What did Hitler have against Communism? Isn't National Socialism basically the same thing?
What did Hitler have against Communism? Isn't National Socialism basically the same thing?
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>what did hitler have against communism
it's a murderous, insane nonfunctional system that inevitably results in butchery, starvation, social stratification, mass murder, widespread alienation, imperialism etc.
>isn't it the same thing
no, not at all.
communism is internationalism, national socialism is national.
national socialism doesn't embrace class struggle and the resulting red terror
national socialism retains private enterprise to some degree
national socialism is about as far as you can get from communism and still remain somewhat authoritarian.
>Isn't National Socialism basically the same thing?
Not at all. They're more like opposites of each other.
National Socialism is in harmony with nature. It's basically the Indo-European vedic traditions like Hinduism in modern form.
Communism is fundamentally against nature. It is Judaism.
Hitler wanted to spread the German genes across Europe, and Russia (the SU) was the perfect starting point.
Communism is International Socialism. Nazism is National Socialism
They're the two sides of the same coin
Kys fucking natsoctard jesus christ you guys are retarded
>Indo-European vedic traditions
>No hereditary based castes
>Literally socialist
I hope you fucking die, Nazism is Judaism as much as communism, if more, since it also pulls the nationalist sentiments subversively.
I'm not even anti-Semitic but the overwhelming Jewish representation in all Communist movements was the biggest reason.
Thanks, that makes sense. Fuck communism, its an ideology of murder
This. Communism is inherently Jewish. Hitler realized something was fishy about it since under communism Jews end up in the position of power.
Communists want to destroy the west. Hitler wanted to save the west so communism was obviously a thread.
He wanted "socialism in one country", sort of similar to Stalin, as opposed to an International with all workers everywhere involved. Of course, the problem with that is all the capitalist/imperialist countries surrounding yours team up to sanction, blockade, invade and destroy you.
Hitler wasn't socialist
Well communists like Lenin or Stalin did want international socialism which is opposite of Hitler who wanted to base it on nationalistic beliefs.
They only wanted their own kind in the positions of power unlike Hitler who wanted the whole country to do well and live with as much rights as anyone else
the commies in germany were incredibly anti nationalistic. Hitler was a national
Communism is an open project
>What did Hitler have against Communism?
jewry, internationalism, degeneracy. seeing destructive revolutions from commies in germany probably didn't help either.
> Isn't National Socialism basically the same thing?
no, not in any way
>tfw when your autism makes natsocs more tolerable by comparison
>Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.
t. Adolph Hitler
National Socialism was a completely different system from Communism. Notably the NatSocs believed in private property and rejected class conflict. You could say that Strasserism, however, was very similar to Stalin at his most nationalist. Also /pol/ get out.
These threads are always fun since they show how little poltards actually know about the ideology they cherish, or at least how many illusions they hold about it.
Finally someone calls out the elephant in the room. Only Strasser had any claim to be a natsoc, not Hilter.
His point is that Hitler wasn't Socialist as in the Marxist kind like the Soviets were.
Nice argument
He was more to the right but still a socialist. Just not marxist.
Company owners had to be loyal to the government and didn't have much economic freedom. It's still a totalitarnian collectivist state.
Hitler was madman and a looser as well
>it's a murderous, insane nonfunctional system that inevitably results in butchery, starvation, social stratification, mass murder, widespread alienation, imperialism etc.
>All of these characterstics were present in Nazi regime
Really makes me think.
>all of these /pol/ responses
>not one response based on the early history of the NSDAP
The militant nationalists who started the Nazi party began as being anti-Bolshevik and ultra-nationalist to the point of quickly adopting an intra-party eugenics policy, and Hitler was one of the most reactionary supporters of the base ideology (he resigned when the executive members of the party were planning to merge with the Social Democratic Party).
read Joseph Goebbels his speech on the subject
NatSoc and communism are mortal enemies and will always seek to destroy one another. NatSoc tries to take the best of capitalism (efficiency maximisation, private entrepreneurship,...) and tries to combine this with the best of socialism (free education, free healthcare, vacation money, pensions,...)
all of this on a nationalist and ethnic level meaning that only your fellow countrymen and race will be able to enjoy the benefits of this system while leeches and foreigners get cut out. This proved to be a very effective system that to this day still holds the record for highest economic growth and prosperity growth ever recorded.
