I was an early adopter of bitcoin. I sold too early, but made enough that I'd never need to work again in my life. I bought a farm. With a good water supply. I can grow my own food. Raise my own animals. Because it's healthy as fuck. You should consider it. In the future we will kill each other over food and clean water. Buy guns. Buy gold and silver and bury it discretely. Tell the rest of the world to fuck off. Living in a city you will be ground zero for future fuckery. I live in the tropics. You can do this in any country that fits your budget. Once you're at that point where life will be cozy, get the fuck out. Because this game won't last forever. Enjoy
Let me tell you faggots a secret
I've got three bitcoins only.
I'd just have to wait some ten years to do the same.
I hope your 3btc will one day get you to where I am, user.
I didn't even pay much for my farm. Little over 300k USD. And it's a brand new big house with about 100 acres. Godspeed
Enjoy your global warming
What country? Sounds really nice.
OP you are pathetic
I won't stop until i'm a multimillionaire
I dont want some fucking dirt hut on some island in the middle of butt fuck nowhere
I want a mansion in the city of my choosing, I want to be able to pay any beautiful woman to let me throat fuck her
This game might not last forever, but it's going to last the next decade at least.
Listen to this man Veeky Forums.
He speaks truths.
This is my goal once I have enough gains.
My goal aswell. Sucks to only have like 550 dollars in crypto and can only add like 400 dollars a month... Will do this for the next 2 years and just allin bancor, dgb and eth.
lol, I was with you until you said to buy gold and silver, the boomer shitcoins.
you're living my dream bro, good for you! I'm hopefully there in 1 or 2 years, currently turned 10k into 100k, just 20X more to go
Sounds comfy user. I just want an airstream to park on the ocean in the summers and a yurt to relax in the winter.
lmao, you always hedge you bets, lmao putting 100% into internet curency, lmao at not having a safe with silver/gold and cash for your retirement winnings
I still hold crypto. But yes. Diversify. All in on crypto is dumb. Hold things that have value real estate, metals, skills, resources, guns, etc. If you're starting from scratch, crypto will get you going. I don't need more money now but night want to move when I'm older
The tropics are shit tier. Shitty weather and shittier people.
when shit collapses you know they'll be paying you a visit first, don't you?
The rich white farmer on his own in Nicaragua. Sounds real fucking safe.
I don't know if this country can get worse. I feel comfy here.
See Zimbabwe. That's what happens to white folks surrounded by non-whites when everything goes truly pear-shaped ie the food conveyor belt stops for an extended period.
>lmao, you always hedge you bets, lmao
>the only two investments are cryptocoins (a ponzi, right my fellow boomers?) and shiny rocks
Don't really agree with your prepper disdain for fellow humans, but I envy you.
I also just want to have a comfy house in the mountains, enough land to farm, a gold bearing stream in my backyard and a bunch of solar panels and a good 5G connection.
Why is everyone assuming I'm white?
>non-white prepper
Sure, pal.
I was fortunate enough to get locked up for drug trafficking while I held 2200 btc in my wallet. Got out last year and found out I made more in prison than if I would have worked a regular job. Kek
Do you still have those 2200 BTC? If you do than you've already made it user.
I kinda did the exact same thing, although far less land and I sure the fuck aint living there full or even close to part time, but you can buy tracts of land and houses down there with wagecuck jobs up here.
How many tinder matches could you possibly get on a farm?
pussy is life
farm animals need love too ;^)
You sound like count grishnackh.
Nothing like a rich psycho trailer trash.
>2200 BTC
>Double what I have
I know an early adopter. I am seriously thinking at kidnapp him at gun point and torture until he reveals what (or where) are their bitkeys.
I would gladly go to prision. One day the state will end.
I guess if you fail at life theres always this plan
i had a techie friend in 2010, every day dude was telling me i should be buying bitcoins, offered to teach me to mine them. it sounded like the dumbest shit i ever heard. told him he was wasting his time with it.
congrats OP but why the fuck nicaragua?
Im planning to set up shop in new zealand where all the tech billionaires have their boltholes
still in low five figures though, Id need at least 7 figs to retire in comfiness
With kidnapping, torture and attempted murder you would go to prison for a LONG time, especially in the US. You'd be so old by the time they would release you that you wouldn't give a shit about money, that's if bitcoins would be worth anything by then and not made completely illegal.
It was a place I visited and I liked it. Plus I married a woman originally from here so it made the transition easy. Real estate is cheap. And the landscape is beautiful. So I was sold