.

>pre clovis settlements
Pre-clovis people who came from Asia.
>ifc being navigable
The consensus of the IFC dates are variable too.

Give me documents supporting your delusions.

Not that surprising. Europe has that too.

>European descended Caucasians are global minority

Really makes you think...

>Pre-clovis people who came from Asia.
Yes that is the consensus about where they are from, where did I imply otherwise?
>The consensus of the IFC dates are variable too.
Cute. There absolutely no IFC dating that makes Montverde fit with Clovis theory. Have you even looked at a single journal published after 1990?

>IFC dating
The consensus based on glaciar moraine dating, in other words
>The consensus of the IFC dates are variable too.
The moraine rock dating is what makes the glacial area and dates "variable" as it has a considerable time range.
>clovis theory
>Monte verde
Irrelevant. Both are pretty different from each other. It seems more likely that it was a relatively isolated developed settlement which were abandoned and didn't spread its culture enough. Clovis culture was forgotten over time with tiny exceptions, even then the rest of the continent show no "heritage" of such cultures for thousands of years, probably due to a nomadic lifestyle.

And all of this doesn't help with the solutrean hypothesis.

> surely the news of a culture having oral history of the fucking *ice age* is some important shit?

Except they don’t have an oral history of the ice age, they’re making it up based on modern day knowledge of the ice age and further more, the Indians currently living in the area are not a continuous culture with those who were there 10,000 years ago.

This is just another case of historical revisionism by Indians with support from politically correct White academia.

>This is just another case of historical revisionism by Indians with support from politically correct White academia.
Why is this a problem again?

Lobotomy or are you naturally this ignorant?