Why did South Africa give up it's nuclear weapons program in 1990?
Because FUCK the ANC
As part of the political transition away from apartheid, which they needed to do to not descend into civil war.
This is also why they withdrew from Namibia.
What do nuclear weapons have to do with apartheid?
Because they know Britain (and America) has got their backs. If they were ever threatened we'd step in.
Their unilateral nuclear program was one of the things making them an international pariah state.
Besides, you think they wanted them around in the very real possibility of a military coup or prolonged civil strife.
>real possibility of a military coup
This also.
They saw the current shape of the country coming a mile away, since removing all the problematic coloreds was no longer possible at that point they had to get rid of their nuclear program and all the nukes so the current administration doesn't have access to nuclear weapons.
Open and shut case.
>Hardline anti-communist White supremacist government
>Hands over power to radical Black liberation leftist party with ties to the Communist Bloc
Gee I wonder
I think you mean
>Effective , rational government
>Literal communist niggers whose current president did shit like this
Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, the President of South Africa and current president of the governing political party, the African National Congress (ANC), was charged with rape in the Johannesburg High Court on 6 December 2005. On 8 May 2006, the Court dismissed the charges, agreeing that the sexual act in question was consensual. During the trial, Zuma admitted to having unprotected sex with his accuser, whom he knew to be HIV positive, but claimed that he took a shower afterwards to cut the risk of contracting HIV. This statement has been condemned by the judge, health experts, AIDS activists and the public in general.
>military coup
It would've been more likely that leftists funded black mobs to riot and take over the government that w- oh yeah...
>Effective , rational government
>Muh National Party dindu nuffin wrong
>Muh evil white supremacists
>Blacks Neva did nothing wrong
We did what we had to do for their own benefit. Built them schools, hospitals, farms. Sometimes the blacks get out of hand. What they don't want to admit is that things were better under apartheid than they are now.
But I acknowledged the ANC was shit.
I literally said they were a radical group with ties to the Eastern bloc.
You are the one not being objective here.
Then why complain about the old regime of South Africa if they were objectively better than the ANC?
I didn't complain, I stated the facts () and you got assblasted and begun a /pol/ rant.
>/pol/ rant
It wasn't a rant I was just stating facts to emphasize how shit the ANC is
Because God, Allah, Shiva or whoever is up there is a nice guy and prevented the nightmare of a Niggerdom being a nuclear power. It's already bad enough with Pakistan and Israel having them.
Because 'murrrrrrrrriKKKa
>giving a black run country nuclear weapons.
Because South Africa wanted two, that's right. One for black and one for the white.
>niggers with nukes
One regime being shit doesn't mean the preceding regime couldn't be shit as well, even if it was a bit less shit. You appear to be acting purposefully obtuse.
In the defense of the apartheid regime, these "protests" were more akin to the LA riots than to the pink pussy march. Iirc prior to the sharpeville riot a dozen white policemen had been massacred you can kind of understand why the policemen panicked during the riot.
Anyways, more blacks are probably killed everyday by other blacks in black run south africa than the total death toll of all massacres combined.
Yeah, the sheer scale of the violence committed by the ANC and their supporters is what generally keeps me from viewing the apartheid regime completely negatively as a repressive authoritarian state. Times were different back then, and genocide was a very real fear.
After extensive googling I finally found what I was talking about: the cato manor massacre. 9 policemen hacked to death by a mob.
Interestingly (but rather unsurprisingly) there is no wikipedia entry for the cato manor massacre. Really activates your almonds.
Also they weren't all white, 5 of the 9 policemen were black. But I thought blacks under apartheid were slaves and in no positions of authority? Really gets the old neurons firing.
Nuclear weapons in a country that is majority African.
Literal nightmare fuel, It's bad enough Pakistan is tolerated.
What's the average IQ of an ANC voter?
What the hell does this .gif have to do with your question?
Fucking Christ you /pol/ complainers are a thousand times worse than /pol/ itself.
>you're only allowed to complain about one side of politics at a time, not both!
You did none of those things.
>realize you're an ignorant moron with a simplistic view of some hotly-debated issue
>assume someone must've brainwashed you into being retarded
The poster very clearly condemned (or rather factually described) BOTH sides, you retarded fucking mouthbreather. Its retards like you that give a bad rep to nationalism and white pride. If you could have just the SLIGHTEST bit of objectivity, maybe I could discuss SA and Rhodesia without being branded a racist.
nah in this case its the /pol/ poster thats ruining the thread, and I'm /pol/ myself.
>omg how dare you say anything negative about apartheid, don't you know how bad the ANC is????
Because nukes in nigger hands would be a disaster.
It still sort of is.
Nice rebuttal nigger. Really showing off your 70 IQ points in all their glory.
>Being this retarded
Except maybe the ANC was so shit that what the apartheid government did was absolutely necessary?
>I didn't
My people did. Why do you have such a hard time understanding "folk" as a concept?
Nah in this case it's you being a moron m8. All I did was say
>The ANC is horrible
>Whatever the apartheid government did was justified
Meanwhile all people can say is "Durr /pol/"
>BOTH sides
Which is something I take issue with you moron. Actual Africans (not African Americans) are fucking animals with maybe the top 10% of them being normal.
When you have violent Marxist organization trying to spur a revolution sometimes coercion is all you have left.
>protestors don't follow laws or curfews and antagonize the police by calling them white supremacist dogs/ throwing piss and stones
Just like today!
>was justified
if it was so justified why did it lose?
>there is no wikipedia entry for the cato manor massacre.
Why don't you make one?
Because a bunch of African countries ordered South Africa to end apartheid under threat of war, and South Africa was then sanctioned by the western world for "racism".
And that, young Padawan, is why SA currently has a president who raped a girl he knew had AIDS, but thought showering afterwards would cure him. Then you have the ANC changing "kill the Boer" in the streets and genociding Boer farmers under tacit ANC approval. Which is currently why Boers are under genocide watch by Gregory Stanton , although liberals will do any manner of mental gymnastics to avoid the subject.
But le niggers le aren't human le xDDD
>having no connection to your people
neck yourself
What up with white kids and South Africa?
>Which is currently why Boers are under genocide watch by Gregory Stanton
Not even close user. Also I find it funny how people always bosses over Boers even though they are the trashy rednecks of White South Africa.
Funny thing is that Blacks and Co-loured tried to do shit peacefully for a long time but the SA government shat and attacked them time and time again so of course people would resort to more radical means..
>Not even close user
As I said. Liberal will do anything to avoid and deny the subject because it invalidated their "evil white systematic oppression" garbage that they believe of white lower classes.
>Dude fuck poor people lmao
>Especially if they are white
The funniest part is, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about because you've been spoonfed neoliberal bourgeoisie lies your entire life about hating """"racism""""".
But le race doesn't into existing XD