Is this true, Veeky Forums? It goes against what I've been taught to believe about Chinese strategy being more nuanced than thickheaded Western tactics
Is this true, Veeky Forums...
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Anglos were cowards who ran away with tails between their legs and somehow deluded themselves into thinking it was a heroic accomplishments.
Anglos refusing to accept peace against an continental European power unable to directly challenge them has been a method tested and vindicated for centuries.
funny coming from the commie rats who hide in the countryside while eternal leader Jiang Jieshi staved off the j*panese barbarians
The true hero of China was Wang Jingwei
But isn't a big part of chinese propaganda about glorifying another long retreat by foot ?
why do chinese people try to ban everything ffs it's just a christopher nolan movie
How is this any different from Mao's Long March, or the legendary fighting retreat in Romance of the Three Kingdoms where Liu Bei protected fleeing civilians
>The film came under fire not only for its portrayal of an un-Chinese evacuation, but also for glorifying General Sir Harold Alexander.
>Gen Alexander, who helped oversee the 1940 ‘miracle of Dunkirk’, is considered a war hero in the UK, but is despised by some in China due to a belief that he caused the death of thousands of Chinese soldiers.
>During the Second World War, China’s government was forced to retreat its capital from the eastern city of Nanjing further inland to Chongqing in 1937 because of the Japanese invasion.
>The government of Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese leader, held on for eight years until 1945. Chiang famously said that he ‘traded land for time’.
>Gen Alexander, one of the key figures at Dunkirk, fought with distinction in World War One, and then in most of the key Second World War theatres.
>He has been criticised in China for being involved with the retreat of British, Chinese and United States troops from Burma (Myanmar) into India in 1942, which some in China say resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers.
>Among a series of posts on China’s Kuaibao news website calling for a boycott of the film was a comment which said Gen Alexander’s successes were “built on the blood and bones of the Chinese expeditionary force”.
>New Weekly, a Chinese magazine, compared Dunkirk to Wolf Warrior 2, a patriotic, all-action movie in which the Chinese hero overcomes Western baddies via a series of explosive and dramatic action sequences.
>“Wolf Warrior 2 depicts complete victory,” New Weekly said. “Whereas Dunkirk is about a disastrous retreat, which is very different from traditional Chinese values, so it will not perform very well at the box office.”
>Wolf Warrior 2, which became China’s top grossing film ever over the summer, has the tagline : ‘Whoever offends China will be hunted down no matter how far away they are.’
>snatching hundreds of thousands of soldiers out from the jaws of death, on a fleet of pleasure yachts and fishing boats, while they're continually bombed to shit from the air
>not an heroic accomplishment
Why can't continentals into long term strategy?
If anything, French are the ones who should have boycotted this revisionist movie
Dunkirk was basically a bunch of French CONSCRIPTS fighting a rearguard action against the Germans so Britsh PROFESSIONAL soldiers could run away from the war on CIVILIAN ships
Yet, the only French depicted in the movie is a cowardly dude disguising as a Brit to run way
But then again, the French have no self-respect left
They bought BF1 en mass despite it being a revisionist game that purpotedly excluded them from WW1 to give the spotlight to Brits
>How is this any different from Mao's Long March
Mao didn't drag an ally into a war and then abandoned them when things went wrong.
Did you miss the French guys at the sandbags right at the start who were holding the line and let the English through to the beach?
This isnt even the first time they pull that kind of shit
They did that tons of time in their history
>When Moore realized he was in serious danger of having to fight Napoleon, he called off his advance and went into headlong retreat.[40]
>Several times the discipline of the British broke down, on 28 December British troops pillaged and looted Benavente,[51] at Bembibre on 2 January, hundreds of British soldiers got so inebriated on wine, and not for the first or last time,[52] that they had to be abandoned and were captured or cut to pieces by the pursuing French dragoons.[53]
>Napoleon would write to his brother Joseph[47] on 31 December:
>"My vanguard is near Astorga; the English are running away as fast as they can ... they are abhorred by everybody; they have carried off everything, and then maltreated and beaten the inhabitants. There could not have been a better sedative for Spain than to send an English army.[48]"
There are three other exemples of them Dunkirking out of the Continent during the Napoleonic War (one in 1795, one in 1799 and one in 1807)
T. Someone who didn't see the movie.
When the random British soldier (Harry Styles?) on the boat calls the Frenchman a coward, the main character stands up and says he's trying to survive JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. This is after the Frenchman has repeatedly saved the main character and the random British soldier is portrayed as an unsympathetic dickhead who gets burned to death minutes later.
t. mad frenchaboo
He earned his spot on 紫金山
this I don't approve of China's authoritarianism however I can't really blame them, such a blatant and complete denial of reality certainly is not mentally healthy and not something you want spreading through the general population, for their own benefit more than political reasons.
It can be contrasted with the rape of Nanking, an absolute disaster for China which Chinese movie makers make 0 attempt to put a spit shine gloss on.
At the battle of Vittoria during the Peninsular War of 1813 the French baggage train was captured and such was its value that discipline in the British Army broke down. Looting was widespread, some private soldiers became millionaires overnight, and the Duke of Wellington was quite unable to pursue the defeated French. Among the booty was Joseph Bonaparte's silver chamber pot, given to him by his brother, the Emperor Napoleon. This was 'liberated' by a troop of the 14th Light Dragoons. To this day officers of that regiment (now the King's Royal Hussars) drink champagne from it on special occasions
>Whoever offends China will be hunted down no matter how far away they are
Someone really needs to humble these fags.
>What is the long march?
Who cares what the Chinks think anyway? They're dumb insects
The film literally portrays it as a desperate struggle for survival and ends on Churchill's "Wars are not won by evacuations" quote. The only place it's memed as a crushing victory over the Germans is in Veeky Forums memes.
Apparently the main soldiers name is Tommy. They should have made it even more blatant and called him Thomas Everyman.
Nolan is a fucking hack.
>Tommy Atkins is slang for a common soldier in the British Army. It was certainly well established during the nineteenth century, but is particularly associated with World War I. It can be used as a term of reference, or as a form of address.
>I'm just going to shit on the movie even though I obviously haven't seen it
What did the retard mean by this?
>the only French depicted in the movie is a cowardly dude
Not only are the French shown to be the ones holding the line at the beginning, that "cowardly dude" is literally shown to be the bravest man in the film. He not only saves the injured man on the stretcher at the beginning by getting him on the boat but he also stays on the ship after it gets torpedoed and opens the hatch so the people drowning inside can escape, he could have just jumped off the side instead of risking his life.
Eat shit.
So this is what Chinese triggering looks like
>Among the booty was Joseph Bonaparte's silver chamber pot, given to him by his brother, the Emperor Napoleon
Imagine being a British soldier who decides to desert from his army because he's basically a millionaire now that he has looted.....Napoleon's brother's portable toilet
Because they share borders.