What's the biggest spook in all of human history?
What's the biggest spook in all of human history?
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Fedora wearers
Martin Luther King
What does spook mean?
It's not real but people build value around it instead of just serving their own self interest as though the spook in question were real.
Oh. That's interesting, thanks for the quick reply.
Derogatory term for a black person
God naturally
all thoughts/ideas/concepts
>unironically believing in what an insane terrorist anarchoprimitivist loser said
There's one that's common to people across all cultures and ways of life.
"Muh bloodline" and "muh progeny" is the ultimate spook. Nothing else has consumed so much human energy for no actual reward.
After being cheated on by the love of my life I agree. Stay single, boys.
Cultural identity? I can see how other people might find it important but outside of some history and religious mythology, I've never had an interest in my background.
I'm just in a lot of pain right now, brother. I'm sorry for bringing it here, i know it's not the place.
nah my bad. i was cheated on by my love too, years ago. best advice i can give is to stop thinking about it in terms of being betrayed, or in terms of victim/perpetrator, etc. the sooner you can wish her happiness in your heart, the sooner you can get back on the horse. i'd recommend going on dates with other girls as soon as possible (i wasted 3 years moping around). you never really get over it until you change into another person in another stage of life. seeing someone else helps you do that, then you can love them fully. the happiest part of your life is ahead of you. good luck brother
Thanks man. I have a rebound date on Saturday.
Buddhism, stoicism, taoism, etc.
I c wat u did thar
>not getting hooked on cocaine and blowing all of your money on whores
free will
& Humanities
>insane terrorist anarchoprimitivist
I think the word you're looking for is genius?
You can literally call anything a spook. Spooking is equivelant to covering your hears going "I can't heeeaaarr you!"
It's just a catchy word you can apply to anything you disagree with.
>insane terrorist anarchoprimitivist
You call me bro
Big fat pussy lips
Human history
Your life
All these plus free will, the idea that we as humans are special and the idea of destiny or thinking anything that happens to you could have been changed or prevented
Consciousness and it's supposed higher states
human rights
The idea that existence has any meaning by itself
This thread desu
haha you wot m8?
Correct, also the ego, if bye ego we mean an immortal individual soul, but that's basically afterlife
Anything in existence can be a spook. The ego is by far the most broadly-popular and destructive though. Every day countless souls injure themselves in an irrational drive to pleasure their petty personalities for just another brief moment.
And so-called "self-interest" is of course the root cause of all other spooks.
Lol so incorrect
God. Obviously
No dumbass it is an abstraction one places above one's ego. Whether or not said abstraction is real or not is irrevelant. Only its relation to the ego matters.
What you are describing is social construct
Believing spooks are bad things and thinking Stirner's philosophy was advisory rather than informative. Stirner wasn't saying "this is how *you* should act", he was saying this is how men who have evolved beyond modern men act. Indeed, think Stirner was outlining some kind of utopian ideal world and you absolutely follow his philosophy is exactly what Stirner was lampooning, the modern spiritual man.
Ah, another thread of "let's comment on Stirner without reading him". First, spooks aren't real, Stirner didn't "believe in them", he didn't believe you shouldn't do anything that benefits others, and "egoism" in his German context doesn't mean being self centered, it means a person spirit. You can't understand what he meant by spooks without reading the passages about heaven-stormers, because he believed language hadn't evolved far enough to describe these metaphysical concepts and instead used poetic language and metaphors. He's not always talking literally.
All abstractions are non-real. The non-real part isn't irrelevant at all, it's the whole point of using the term 'spook' (AKA 'ghost') since it has connotations of something that isn't really there. And aside from that autistic attempt at nitpicking you just wrote the same thing the post you replied to said. So I'm guessing you don't actually have a point and just wanted to show everyone how smart you are for having read the Stirner wikipedia article by parroting a summary you don't understand well enough to recognize as already having been communicated here.
Working class
This is too much to be real.
Correct, I understood this when I was 15
If you call him a genius, it says more about your level of intellect than it says about his.
But then how do we have a large stellar bureaucracy with a massive war machine with which to crush and remove the irredeemable alien races that encrust the stars like filth on the galaxy if it comes to it?
The self
Are you really so invested in your progeny for your self worth that you have to assume that someone making light of such concepts has to be of a race you deem inferior?
>Literal math genius
Lmao he achieved more in his life than you ever will ANTFAtard
That painting is so beautiful it hurts my chest.
that episode from Xavier the fallen angel is like a 4chin argument
>achieving anything through math
liberal faith
>dissecting a label translated from German this austistically instead of actually reading what was said.
It is irrevelant. Striner never made any attempt to confirm or deny the existence of god as his whole point to act regardless of God's existence.
What I am saying is fundamentally different from you. You claim Striner says that spooks are not real and exist to inhibit the ego whereas I claim Striner says spooks are abstractions that the ego puts more importance in than itself, when it is supposed to be sovereign.
>being this mad in getting an akcutally post
Maybe stop showing off your stupidity
>exist to
And yet