Something I don't get about Afrocentrism and the whole "WE WAZ KANGZ" shit. They were Kings to some degree. Abyssinia, Mali, etc. These were proud kingdoms with their own rich history. But Afrocentrists always claim other areas as black. From Egypt to fucking China. Why? Why don't they embrace the literal African Kingdoms?
Something I don't get about Afrocentrism and the whole "WE WAZ KANGZ" shit. They were Kings to some degree. Abyssinia...
They are too stupid to know any better
They're never taught about it. The Kushite Kingdom was the best, 3000 years of a rich powerful kingdom that no one knows about it, they build fucking pyramids too.
Not sure, maybe first world countries just want them integrated, so they use some anecdotes about some nig being around long time ago. Teaching them about real african kingdoms could be detrimental to this narrative, OP.
who knows
because they are inscure uneducated supremacists
similar to those idiots who claim egyptians were 100% white
Ancient Egypt was conquered by the Nubians for like 300 years at some point right? That's it. Egypt is an entire continent away from West Africa where most African Americans descend from. It's like me claiming my ancestors built ancient Greece even though my family is English not just because both are white.
Modern racial politics don't tend to have anything to do with the recorded facts, we can see this in white supremacists, who will still like Adolph Hitler despite his wars killing more native europeans than any other conflict before or since, or claiming there's a "European indentity" outside the dreams of a few elites inside the EU.
Because the people spreading this stuff are almost entirely Americans from the ghetto who had an appalling history education, even if they paid attention in class.
Then a few years later when they are looking for an identity they stable across the memes and the info graphics and the fact they were never taught about actual black kingdoms reinforces what this new thing claims.
Most of the stuff written about African history in regards to the kingdoms are in French. All of the afrocentric people speak only english.
>they were kings to some degree
No, they SERVED kings, they themselves were serfs in a monarchy. Fucking dumb niggers.
The Portuguese found places like this when they reached the Kingdom of Kongo.
Actually Loango was a much smaller, far less powerful nation just to the north of the Kongo empire.
Hi there, where can I found a book for online read? The book is this: Rediscovering the Social Group: A Self-categorization Theory
Let me put this is terms you can understand, u best stop worryin about wut u haz been and start worryin about what u is be.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do?
To this day I dont understand the context of this quote.
They were asking Oscar Gamble to comment on the racism and horrible mismanagement found in the NY Yankees in the 1970s. He was basically saying "the company likes to pretend that the problem isn't as bad as it is in reality"
I can get on board with Ethiopia but Mali is a meme.
Stop posting this, everybody knows this is ridiculous, it looks like England, there are horses...
You can't believe every travelers drawing you div.
They use cultures (like Egypt) which are popular knowledge, because they themselves don't want to be associated with kingdoms that are non-pop culture, since those are irrelevant for a daily human being.
Or they're simply ignorant and don't know about them.
>in search of cultural identity beyond the ghettos of the USA
>American Education™ leaves you with little understanding of history or the world
>find some article claiming that such-and-such historical nation was black
>it's a half-baked theory that gets shat on by literally everyone with any knowledge of said nation and is never even considered in academic circles
>believe that you bore witness to some kind of "secret history" that whitey is covering up to keep a brother down
Even if there's a grain of truth in there, such as the Nubian dynasty, enough time in the echo chamber will still warp it into memes, like black people being the real native Americans and the Mississippi actually being the Nile.
>they build fucking pyramids too
What, pyramids for fucking in? Like, sex pyramids?
captcha: 6745 dimboola
Its African Americans that do this so why the fuck would they claim Abyssinia?
Please don't bring that evil down on us again. The only good thing about the famine was that all the Jamaican Hoteps stopped giving a shit about East Africa
how the fuck could this be true if they regressed so badly in as time went on? are they literally retarded, this is obviously fake, whatever in the picture is not even impressive, organized maybe
Because Egypt and Carthage are prestigious in western culture, and as kangz are americans they try to drain the prestige of those civilizations.
Also as said being illiterate morons does not help.
I would also ass the film and tv industry that enable their revisionism with shit like black Hannibal.
historyww is my favourite delusional conspiracy site
Niggers are too stupid to know their own history and too evil to let other peoples keep their own.
>it looks like England
What are you smoking?
>there are horses
>The BaKongo took a broader view of what they wanted from the Portuguese. They were interested in textiles, horses and crafted goods, in particular those made of metal. They also wanted to acquire skills - the skills of masons and carpenters to build European style buildings, and education and literacy, in order to communicate directly with Europe.
Note that this is pretty much what the more northern and eastern Africans were doing with the Muslims already, who had some pretty fine horses for trade.
Also many Africans bred donkeys to transport goods.
