Allied propaganda thread?
Always love these
Allied propaganda thread?
Always love these
>"For every bullet, one German"
I wonder if there's Polish-made anti-Soviet propaganda. All I could find was made by Germans. Looks like the 1939 invasion was too sudden and surprising for that.
Posters from Polish-Bolshevik war desrve their own thread on of these days. There are some underrated gems there.
damn girl does not skip leg day
thats a Polish-Soviet War era poster
i dont think so, all the iconic ones were Anti-Nazi. The Exiled Government couldnt make direct Anti-Soviet posters
also, posting my fave
OC from American Armor Museum on long island.
Holy shit this is hilarious. The message and the photo.
>allied propoganda thread
You're just asking to be derailed pham
The Anglo fights for no one but the blood god
>the Jews behind Stalin
But... stalin also persecuted the jews, killing them and sending them to Serbia if they didn't stop practicing their religion.
>Being Jewish is just practicing the religion
Lul, they are an entire ethnicity
>German Soldier! You spill your blood in the battle, you suffer terribly and lose everything you have; while back at home the SS rapes your woman.
>The Soviets did a poor job of translating the text into German. The last two lines are written to rhyme (…lande, …Bande) but if you read them as a normal sentence it means: "While back at home your wife rapes the SS."
>For Goebbels the war is not so bad
>He looks for a star for a film
>While others bleed to death
>He is occupied with harlots
>trying to get us fighting among ourselves
lol when are we not fighting amongst ourselves?
Dr. Seuss thread?
Dr. Seuss thread.
I had forgotten that by the end of the war the allies were calling themselves the united nations.
Well Khorne aint gonna appease himself
When we have a common enemy
>when the Soviets even use the color red
The eastern front along should have shown they believe in "Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows"