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Like Sicilians and Western Jews.
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Who beside nordfags and afrocentfags deny this?
Richard Spencer and other Alt-Righties.
>implying /pol/tards are people
Here's the chart by the way.
Irrelevant controlled opposition guy and nordfags
And here's a modern one.
makes the chart simpler and more sensible for people. except for Persians ofc but in general it's better
southern europeans aren't really swarthy, not most of them. If by swarthy you're referring to their skin. They're olive skinned, but that doesn't necessarily mean brown or dark, especially in the case of most greeks and italians.
Scandinavians and continental germanic people actually tend to have a more coloured complexion then southern europeans, a kind of golden-orange-light brown year round, where as southern europeans are sallow. Darker haired europeans are almost always lighter skinned then fairer haired europeans.
>Richard Spencer and other Alt-Righties.
[citation needed]
He already said Ancient Egypt was White despite their artwork and modern Copts.
>It's been a month, what do you say about the Ancient Greeks being swarthy Meds all along?
>Ancient Greeks
>Defending We Wuz
I like the word swarthy
Wait so what's the punchline?
The ancients didn't give a fuck about skin color.
Modern greek culture is extremely underrated
Of course they did, any minor difference with the shitty village over the other hill where sub-humans spawned and our own glory village, where the gods mingled with our ancestors etc was to be noted, that's why Romans made such a big deal about the roman nose etc. What didn't exist was the modern concept of race, but because they were even more xenophobos. You can see it in some places of Africa or with tribes in the americas or oceania, where people call themselves "the people/true people" and refer to other as false people at best.
And yet somehow they portrayed gods and heroes as bright-haired and bright-eyed.
Really fires your neurons, doesn't it.
literally ancient anime
some of the copts are white looking though
The modern concept of race has always existed, obviously. People have always had eyes. Romans and Greeks realised they looked more alike with other europeans then they did with africans. It just wasn't emphasised because they didn't think it was important at all. They distinguished people more by how the climate of their country would affect their temperament and on features like hair texture, body hair etc. They wanted to ignore the fact that both latin and germanic people were white for example, because they obviously viewed germanic people as barbarians and thought they had nothing in common with them.
There are more than enough of those already.
They aren't "white", if for that you mean Germanic looking, they are very swarthy meds in general, with some more darker and some lighter skined. They don't have anything to do with nords, in that regard Eastern Africans like Ethiopians or Nubians have more influence, while that influnce being more pronunced the more you go to the south, while the more you go north the greater the eastern med influence is more visible, and that's logic. Even then they are pretty homogenous and have the most in common with other north africans.
>The modern concept of race has always existed, obviously.
Why do you feel the need to say that when you even debunk this claim yourself in your post?
Or rather, what the hell do you mean when you say "the modern concept of race has always existed"?
They didn't look like Heidi Klum.
That's a very weird wishfull thinking, Romans didn't care about germanics barbarians until very late, and didn't consider themselves related to them in any way (or with Gauls for that matter) and lots of times they distingished themselves from them both in looks as in character (like calling them giant blondes and without endurance), they were more busy trying to tie themselves with Greeks and Trojan anatolians. The concept we have of race isn't the same concept they had, for them being the sons of that god or the other were more important.
They considered themselves descendents from Trojans first, Latin Italians second, descendents from Trojans second and meds at a very distant third.
>Heidi Klum.
she has dark eyes and dirty blonde, which is very common in greece
> that's why Romans made such a big deal about the roman nose etc
They didn't
I'm reminded of the pre-modern Japanese (and probably East Asian) concept of race too. The Japanese thought they were kin of the Chinese and Koreans insofar as they were "civilized people" and there had been political marriages and such, but otherwise thought they were all separate people with different mythological origins.
Early on they claimed to be descended from some ancient (and non-Chinese) king of Wu, likely for the same reasons Romans claimed to be Trojans, before the insular creation myth became more standard. They also had no more fondness for the Ryukyuans and the various mongolian people than they had for the Ainu.
>Or rather, what the hell do you mean when you say "the modern concept of race has always existed"?
The races as they exist today existed biologically/phenotyptically pretty much exactly as they existed in classical times. Therefore, greeks, romans, other ancient people who were exposed to the diversity of humanity, had some of the modern concept of race by necessity, if we grant that their eyes worked the same way ours do. If they could see white and black people for themselves living in different countries, they would have a concept of that difference.
cosmetically maybe not, but apart from her nose she has strong mediterranean (as in southern european) features
>Achilles, Menelaus, Ajax etc looked like this
Again, you are talking out of you ass. You seem to be an Euro-mutt so I wager you are an USA-tard.
Any German can look and see who is a German or not. Like an Iberian can look and see who is tipical iberian or has nordic or berber blood at a glance. The race concept you have, I repeat, isn't the same the ancients had, were even the most minor nuance in your phenotype marked you as an outsider.
Just because something seems easily deductible from nature and obvious to us doesn't mean it was discovered or interpreted in the same way. Concepts are invented and inherited, and color your perspective. Our concept of races is as arbitrary and idiosyncratic as our concept of continents, and equally foreign to the ancients.
they found steppe related ancestry in Myceneans and none in Minoans, which is exactly what most people expected
only some retards thought Myceneans would resemble Norwegians/Poles or something, as if they didn't already mix on their way south, although one has to consider that proto-Greeks living up north before the first migrations south might have had even more
IIRC a Balkan bronze age sample from another paper on SE Europe this year was sort of inbetween between bronze age steppe and sort of Minoan/neolithic
>only some retards thought Myceneans would resemble Norwegians/Poles or something
>they found steppe related ancestry in Myceneans
Well? The Greek language is Indo-European.
And Jamaica language it's English, or Haiti language it's French.
yeah exactly, but some people had the idea that because early Greeks spoke IE they weren't already mixed with locals and would just be some full blown steppe people or even corded ware related people
anyway, pic related is the study I was talking about, the Yamnaya from 3k BC Bulgaria is very close to the modern Greek cluster(compare with ) but on an even more northern cline
one could say that perhaps modern Greeks are the result of these people mixing with Minoans
after all the Cretan sample from the study of the OP is the most recent one and almost overlaps with mainland Greek variation
>Early on they claimed to be descended from some ancient (and non-Chinese) king of Wu
The Wu nobility claimed their ancestors were descendants of cadet branch of the Ji royal family(Zhou dynasty). Taibo was a historical figure,but his putative migration to the lower Yangtze is in doubt.
According to the Book of Wei,the early Japanese claimed Shaokang as their ancestors while by the Book of Jin they switched to Wu Taibo. Later,immigrant clans fabricated genealogies tracing their ancestry to Emperors from the Qin/Han/Cao Wei as well as nobles from the Warring States.
Both the Wu and the Yamatai were non-Sinitic polities that were tried to establish a distinguished pedigree to impress their Chinese contemporaries.
>using Egyptian art
That's from Pompeii, can you at least read?
Those men are heavily tanned. They'd not look any different from the women, if not tanned.
first of all, you don't cite the source for that claim
it's just written there
who claims this and where?
and people being tanned and brown eyed in Pompeii in Antiquity does not negate the claim that Achilles, Menelaus etc were blond in the Trojan War (~12 000 BC)
If you had an ounce of culture or weren't blind you would see at first glance that those look like the typical Roman paintings from Pompeii
>ty does not negate the claim that Achilles, Menelaus etc were blond in the Trojan War (~12 000 BC)
You mean 1,200 bc?
And that's a myth sweetie :-)
This is the starting Greek football team. Pretty dark if you ask me.
Ancient peoples used to portray the Gods as having piercing blue eyes, skin that was brilliant with light, and other golden features to give them an other worldly image.
If you wanted to make an estimation of what a group of people, who no longer exist, looked like then the artistic representations of themselves should be studied, not the images they made of their Gods. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend.
>Ancient anime characters existed
>if you mean Germanic looking
The concept of whiteness was invented by Spaniards. So they should be used as a reference point, NOT FUCKING GERMANICS!
You just jelly of our tans ghosties.
>swarthy and pale features can be found in all european ethnic groups
>just in different measures
well colour me negroid