>NatSoc and communism are mortal enemies
But enemy collaboration is the best collaboration.
indeed even enemies found grounds of mutual interests at time
even the nazi high command had to agree to a short-term peace deal with the Sovjets
> This proved to be a very effective system that to this day still holds the record for highest economic growth and prosperity growth ever recorded.
You don't have a brain to think with.
credit where credit is due, it might have been an amoral system considering the ethnical discrimination but the nazis did have a remarkable economic model. Hjalmar Schacht was a damn genius, he'd probably be praised to this day if he was an American economist and not a nazi Germany one...
>all of this on a nationalist and ethnic level meaning that only your fellow countrymen and race will be able to enjoy the benefits of this system while leeches and foreigners get cut out. This proved to be a very effective system that to this day still holds the record for highest economic growth and prosperity growth ever recorded.
Do you really believe that?
Kek, butthurt much?
Your dumb ideology is just as dumb as communism, sweetie.
Yeah, never mind that whole needing war to pay back debts thing.
>remarkable economic model
Which led to very shallow recovery and raised debt so much even Greeks would be jealous.
One of reasons why Germans had to start the war, was because they were running out of liquidity.
>This proved to be a very effective system that to this day still holds the record for highest economic growth and prosperity growth ever recorded.
Except, you know, post-war Wirtschaftswunder.
Wow, great argument. National Socialism is just as retarded as Communism.
>this is what the average Drumpfster actually believes
look at this triggered leftypol cucks, do you want a safespace?
>Hitler viewed Strasser's actions as a threat to his authority, and summoned 60 Gauleiters and party leaders, including Goebbels, to a special conference in Bamberg, in Streicher's Gau of Franconia, where he gave a two-hour speech repudiating Strasser's new political programme.[46] Hitler was opposed to the socialist leanings of the northern wing, stating it would mean "political bolshevization of Germany." Further, there would be "no princes, only Germans," and a legal system with no "... Jewish system of exploitation ... for plundering of our people." The future would be secured by acquiring land, not through expropriation of the estates of the former nobility, but through colonizing territories to the east.[45] Goebbels was horrified by Hitler's characterisation of socialism as "a Jewish creation" and his assertion that a Nazi government would not expropriate private property. He wrote in his diary: "I no longer fully believe in Hitler. That's the terrible thing: my inner support has been taken away."[47]
After reading Hitler's book Mein Kampf, >Goebbels found himself agreeing with Hitler's assertion of a "Jewish doctrine of Marxism".[48] In February 1926 Goebbels gave a speech titled "Lenin or Hitler?" in which he asserted that communism or Marxism could not save the German people, but he believed it would cause a "socialist nationalist state" to arise in Russia.[49] In 1926, Goebbels published a pamphlet titled "Nazi-Sozi" which attempted to explain how National Socialism differed from Marxism.[50]
Soviets and Nazis were different side of the same Marxist coin.
Goebbels jerked off to early Stalin regime before they switched to anti-commie policy because of the german people.
Ruskie commies supported Recih with strategic resources.
Stalin send the Jews that escaped from Reich back to the Reich as a token of friendship.
Americans taught that Soviets are in German Axis.
Same shit, different day. You all have ben fooled, stomfaggots. Nazis and Soviets are the same Jewish shit.
go away goy
shut your whore mouth you illiterate piece of shit
>readily admits that both sides were ok with killing Jews
>hurrrr both sides were Jewish you /pol/tards
The closer two things are, the more pronounced the differences between them become.