Here's a witness account, although I'm not sure I believe the backstory:
>Dogs and cats are to be found in this country. The cats have a longer muzzle than ours ; the dogs do not bark. A missionary saw on the confines of Loango a bay horse which was bounding over the plain; he was of good height, and very handsome ; he suffered himself to be approached very closely. At the moment when the missionary was regarding him, the minister for foreign affairs was coming by; he stopped and told the missionary that he knew that the horse would be very useful to him in the journey he proposed to take through the country ; that if he liked he might make a good bargain of him. The missionary agreed to it, on condition that he should deliver it to him ; but the difficulty of getting to put the bridle on him terminated the business. The tradition is, that the king of England formerly sent two horses, a male and a female, to the King of Loango; that this Prince, after having examined them, ordered them to be set at liberty ; that from that time they had, wandered over the plains and forests, where they bred young ones...
Actually I rather wish the history of horses in Africa would be better covered, but apparently not many people are interested because it doesn't exactly help any narrative (they were usually imported as status symbols and traded for slaves)
Wait, if every ancient culture was 100% black, where/when does oppressive whitey come in and remove blacks from Asia, Europe and Middle-East?
>how the fuck could this be true if they regressed so badly in as time went on?
How did they regress?
> this is obviously fake, whatever in the picture is not even impressive, organized maybe
you sound insulted and I don't even know why you would be.
The same retarded reason that /pol/tards claim Egypt and Greece were all blonde haired blue eyes Aryan master race. They hear about some study somewhere, one of thousands that give conflicting data, then latch onto that one as the unbridled truth repressed by the white man / the jews depending on which brand of retard you are. It's basically confirmation bias, the second you see ANYTHING that even remotely 'proves you right' you cling to it and ignore all contrary evidence, and it's far from just an afrocentrist phenomenon.
The fact that we hear more about the kangz thing is because it's a meme here. People assume more people hold those beliefs because we see more threads about it. It's just as much an outlier as the same nonsense coming from other races.
>click on some links
>The origins of the horse in Senegal are not documented.
>The M'Bayar may either be an autochthonous breed with ancient origins in the area, or may be a descendant of Barb horses from the Maghreb countries to the north
>It is not known where the Barb horse developed; some believe the breed originated in northern Africa during the 8th century... There is controversy over whether the Barb and Arabian horses share a common ancestor, or if the Arabian was a predecessor of the Barb.
>This breed was formed by breeding native horses with an exotic breed. There is very little known about this breed.
Thanks I guess.
I did learn something:
>The Poney du Logone is one of two horse breeds reported to show tolerance of, or resistance to, tsetse-borne trypanosomosis, or "sleeping sickness". The other horse breed reported to be tolerant or resistant is the Bandiagara of Mali and Niger.
It's actually more like if a person from the balkans would claim that his ancestors built the chinese civilisation. The distance is actually even roughly the same.
When Yakub invents them.
So Yakub invents whites that then go and enslave blacks? Is Yakub Satan in afrocentrism?
Authentic, black African Kingdoms are not fetishized to the same extent that Egypt, or other civilizations are by academia, the media, or whatever other repositories of general knowledge. I suspect Afrocentrists don't think mentioning Mali and the like would garner the same respect that mentioning Egypt would, and if you ever take note of some of the negative opinions people on Veeky Forums have of African Kingdoms then they're probably not wrong either. That being said, their take is essentially propaganda in almost the same way that holocaust denial is a thing. It's lying as a means to an end.
Black people in America are most of the time from central or western Africa. Even if Egyptians were blacks, they"d have nothing to do with them. It's as ridiculous as a Russian saying the white race is the greatest while posting pics of the British empire.
>Afrocentrists claim they wuz Kangz
>when they were actually Emperors
Yakub isn't a thing in Afrocentrism, it's a thing in Nation of Islam, which is like a branch of Scientology. And yes, Yakub is like their modok krang satan.
Because they are illiterate.
They say Beethoven was black and they completelly forget about Pouchkine who was partly African.
Because compared to their white and Arab counterparts they were forgettable and insignificant. What dtd Mali contribute to the world in a lasting legacy? A sand castle.
Related and true
>inb4 turbo normie
They copied that from their Egyptian matters.
No that doesn't happen.
It's the niggers that claim everyone and everything is black
I know, right? Nowadays blacks don't even know about the african kingdom of Lithuania
It's pretty goddamn obvious. Egyptians, Canaanites, Babylonians, Israelites, Persians, Moors, Berbers, etc, actually have important cultural significance to the canon of world history. Geographically, the Middle East is kind of near Africa, so why not claim it? There's also possibly the factor of esoteric religious beliefs nuts being appealed to it, but that is tangentially related to cultural/historical significance. The appeal is sheer narcissism built on lies; they wish to be something important, when they are not. Call me the day when a European or Middle Eastern tries to claim an African civilization as something deeply important to them.
I don't understand why this has to be a conversation on Veeky Forums every single day. Yes, kangs are amusing, but their motivations aren't exactly cryptic.
>I don't understand why this has to be a conversation on Veeky Forums every single day.
Because /pol/ needs its circlejerks.