Is it me or has there been an increase of 'Nazis were commies all along!' threads here and other boards as of late? Methinks this are /pol/'s reddit refugees who want to distance themselves from Nazisms as far away as possible by pushing it to the other side of the spectrum. Is not like liking capitalism and the free market forces you to not be able to think Ancaps are fucking retards just because you are on the side side in a made up line.
the soviets literal created a massive safe space for Jews and made antisemitism a capital offense
Its a leftypol psyop
obviously. you should be scared by modern day socialist because most of them are commies hiding in sheeps clothing.
honestly the capitalist system the west is operating under right now might be flawed etc.. but the standard of living has never been this high in the history of humanity. fuck nazi and commie retards, they are just bored larpers.
>massive safe space for Jews
>national socialism retains private enterprise to some degree
>national """socialism"""
>he doesn't know Stalin's anti-semetic later years
This is how misinformation works.
Autonomous oblast was an administrative unit, it wasn't some special Jewish privilege. As you can see, other peoples also had their own autnomous oblasts.
>the soviets literal created a massive safe space for Jews and made antisemitism a capital offense
There is a difference between normal jewish folk and world jewry.
Its not, but Hitler wasnt national socialist, StalinĀ“s USSR was basicaly type of Strasserism
You certainly put an end to that! Way to go Spartacus !
Go away shariahblue
>changing your mind years after you helped them destroy Europe
is that nigel farage to the left of hitler in the picture? I fucking knew he was a nazi
>assblasted /pol/ack: the post
no, faggot. They are nearly polar opposites. If you knew the basics of communism, you would realise it's heavily against nationalism.
That's a good picture, user. Because it shows Henry Ford's support to the Nazis in the 30's with equipment. The west actively supported Nazi germany and hitler through his rise to power in an attempt to curb communism from spreading to the west.
>you're assblasted because you're not a brainwashed leftypol shill
every single fucking thread
I don't believe in Jewish conspiracies generally but it probably didn't help the communist who tried to take power after ww1 with Rosa Luxembourg were almost entirely Jewish which just added fuel to the Judeo-Bolshevik idea.
>but it probably didn't help the communist who tried to take power after ww1 with Rosa Luxembourg were almost entirely Jewish
Man, when will this retarded myth stop?
>only focusing on the Spartakusbund
>ignoring all the people in the huge popular uprisings
>ignoring almost the entire rest of the people in the Spartakusbund, including Karl Liebknecht, who played a bigger role than Luxemburg
american know-how was building the massive tractor factories in the USSR at the same time.
save us Harris
WTF? I love antifa now!
because you're a cuck leftypol shll
Damn dude you sure showed me
>small breasts
>refrigerator body
Proof radical politics are the escape of the lonely.
helo ware ar boobs?
lel, anyone who posts an opinion contrary is a shill
>ever lonely
>Isn't National Socialism basically the same thing?
Not in the fucking least, I don't say this to be rude, but read some more, holy shit.
naw, just a bunch of kikes hanging around butthurt that not every corner of the internet licks their feet.
>but the standard of living has never been this high in the history of humanity
That's thanks to scientifical progress, not capitalism.
gtfo phoneposter
Just because it has socialism in its name doesn't mean that it actually was socialism.
They called it socialism to get the workers support.
>Every woman is a + 8/10 that can have sex whenever she wants
>not knowing he killed them for being dirty trots
>thinking he killed them because durr juice
Capitalism enabled that scientific progress though, it didn't happen in a vacuum.
Literal 500 lbs immobile beasts can find themselves a beta husband or at least a fat fetishist. Getting a partner as a female is literally the easiest shit ever unless you look like pic related, and even then you could probably find some poor sucker.
>universities are capitalist inventions
It didn't enable it. Scientifical progress is as old as humanity itself if not more. Realizing that a sharp rock can easily cut through animal skin and using it is scientifical progress and it was much older than capitalism.
>Literal 500 lbs immobile beasts can find themselves a beta husband or at least a fat fetishist.
You do realize that the same can be said about men right?
Interestingly enough there were several thousand times more inventions in 200 years of capitalism than there were in 1400 years of feudalism.
Correlation does not imply causation
No it cannot unless the guy is loaded with money.