The original stock derives from basically mustangs and the very different way with which horse riding developed shows that it was basically like native Americans in the great plains.
The issue I think you mean is the ways with which horse revolutionized and completely altered West African society. Which is true
The issue is the paucity of archeological sites and the complications in identifying equid bones.
my friend, im of african heritage i can tell you it was all simple housing and mud huts until colonialists came and brought infrastructure, traditional and modern structure in any sustainable sense
those arent egyptians in your pic
Did you even read his post?
skimmed, can you distill it brother, i was pathetically triggered
so its safe to say africa never bred anything valuable to civilization because of comfort, maybe rythm they gave us, is this fair?
so this is the twitter generation
Or Alexander Dumas, who was either a quadroon or an octoroon, I forget which, but either way was not ashamed of it.
user that's not true, there were places in Africa that thrived, usually because they were great locations for trade.
>a sliver black
america ruined ethnic groups and racial idenitty nuane desu
YEA, outsiders come and bring opportunity and make something of it, africa is inexplicably rich in resource, im not denying that, but the literal objective truth is that the civilizations were simple and relatively unimpressive, reasonably so, they had it good, blacks today are embarrassed due to an inferiority complex and have to grab at other non black cultures to validate their worth, its embarrassing. just admit we lost the lottery and move on with dignity instead of turning into apes, theres still literal cannibalism in some areas
what did he say
Dumas was black enough that people in his time criticized his skin for being a very dark shade of white.
I should backtrack by saying europe instead of america, the idea of even a drop and you are no longer white but considred completely black, they lacked sophistication back then, anyways conversations on race are retarded
More like he got a letter that basically said "oh yeah, well you're part-nigger!" and Dumas responded with, "yes, my grandmother was black. Do you have a problem with that, asshole? I love my grandma."
do you understand how retarded of an idea racial idenity is, if you are half black, you are considered black, not white, for ABSOLUTELY no reason. its all bullshit
1% of shit in water is still shit water
Back to /pol/ stormnigger
They want a Rome, not a Second Bulgarian Empire. They want to be the best Kangz that ever don do
There are nutters in every race who claim shit was theirs that wasn't.
And there are nutters in every race who comb through other races for weird ideologies in order to make mountains out of molehills
>proud kingdoms
Am I the only one who laughs at that phrase? Imagine how much we'd make fun of, say, a serbian if he started talking about his ancestor's "proud kingdoms". Proud. Kingdoms.
Sigh, but I guess nigs get a free pass.
Certain Roman colonies in Britain are known to have had huge numbers of North African citizens, therefore as an Anglo I have decided to claim Ramses II as my forebear
Even in good school districts history education gets the shaft. Social studies aren't important to the all consuming standardized tests that determine your district's funding.
All the average ghetto American knows is the shit that comes up in pop-culture.
Serbians and other uncultured second-worlders actually do that all the time, they're rather infamous for it.
good to know you can't distinguish between composition and contamination you fuckin autist, go to siberia u fuckin goat
East Africa has (as it has always had) close ethnic, religious and cultural ties to MENA
The modern Western negro is descended from West, Central and occasionally Southern Africans.
East Africans and Nubians have had fascinating cultures for thousands of years, the antecedents of Jamal and Lafontaneequa have not
The sole factor in the distinguished development process of isolated ethnic groups is logically due to geographical reasons not genetic, environment actually INFORMS your genetics, so people who think this is a pissing contest or comparing cocks, one day you WILL be circumcised and chopped.
Except Serbian kings were part of a wider European monarchic tapestry, and involved in the creation of literature, music, art, complex legal systems, etc, and fought against the Ottomans, Greeks, etc
Taking pride in Dušan the Mighty as a modern Serb makes more sense than LARPing as Oba of Benin when you're Afro-American (whose ancestors were probably sold to whitey by Oba's great-grandparents)
you realize that the one drop rule gives more power to the people you hate, right?
No it makes us more pure
Brazil abandoned this now every other "white" has 12% West African
That turned out great for them
One drop rule keeps white pure and whiteness intact. Brazil is what awaits us when we forget that
Yes, and? The entirety of civilzation is basically copying what others did.
You got shit in the water, you go far enough back
Yeah I'm sure the modern Serb is descended from valiant Serbian knights who died young fighting the Turks and not the peasants who were ruthlessly exploited by Dushan the LARPer to fund his fruitless imperial ambitions and later sold out by their traitorous handlers under Ottoman rule, all thanks to Dushan's efforts in completely destabilizing and wrecking the region.
In short balkaniggers are niggers.
> The appeal is sheer narcissism built on lies; they wish to be something important, when they are not.
Correct. Your heritage doesn't make you important. Your actions do.
>Call me the day when a European or Middle Eastern tries to claim an African civilization as something deeply important to them.
It is obvious by this statement that you think you are important. you think of yourself as ionic columns and marble statues but really you're a piece of shit on a Chilean Juggalo Figure Collecting board, and so am I. :)